how science teachers address different course levels

by Evalyn Halvorson PhD 10 min read

What are the advantages of being a science teacher?

As a science teacher, you have the advantage of being able to put the learning in the students’ hands — oftentimes literally. You have options an English teacher could only dream of.

What are the differentiated instruction strategies for Science?

Differentiated instruction strategies for science Emma McCrea (2019) suggests setting up “Help Stations,” where peers assist each other. Those that have more knowledge of the subject will be able to teach those that are struggling as an extension activity and those that are struggling will receive.

Are handouts and worksheets effective for teaching science?

Handouts and worksheets can be effective in small doses, but science is all about interacting with the physical world around us, so why wouldn’t you expose them to the real deal, rather than giving them a worksheet about it? Teaching science to visual learners means giving them hands-on demonstrations, graphs, charts and creative projects.

How can teachers differentiate instruction according to Tomlinson?

According to Tomlinson, teachers can differentiate instruction through four ways: 1) content, 2) process, 3) product, and 4) learning environment. 1.

What is the teacher's role in teaching science?

A science teacher provides instruction and guidance to help students explore and understand important concepts in science, including problem-solving and how to gather evidence to support ideas or decisions.

What do you do to align your science instruction with technology standards and the developmental level of your students?

Here are the top ways we've found to use technology to enhance teaching science.Show Educational & Interactive Videos. ... Listen to Podcasts. ... Play Lesson Games. ... Use Classroom Management Apps. ... Use Smart Phone & Tablet Apps. ... Go on a Virtual Field Trip. ... Get Student Feedback with Surveys & Polls.

How can we improve science teaching and learning?

Seven ways to improve science teaching, according to the EEFBuild on the ideas that pupils bring to lessons. ... Help pupils direct their own learning. ... 3 . ... Support pupils to retain and retrieve knowledge. ... Use practical work as part of a learning sequence. ... Develop scientific vocabulary. ... Use structured feedback.

What is effective science teaching?

Encourages scientific thinking Effective science teachers involve students in making sense of natural events and the science ideas underlying them. In other words, they actively engage students in wondering and figuring out science phenomena around them and how they happen.

How can technology be used most effectively in the various fields of specialization to support and assess student learning?

Technology can help teachers track and assess their students' -- as well as their own -- performance in the classroom. It can also be used to facilitate communication between students and teachers and to create digital records of student growth and development that can easily be passed along from grade to grade.

What are some technologies that can help facilitate science instruction and engage students?

Educational technology tools such as computers, probeware, data collection and analysis software, digital microscopes, hypermedia/multimedia, student response systems, and interactive white boards can help students actively engage in the acquisition of scientific knowledge and development of the nature of science and ...

What is the best strategies in teaching science and why?

Five science teaching techniques to tryReal-life scenarios that involve case studies and ways of analyzing current problems.Peer-to-peer teaching, which involves students in their own education.Hands-on activities that engage students beyond the lecture and teach useful scientific concepts.More items...•

How can you make science more interesting for students?

How to make Science Interesting for StudentsUse real-life examples.Use multiple resources.Improve the concept with imaging.Include interesting Games.Explore Outdoor.Learn with your students.Provide a Science Kit.Assign Projects to Groups.More items...

How do you teach science students?

How To Teach Science Effectivelyunderstand why science is important!see themselves as scientists.recognize the scientific method and be able to carry out each step properly. ... identify a few common tools scientists use and be able to use them correctly.follow a few simple safety rules.

What are the characteristics of a good science teacher?

Other qualities of a good science teacher include being passionate about teaching effective, curriculum and standards-based science lessons, showing up for work early and helping their school excel.

What is a kinesthetic learner?

Kinesthetic Learners. The kids in the class who just can’t seem to sit still or keep their hands to themselves are probably your kinesthetic learners. For these kids, a reading assignment is less fun than a trip to the dentist. Lessons should include hands-on demonstrations as often as possible.

What is an auditory learner?

Auditory Learners. Auditory learners are the students who most effectively learn in the traditional, didactic style. These students process information best when they hear it, so offering clear, detailed oral instructions can be the simplest way to engage them with a task.

What is the teacher's persona?

The two most common teaching personas are: The Lecturer: The lecturer will dictate information to the child, expecting rote memorization ...

What is running drill?

Practices usually involve running drills that focus on a fundamental skill. These drills often involve movements and routines that the players will never actually repeat in the course of a game. Think of the agility ladder used in gyms and on football fields all across the country.

How many versions of a lesson can you do at once?

No one expects you to deliver five versions of your lesson simultaneously, so you aren’t going to be able to cater to every learning style every time. Instead, it’s best to rotate between visual lessons, hands-on lessons, lecture-based lessons and group projects throughout the course of the year.

What is the other half of a teacher's job?

The other half of a teacher’s job is to effectively assess the students’ knowledge. Testing is the most controversial subject in the field of education now, with discussions taking place at every level about the effectiveness of standardized testing for measuring student mastery.

What does it take to be a mentor?

Taking a mentorship role requires creativity, patience and an interminable well of emotional support. It’s tough to watch students struggle and get frustrated, but in many cases, this puts the kids in position to take control of their own learning.

What differentiated instructional strategies can you use in your classroom?

According to Kathy Perez (2019) and the Access Center those strategies are tiered assignments, choice boards, compacting, interest centers/groups, flexible grouping, and learning contracts. Tiered assignments are designed to teach the same skill but have the students create a different product to display their knowledge based on their comprehension skills. Choice boards allow students to choose what activity they would like to work on for a skill that the teacher chooses. On the board are usually options for the different learning styles; kinesthetic, visual, auditory, and tactile. Compacting allows the teacher to help students reach the next level in their learning when they have already mastered what is being taught to the class. To compact the teacher assesses the student’s level of knowledge, creates a plan for what they need to learn, excuses them from studying what they already know, and creates free time for them to practice an accelerated skill.

What is product in a lesson?

The product is what the student creates at the end of the lesson to demonstrate the mastery of the content. This can be in the form of tests, projects, reports, or other activities. You could assign students to complete activities that show mastery of an educational concept in a way the student prefers, based on learning style.

Why do teachers need to become language teachers?

ASCD (2012) writes that all teachers need to become language teachers so that the content they are teaching the classroom can be conveyed to the students whose first language is not English.

Why is differentiated instruction important?

Research shows differentiated instruction is effective for high-ability students as well as students with mild to severe disabilities. When students are given more options on how they can learn material, they take on more responsibility for their own learning.

What is compacting in teaching?

To compact the teacher assesses the student’s level of knowledge, creates a plan for what they need to learn, excuses them from studying what they already know, and creates free time for them to practice an accelerated skill. Interest centers or groups are a way to provide autonomy in student learning.

How do teachers differentiate instruction?

According to Tomlinson, teachers can differentiate instruction through four ways: 1) content, 2) process, 3) product, and 4) learning environment. 1. Content. As you already know, fundamental lesson content should cover the standards of learning set by the school district or state educational standards.

What are the levels of learning?

The six levels are: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Students who are unfamiliar with a lesson could be required to complete tasks on the lower levels: remembering and understanding.

What is the term for the ability to plan and act in light of one's own traits?

Sometimes called social intelligence. Intrapersonal — Sensitivity to one’s own feelings, goals and anxieties, and the capacity to plan and act in light of one’s own traits. It is not particular to specific careers; rather, it connects to the ability of every individual to make consequential decisions for oneself.

What is a delegator style?

In this style, the teacher is an active observer working to guide students in the right direction.

What is the capacity to conceptualize the logical relations among actions or symbols?

Logical-Mathematical — The capacity to conceptualize the logical relations among actions or symbols (e.g. mathematicians, scientists). Interpersonal — The ability to interact effectively with others. Sensitivity to others’ moods, feelings, temperaments and motivations (e.g. negotiator).

What is hybrid approach?

The hybrid approach may integrate elements of the styles discussed above, often blending the teacher’s personality and interests with those of the students. While this method is considered inclusive, enabling teachers to tailor their styles to student needs within the subject matter, some educators believe it risks diluting the learning process by placing less emphasis on in-depth study than when following a single, focused approach.

What is a facilitator teacher?

The facilitator/teacher is focused on promoting self-learning and helping students develop critical learning and thinking skills. A student-centered approach, it involves creating learning plans and classes that require students to explore and discover the course content in creative and original ways.

What is a masters in education?

Educators who are motivated to develop a deeper understanding of different teaching styles, learning styles, instructional theory and much more will often pursue a Master of Education degree. Such programs not only present an opportunity to become a better educator, in many school districts obtaining an M.Ed. will also earn teachers a salary increase.

What is teacher centered approach?

The teacher-centered approach to education positions the teacher as the expert who is in charge of imparting knowledge to his or her students via lectures or direct instruction. In this approach (sometimes called “sage on the stage”), students are passive actors or “empty vessels,” listening and absorbing information.
