how often should you log in to the course to be successful

by Sarah Treutel 9 min read

Should you make your online course twice as long?

If, on the other hand, people come away from it without half the answers they wanted, you probably needed to make it twice as long and include supplements -- in the case of an online course, things like workbooks and checklists -- to deliver the most value.

How to stay successful in an online course?

Here are seven tips to help you stay successful once you are in an online course. 1. Have Correct Expectations Contrary to popular believe, online courses are typically not “blow-off” classes.

Can I have a longer course?

You can have a longer overall course as long as you’re splitting it up into different sections, chapters, or modules (these all mean the same thing). Each module might have 3 – 10 individual lessons within it which all hold together as a related subject or step in the learning of the bigger outcome.

How long should an online course be?

An online course should be as short or long as it needs to be in order to deliver the learning outcomes it promises. In practice, you might create a course that only has a few short 5 minute videos to teach something simple. For a more in depth flagship course you might make 25-50 video lessons each 5-20 minutes long.

How many hours a week should you commit to an online course?

You should plan to devote a minimum of three hours per week per credit, plus an additional hour per class each week to review materials. For instance, for a three-credit online course, you will need nine hours of study time and one hour of review time each week.

What does it take to be successful in an online course?

10 Tips for Success in Online ClassesEstablish a productive learning environment. ... Set a schedule for completing and reviewing assignments. ... Seek virtual interactions with your peers.Use the 'chunking' strategy to section out tasks.Try to increase your interest in the work.More items...

How can I make my course successful?

Share this articlePick the perfect course topic.Ensure your course idea has high market demand.Create Magnetic and Compelling Learning Outcomes.Select and Gather your Course Content.Structure Your Modules and Course Plan.Determine the most engaging and effective delivery methods for each lesson.More items...•

How many hours a week should you spend on a course?

The consensus among universities is that for every hour spent in class, students should spend approximately 2-3 hours studying. So, for example, if your course is three hours long two days per week, you should be studying 12-18 hours for that class per week.

What are the 5 tips to be successful in online learning?

5 Tips to Succeed in Online LearningDevelop a Schedule. Commit to making your online coursework part of your weekly routine. ... Set Specific Goals. Create daily goals and set reminders for yourself to complete tasks within specific windows of time.Get Connected. ... Create a Designated Study Space. ... Stay healthy.

How do you stay productive in online classes?


What do you mean by a successful course?

Success Course Definition. Success courses are designed to help undergraduate students make successful transitions from a previous level of education, or experience (e.g., the military), into the University, from undeclared status into a major, and/or from undergraduate studies to graduate studies or careers.

How long does it take to make an online course?

It can take anywhere between 3 days to 2 months to create an online course, assuming that you are working on it full time. A mini-course covering a very narrow topic can be produced in only 3 days or less, while a complete in-depth 20h masterclass covering all levels can take several months to produce.

How do you create a successful teachable course?

1:2126:41How To Create an Online Course with Teachable (Step-by Step-Tutorial)YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd drip content lots of other things that on other platforms are considered premium features if youMoreAnd drip content lots of other things that on other platforms are considered premium features if you do plan to sell a lot of courses. Though if you're expecting to make a lot of sales.

How many hours do top students study?

Originally Answered: How many hours do top students study? In college, I encountered a rule of thumb: For every credit hour per week, you should be studying two to three hours outside of class per week. So for a 3 credit hour class, you will want to spend somewhere between six and nine hours of studying on your own.

How do people study 18 hours a day?

Staying Focused for Long HoursAvoid distractions.Set a timer to complete a task.Drink plenty of fluids.Meditate for at least 15 minutes.Focus on one task and then move to another.Write a success mantra on your study table or keep a calendar/wall hanging having quotes which motivate you.

How much studying is too much?

You should never fill more than 50% of your free time with studying. You need regular breaks.

Why do you need to take an online course?

Taking an online course gives you a lot of flexibility in where and when you do your coursework. That flexibility, however, means you have to take some extra steps to be successful. You have to be proactive about creating some of the structure you get naturally in a face-to-face course. Here are seven tips to help you stay successful once you are ...

How to ensure your computer is working?

Ensure your computer is working well, install any needed software, and verify your browser is up-to-date. If the course will use special tools, test them out early to ensure they work on your system so you can focus your attention on course materials and not be distracted by technology problems.

Is online class isolating?

The online space need not be an isolating one. It’s true that your instructor lacks seeing your body language in class to get a sense of whether you might be struggling. Your instructor is still there to help you, though, even if you never meet him or her in person. In fact, many students in post-course surveys at Illinois report their instructor as being equally or even more available than in face-to-face courses.

Is online class blow off?

Contrary to popular believe, online courses are typically not “blow-off” classes. They usually have very similar academic rigor to their face-to-face counterparts. Also, many online courses take a full-semester’s worth of content and offer it in half of that time, doubling the pace of the course. Approach your online course with this in mind so that you are not caught off-guard and fall behind.

What is module in college?

Modules refer to the overarching lessons in the course, and ideally, each module should culminate in an actionable payoff for the student. On college syllabi, these outcomes are usually listed as “learning objectives.”. Keeping with the Facebook advertising course as an example, the modules might break down like so:

What is an online course?

An online course is a lot like an office meeting. If people feel like it could’ve been handled in an email, you’ve probably overthought it, cut into everyone’s lunch hour, and need to go back to your talking points.

What is learning curve?

A “learning curve” is more than just an idiom. It refers to the rate at which new knowledge is acquired and the expense of time in doing so. I.e., how hard it is for a beginner and an expert to pick up new information, and more to the point, how long it takes for both.

Do two courses have the same time requirements?

No two courses will have the same time requirements, but by using these four steps to nail down your schedule and video length, they should have the same result — happy, successful customers. And that makes for a happy, successful creator, too.

Is time a precarious resource?

Time is a precarious resource. We never get it back, and if we spend it unwisely -- especially other people’s time -- then we lose even more of it to regret.

Do newcomers need more time to get their bearings than experts?

But while the idea that a newcomer will need more time to get their bearings than an expert may be common sense, it’s worth reiterating just how stark the difference is. Because if you’re an expert in your subject -- and you probably are -- you may not be able to judge how much time a process should take accurately.

Who is Lauren Cochran?

Lauren Cochran is the Director of Content for Podia, an all-in-one platform where online courses, digital downloads, membership websites, and webinars – alongside their creators – thrive. Ironically, she gets tongue-tied talking about herself, and can usually be found with a to-do list in hand.

How to be successful in online classes?

Here are 10 easy steps to ensure success in your online classes. 1. Connect with your instructors as soon as possible. Even if you are doing well in the class, it’s extremely important to build up a rapport with your instructor. Building a rapport early on provides you with ...

Why is online class important?

It is important to clearly understand the technical requirements of an online course. Before the course starts or as soon as possible, make sure your computer will work with all the online tools.

Why do people study online?

Studying online allows you to pursue other interests and attend to other obligations while still working toward a degree. However, this can sometimes mean that it’s easy to get distracted.

Do distance learners have good reading comprehension?

Successful distance learners tend to have good reading comprehension skills. Most traditional, campus-based students listen to lectures and take notes, and some online courses also require this. However, the majority of distance learners are expected to master material through a considerable amount of reading.

Do distance learners procrastinate?

Do not procrastinate. Successful distance learners rarely procrastinate. They don’t put off assignments or wait until the last moment to write their papers. Successful online students enjoy freedoms that include working at their own pace and the ability to complete their work in as much time as it takes them.

How long should an online course be?

An online course should be as short or long as it needs to be in order to deliver the learning outcomes it promises. In practice, you might create a course that only has a few short 5 minute videos to teach something simple. For a more in depth flagship course you might make 25-50 video lessons each 5-20 minutes long.

What happens if you make a course too long?

If you make your course too long, people will get bored and never actually finish it. But if it’s too short, people might not feel like they’re getting their money’s worth.

How many lessons should be in a module?

Each module might have 3 – 10 individual lessons within it which all hold together as a related subject or step in the learning of the bigger outcome. Each lesson of a module should be kept nice and short; just 5 – 20 minutes long. It’s best to create your courses with busy people in mind.

How to make a course interactive?

Another way to make your course interactive is to add activities between presentations. So one section of your course may have 5 minutes of video. Then students are instructed to pause and complete a worksheet before returning to watch the remaining 5 minutes of video.

How to make a course fun?

Make your course an adventure. Give your students a reason to explore the course content. Even if that means making some kind of scavenger hunt to get them to go back and look at material multiple times to find a hidden word or something similar. Make them prove they understand.

How long should a student watch a video?

A good amount of your students are likely people with full-time jobs and families to take care of. So it’s not convenient for them to sit down and watch a 30-minute video each day. Also, psychology shows that people retain information better when they’re given it in small portions with breaks in between (source).

Can you split a course into multiple sections?

It can be hard to accomplish. Instead of sacrificing quality content that you feel should be included, it’s usually worth splitting it out into multiple sections of the course. Worst case scenario, you can always attach extra material to the course in an appendix or “bonus section.”.
