how often do you tour your facility over the course of the shift

by Stephen Jakubowski 8 min read

What is a facility tour and why is it important?

What is a Facility Tour? A facility tour is a tour through a company’s facilities that shows a new hire where the employees work, where the product is made, how the company runs, and much more! As there are many types of industries, a facility tour would be very different in a real estate office versus a company with an assembly line.

How do you Tour the office with a new employee?

Three things to keep in mind as you tour the office with the new employee: Make sure new employees have a tour of the office. It’s important for them to get a feel for the agency’s atmosphere, and be able to find their way around.

How do you start a facility tour?

All facility tours should start at the front desk or front office areas. As the person/group who is touring doesn’t know the facility yet, that is an easy place to meet to get the group started. When everyone has arrived, introduce who is giving the tour and their position at the facility.

What is the purpose of the orientation tour?

During the tour, current employees can meet the new employee and help make the new employee feel welcome and part of the team.

What is the 7 minute rule?

The “7-minute Rule” says that an employer cannot round down if an employee has worked more than 7 minutes. If an employee works between 7 minutes and 8 minutes (such as for 7 minutes and 35 seconds), the employer can round down. Once the employee has worked for 8 minutes, the increment must be rounded up.

Can a company round down your hours?

Under California law, a rounding policy is only allowed when the policy is (1) fair and neutral on its face and (2) is not used to deprive employees of wages over time. The policy must not result in underpayment when applied to all employees over time.

How many hours can a nurse legally work in a day in Virginia?

The law restricts a maximum shift of 12 hours per 24 hour period. The law also restricts employers from scheduling nurses to work outside of regularly scheduled shifts. In an emergency where the care of a patient will be compromised, however, mandatory overtime is allowed.

How many hours can you work straight in NYS?

Every person employed as a domestic worker as defined in subdivision sixteen of section two of this chapter, shall be allowed at least twenty-four consecutive hours of rest in each and every calendar week.

What happens if you clock in early at work?

According to the Fair Labor Standards Act, a US labor law regulating minimum wage requirements, overtime pay, and similar regulations, along with other state laws, you must pay your employees for the time they work — whether they're clocked in or not. In this case, you must pay them for any time they're on the clock.

Can I clock in 7 minutes early?

The 7-minute rule, also known as the ⅞ rule, allows an employer to round employee time for payroll purposes. Under FLSA rules, employers can round employee time in 15-minute increments (or to the nearest quarter hour). Any time between 1-7 minutes may be rounded down, and any minutes between 8-14 may be rounded up.

What's the longest shift a nurse can work?

At present, there are no restrictions on the number of hours a nurse may voluntarily work in a 24-hour or a 7-day period in the United States.

Can a nurse refuse an unsafe assignment?

The American Nurses Association (ANA) upholds that registered nurses – based on their professional and ethical responsibilities – have the professional right to accept, reject or object in writing to any patient assignment that puts patients or themselves at serious risk for harm.

How many hours can you work without a break in Virginia?

If an employee works 8 or more consecutive hours, the employer must provide a 30-minute break and an additional 15 minute break for every additional 4 consecutive hours worked.

Can my manager make me stay past my scheduled shift?

Can an employer make you stay past your scheduled shift? No, an employer can't make you stay past your scheduled shift in any way unless this is something that has been specifically outlined in your job description and/or work contract.

Whats the longest shift you can work in NYS?

Work any number of hours in a day: New York employers are not restricted in the number of hours they require employees to work each day. This means that an employer may legally ask an individual to work shifts of 8, 10, 12 or more hours each day.

What is the longest shift you can legally work in NY?

The New York State Department of Labor does not limit the number of hours employees can work per day. This means employers may legally ask their employees to work shifts of eight, ten, twelve, or more hours each day.

Is rounding mandatory?

A lot of employees ask “Is rounding payroll hours even legal?”, and the answer is yes. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) states that you must pay your employees for all hours worked. According to DOL, however, employers are allowed to round hours.

How do rounding rules work?

Round to no more than the nearest 15 minutes. Under the FLSA regulations, rounding is acceptable if it is done to “the nearest 5 minutes, or to the nearest one-tenth or quarter of an hour.” Rounding to a greater time increment, such as 20 or 30 minutes, violates the FLSA.

Can an employer round down your hours UK?

If you set your start time to round down, then any clock on times within the threshold period entered will be rounded down/backward to the rostered shift time (you'll be increasing the employee's actual worked time. The opposite is the case with finish times, rounding down reduces the employee's actual worked time).

How do employers round time?

The U.S. Federal Law states that employers are allowed to round the time to specific predetermined time intervals: nearest 5 minutes, nearest 10th of an hour (6 minutes), or quarter of an hour (15 minutes).

Who should conduct facility tours?

If the tour is for a new employee, have HR or the employee’s manager give the tour. If a new vendor/customer wants a tour, the employee who will be...

Should activities be part of a facility tour?

Activities can definitely be a part of the tour depending on the industry. If it is a food/beverage company giving the tour, it would be an added b...

How long should a facility tour be?

The length of a facility tour can depend on the type of facility, but the recommended time would be around 30 minutes and less than an hour. If the...

Why is an office tour important?

No matter the size of your operation, the office tour is essential to ensure that the new employee knows where to find things and who to go to with certain questions or problems as well as providing a good overview of systems and processes.

What to tell new employees when touring an agency?

As you’re touring the agency, tell new employees about the functions and services provided by the different divisions so they can understand their part in the whole organization .

What if Facilities Management didn’t exist?

As humans, we occupy space, and we are accustomed to our spaces working for us, not against us. We need these areas to be safe, functional, and comfortable. And there’s a lot to that.

What do Facilities Managers do?

As the Facility Manager, you are responsible for maintaining the organization’s largest and most valuable assets, such as property, buildings, equipment, and other environments that house personnel, productivity, and other operation elements. You are directly and indirectly responsible for employee experiences and customer satisfaction.

What are the issues that facilities management is trying to prevent?

Facility maintenance and building maintenance are essential aspects of facility management. Electrical, plumbing, lighting, and HVAC issues are exactly the problems facilities management is trying to prevent. After all, breakdown of any building system will, at best, result in a lot of discomfort and, at worst, cripple business productivity.

What is waste management?

Waste management ensures that garbage is put in the correct bins and sent away at regular intervals to satisfy regulatory requirements and prevent trash overcrowding. Cleaning services: Cleaning teams are usually called at regular intervals to clean common areas and perform other janitorial duties.

What is structural maintenance?

Structural maintenance: Regular usage or even poor design can lead to structural issues over time. As a part of facility management, there should be a structural maintenance plan in place to identify, classify, and deal with possible structural problems.

What is hard FM?

Hard FM services are concerned with spaces and infrastructure. In other words, they focus on the physical components of the work environment. As you will see below, most of them fall into the jurisdiction of the maintenance department. Here is a rough dissection of hard facilities management services:

What is the role of plumbing in a building?

The plumbing system: This system plays an essential role in bringing water to a building and removing waste. Over time, blockages can occur, pressure builds up, and fixtures/piping must be replaced. As the Facility Manager, it’s your job to ensure that the plumbing system is regularly maintained and that the possible issues are fixed as quickly as possible.

Use Factory Tours to Build Engagement

The need, however, goes beyond education; it requires a real sense of engagement on the part of all stakeholders. It can be a challenge to generate and sustain that feeling of engagement in the bigger picture when people have day-in and day-out problems they need to solve.

Use Tour Guide Headsets to Improve Communication

But there’s still one other critical consideration: none of this will work if the manufacturing floor is too noisy for the tour guide to be heard. Here the solution is straightforward: a wireless tour guide system that equips everyone involved with a comfortable headset and receiver/transceiver combination.

About the Author

Farrell is North America’s foremost expert in improving manufacturing group communication, education, training, and group hospitality processes. He has over 40 years of group hospitality experience, most recently serving as President of for the last 18 years.

What is the lobby of a craft?

Even though it is not where your craft takes place, the lobby is the visitor’s initial introduction to your facility and so is effectively the first “station” in the tour. The lobby should contain displays and other materials that set the tone for the tour and build excitement and anticipation for what’s to come.

What should each station stop on a tour be marked with?

Each station stop on the tour should be clearly marked with signage or a display. The idea is to make the station a destination.

What is the most important aspect of a facility tour?

The most important aspect of the facility tour, however, is to craft it in a way that shows your company as it really is, including its quirks and characters.

What is a tour?

The tour is a golden opportunity to engage visitors in dialog and make them feel connected to your brand. You can foster this dialog by providing visitors with a dialog starter in the form of a card with a list of best questions to ask at each stop. (Hint: Your sales team can be an invaluable resource here.)

What is a well-crafted tour experience?

A well-crafted tour experience communicates many aspects of your brand simultaneously and in three dimensions. In many ways it’s a performance, and good performances are planned, scripted, choreographed and rehearsed.

Why is it important to involve everyone in a tour?

Involving everyone in the tour process will have the added benefit of greater alignment within your company. In fact, a great aspiration would be for everyone in the company to be able to give the tour.

Where to hand out best questions book?

The “best questions” book/pamphlet/sheet could be handed out in the lobby before starting the tour. It’s a great way to show you’ve organized and planned this tour and demonstrates to visitors that their time is important to you.

What is FLSA violation?

This fact sheet provides guidance regarding common FLSA violations found by the Wage and Hour Division during investigations in the health care industry relating to the failure to pay employees for all hours worked. Nonexempt employees must be paid for all hours worked in a workweek. In general, “ hours worked ” includes all time an employee must be on duty, on the employer premises, or at any other prescribed place of work. Also included is any additional time the employee is “suffered or permitted” to work. The FLSA requires employers to pay for hours actually worked, but there is no requirement for payment of holidays, vacation, sick or personal time.

How long is FLSA time?

However, an employer may violate the FLSA minimum wage and overtime pay requirements if the employer always rounds down. Employee time from 1 to 7 minutes may be rounded down, and thus not counted as hours worked, but employee time from 8 to 14 minutes must be rounded up and counted as a quarter hour of work time. See Regulations 29 CFR 785.48 (b).

What is the minimum wage for a non-exempt employee?

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires covered employers to pay non exempt employees at least the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009, for all hours worked and overtime pay for hours worked over 40 in a workweek. The FLSA is administered by the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor.

What is unauthorized hours worked?

Unauthorized Hours Worked. Employees must be paid for work “suffered or permitted” by the employer even if the employer does not specifically authorize the work. If the employer knows or has reason to believe that the employee is continuing to work, the time is considered hours worked. See Regulation 29 CFR 785.11.

How many hours does an employee have to work to get overtime?

An employee’s schedule is 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with a thirty minute unpaid lunch break. The employee receives overtime compensation after 40 hours in a workweek. The employee clocks in 10 minutes early every day and clocks out 7 minutes late each day. The employer follows the standard rounding rules.

What is a minimum wage violation?

The failure to properly count and pay for all hours that an employee works may result in a minimum wage violation if the employee’s hourly rate falls below the required federal minimum wage when his or her total compensation is divided by all hours worked.

What is considered on call time?

On-Call Time An employee who is required to remain on call on the employer's premises or so close to the premises that the employee cannot use the time effectively for his or her own purpose is considered working while on-call. An employee who is required to carry a cell phone, or a beeper, or who is allowed to leave a message where he or she can be reached is not working (in most cases) while on-call. Additional constraints on the employee's freedom could require this time to be compensated. See Regulations 29 CFR 785.17.

Do you get credit for units in a new school?

From what we know, units are usually credited if the titles and descriptions of the subjects you took in your previous course are similar to the titles and descriptions of the subjects you need to take in your new one; however, there are schools that impose a fixed number of units that can be credited when you shift to a new course or transfer to a new school. For that, we suggest that you get in touch with the school registrar so they can explain it in detail to you.

Do freshmen take the same classes in their first year?

That would depend on how many units would be carried over to your new course. For example, in some schools, most freshmen students take the same general education subjects on their first year regardless of their courses, so shifting to a new course hardly makes any difference — provided that they do it before they start taking course-specific subjects.

Can you shift classes later?

If you’re going to shift courses much later, though, like when you’re on your third year when most students have already taken several major subjects in their respective courses, you’d probably end up as an irregular student. That means you are neither a first year, second year, third year, or fourth year student because you’ll probably be taking subjects usually meant to be taken by students of different year levels.

Can you transfer units from general education to a new course?

As far as we know, you won’t. At the very least, you can have some of the units that you earned from passing your general education subjects carried over to your new course.
