how much would it cost to add a course in high school

by Hilma Rice 4 min read

For one school year, the total fees can be as low as $100, or they can be more than $700. Families that are homeless or economically unprivileged can apply to get a fee waiver.

Full Answer

How much does it cost to go to high school?

The no fee at the public high schools, means cost for textbooks and supplies, physical education and technology, sports or other activities can reach $5-$200 or more per item. Thus the total fees can be $100-$700 or more a school year.

How much does it cost to create content for a course?

The cost of creating content for your course is time-relevant which means you have to think about how many hours you or the freelancer professional will need to work on it. If you are hiring freelancers for the job, the cost formula is this: According to, the average hourly rate for an instructional designer in the US is $36.

Which courses cost the most to enroll in?

These calculations indicated that the highest per-pupil course expenditures were associated with foreign language, music, and science instruction (excluding special education costs).

How much does an online high school diploma program cost?

University-sponsored or for-profit online independent study high schools may charge $1,000-$16,000 or more for an four-year online high school diploma program; ask about fees for registration, graduation, diploma, transcripts and related items.

How much does it cost to set up a classroom?

Expect to pay between $40 and $200 per square foot on average. A single-classroom unit averages between $15,000 and $20,000. Multi-unit, fully customized modular buildings range from $30,000 on the low end to $200,000 on the high end. Expect to pay at least $1,000 for delivery and setup.

How much does it cost to run a school in America?

The average cost for operating a private school is triangulated to range between $17,000 and $81,000 per child per year. This is a reasonable estimate given that the government of the united states spends roughly $12,509 per public school student and that private schools are known to be expensive.

How much does it cost to build a school in America?

High School Square Foot Cost Assuming Decorative Concrete Block / R/Conc. FrameCost Estimate (Union Labor)% of TotalCostTotal$15,396,000Contractor Fees (GC,Overhead,Profit)25%$3,849,000Architectural Fees7%$1,347,200Total Building Cost$20,592,200

How much does the US spend on education 2019?

The nation spent $752.3 billion on its 48 million children in public schools in fiscal year 2019, a 4.7% increase from the previous year and the most per pupil in more than a decade.

How do I start a school with no money?

How to Start a School Without Money – 6 StepsFormulate a Business Plan. ... Emphasize Whether Your School Is Profit or Nonprofit. ... Identify Tangible Assets That You Can Use. ... Look for Investors. ... Hire Teachers Willing to Accept Minimum Payment. ... Apply for Accreditations. ... More in School.

How much money is required to run a school?

A primary school will require an investment of about ₹8-10 lakhs. For setting up a 10+2 school, the cost can go up to ₹2 crores. Plan your budget distribution in building the school, making furniture, recruiting the staff, advertisement charges etc.

What is the most expensive high school ever built?

The US$204 million John Gray will easily be the most expensive education construction project in Cayman's history.US$204 million, new John Gray High School, 1,420 students.US$132 million, Clifton Hunter High School, 800 students.US$122.4 million, Cayman International School, 1,100 students.

What is the richest private school in America?

Forman, Litchfield, Conn. At over $62,000 Forman is currently the most expensive private high school in the U.S. Originally a girls school, Forman School is a co-educational, college prep school for boarding and day students with "identified learning differences." Forman boasts a student-to-faculty ratio of 3.5 to 1.

What's the most expensive school in the US?

University of Chicago It is America's most expensive four-year university.

How much is the US in debt?

The federal debt held by the public increased from $14.6 trillion in 2017 to over $21 trillion in 2020. Public debt and intragovernmental debt (the amount owed to federal retirement trust funds like the Social Security Trust Fund) make up the national debt.

Who spends the most on education in the world?

Norway spent the most on education as a percentage of GDP at 6.4% followed by New Zealand at 6.3%, the United Kingdom at 6.2%, and the United States at 6.1 percent. Conversely, 17 countries spent less than the average percentage of GDP on total education expenditures for OECD countries.

What state spends the least education?

Utah receives the lowest amount per pupil from the federal government. Colorado receives the second-lowest amount per pupil in federal funding. Vermont's state government spends the most per pupil of any state government to finance education. Hawaii supplies the second-most state funding.

Typical Costs

The no fee at the public high schools, means cost for textbooks and supplies, physical education and technology, sports or other activities can reach $5-$200 or more per item.

Additional Costs

Some public and private schools require school uniforms for their students, which costs between $25-$500 per outfit based on school requirements.


Discounts are available if the entire tuition is paid in advance and not in instalments.

Shopping For High School

Visit the campus, get familiar with the educational philosophy, check the class sizes.

Costing and ICFP

Understanding the cost of your curriculum is a key part of integrated curriculum financial planning (ICFP) – the government's recommended budget planning approach for schools.

No single method for calculating the cost of a lesson

This is because there are many variables to take into account. Depending on the purpose of calculation, you might want to consider some but not others.

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How much does a high school bus pass cost in Massachusetts?

Northampton Public Schools [ 12] in Massachusetts charges $303 per year for a high school bus pass. Some public schools charge $50-$400 or more per year for on-campus student parking. South High School [ 13] in Newton, MA has a $360 annual student parking fee.

How much does a Ravenscroft bus cost?

Ravenscroft [ 14] in Raleigh, NC charges annual bus fees of $360-$1,750, depending on the student's location. Discounts:

What is financial aid for secondary school?

Financial Aid. Scholarships are available to Secondary School Program students with excellent academic records who demonstrate financial need. To be eligible: You must be a US citizen or permanent resident. OR you must be granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status.

Does secondary school financial aid have to be paid back?

Secondary School Program financial aid is a scholarship award. It is not a loan and does not have to be paid back. Awards typically cover only a portion of the program cost, not its entirety.

Is secondary school financial aid affiliated with Harvard?

Secondary School Program financial aid is independent of Harvard College financial aid and is not associated with the FAFSA.

Do you get financial aid if you have been to Harvard?

No, you are not guaranteed a financial aid award if you have received aid from Harvard Summer School in previous terms. Additionally, if you do receive a financial aid award, the amount may be less than in previous years. Students must apply for financial aid every year.

What is online course development?

Online course development is a complex process, and the price of course creation can vary depending on learning platform, course content, eLearning industry, and other factors. If you want to get a detailed cost analysis research for your eLearning project, pleasefeel free to schedule a demo. Tweet#N# .

Is eLearning still relevant?

The eLearning market changes, new eLearning trends, and technologies rise and the course should remain relevant. As we all know, even the most popular distance learning courses might need to be adjusted over time, if new breakthroughs occur in the subject matter, new data should be added or some statistics should be updated.

How much does it cost to register a domain name?

Domain Name. Costs on registering a domain name for your business range from $10 per year up to $100, a thousand or a million depending on the type of domain name you choose. An old domain name is fine like good old wine, but it’s usually expensive, and there is always the option of registering a new one.

What is a course that encourages learners to interact fully and give feedback?

It makes use of serious games, avatars, simulated job performance exercises, customized audio and video, stories, scenarios. It includes high-end interactive elements that are complex, more expensive and need more time to develop.

Is it easier to create puzzles than videos?

But since these are often easier to create compared to a video, there can be a slight reduction in the development time and costs.

Can you ask an instructional designer to review and edit your work?

For example, you can come up with good content and develop a course scenario while saving tons of money. Then, you can ask an instructional designer to review and edit your work. You can do the same with more complex online learning material – videos, quizzes, puzzles, and assignments:

Is online learning profitable?

The short answer is “YES it can be quite profitable!”. The long answer requires a more in-depth analysis. Creating and selling online courses is a highly profitable business with the potential to open up a passive stream of income.

Is it easy to overlook business costs?

Business costs are easy to overlook but that doesn’t mean they should. Quite the opposite; you should be on the lookout for less-obvious or hidden costs – for example, those found in your website hosting and customer/student support services.

How much does a school uniform cost?

Most of the private and public schools have a particular school uniform that students must wear. These uniforms can cost from $25 to $500 per outfit, varying according to the requirements of the school. Usually, public schools offer free bus service to low-income students, but the rest of the students might need to purchase an annual bus pass ...

How much does boarding school cost?

A residential or boarding high school can charge you from $30,000 to $80,000 for one year. The boarding school at Chapel Hill, Chauncy Hall School in Waltham, MA, costs about $46,000, while Woodside Priory School in Portola Valley, CA charges $53,925.

How much is tuition at Tampa Preparatory School?

At the Tampa Preparatory School, Florida, the tuition is $19,025 if paid in full, whereas in two installments, it is $19,565. Many schools also offer a 5% to 25% sibling discount when multiple students from the same family are studying. For example, the Chicago Waldorf School offers a 15% sibling discount.

How much does South High School charge for parking?

Many public schools charge from $50 to $400 each year for on-campus student parking. The annual parking fee at South High School in Newton, MA is $360. Since several private school students’ parents provide transportation themselves, they do not have to pay any transportation fees, but for school transportation, ...

What is the primary focus of high school?

While there are several standard academic high schools in the US including private and public schools, the primary area of emphasis in high schools is on college prep, sciences, arts, technology, religious studies, and military life.

Is education important?

Education is very important an a lot of careers depend on it. That being said, if you don’t have the necessary funds to go to the most respected private school available, you could opt for the much cheaper alternative, a public school. November 4, 2016 /. 0 Comments.

Steps to Curriculm Changes

Submit proposed high school curriculum changes, addition and revisions to the curriculum coordinator for consideration. This submission must include the actual recommendations for new courses, textbooks or programs. All information must be readily documented for the curriculum coordinator to review.

How to Be Certified in Robert's Rules of Order

Based in Virginia, Kevin M. Jackson has been writing professionally since 2003. He is the author of the books "Life Lessons for My Sons" and "When GOD Speaks." Jackson holds a Bachelor of Science in biology from Savannah State University and a Master of Arts in urban education from Norfolk State University.


Typical Costs

  • The no fee at the public high schools, means cost for textbooks and supplies, physical education and technology, sports or other activities can reach $5-$200or more per item. Thus the total fees can be $100-$700or more a school year.
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Popular Programs

  • Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202 in Illinois can be set as an example. It requires a $30 activity fee, $170 for textbooks, $9-$40 per consumable workbook, $200-$250 for driver’s education, $129 for competitive sports, $24 for non-competitive sports, $74 for choir, $24 for chess club, $63 for speech team and $106 for band. Based on the school focus, the ratio tea…
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Additional Costs

  • Some public and private schools require school uniforms for their students, which costs between $25-$500per outfit based on school requirements. Free bus service is usually offered by the public schools for their low-income students, while other students need an annual bus pass for $100-$400based on the distance travelled. High school bus pass at Northampton Public Schools in M…
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  • Discounts are available if the entire tuition is paid in advance and not in instalments. For example, the tuition at Tampa Preparatory School in Florida is $19,025 if paid in full by the previous July; $19,565 if paidin two installments or $20,235 when paid monthly. The sibling discounts at some schools are between 5%-25%. Chicago Waldorf School secures a 15% sibling discount. Useful ti…
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Shopping For High School

  1. Visit the campus, get familiar with the educational philosophy, check the class sizes.
  2. Go through the list of the local public schools, including the National Association of Independent Schools, the National Catholic Educational Association members, or the Association of Waldorf Scho...
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