Unless your goal is something other than to maximize revenue from your course sales, you should probably price your course for $199 or more. That being said, there are a few scenarios where charging a low price for your course can actually be a smart move.
As a general rule, the more specific your course is, the more you can charge for it. The topic of selling, for example, is quite broad. And because selling is such a broad topic, it will be difficult for a course about selling to stand out from all the other courses on that topic.
But Ideally, an email course can be 7-10 emails longer. You don’t want to your students to be overwhelmed where they start ignoring your emails. Creating email sequences are easy.
So for every 20 leads that you obtain, you sell 1 course (20 x 5% = 1). Since each lead costs $5, you need to spend $100 on ads to generate a single sale worth $50. In this scenario, you lose $50.
How to choose a price for your online course:Do not price your course based on its length. ... Take a look at your competition. ... Quantify the value of the outcome your students can achieve. ... Test different price points. ... Consider your credibility/authority in your market. ... Consider the cost of your customer's alternatives.More items...•
It can cost anywhere from $200 to $10,000 to create an online course. The main source of expenses is the labor involved, followed by the equipment and software. If you are creating the online course yourself and not paying someone else to do it, this means that other than your time there are very few expenses involved.
Create a mini course More specifically, a mini course can be described as shorter in duration than the full-length course, and often it doesn't offer additional assets like printables, so generally, it requires less time to prepare. You can make your customers happy with a mini course at a low price range of $10-$50.
Your online course could earn anywhere from a $0 – $50k+ per month. Many course creators will earn $1 – 5k/month and there are numerous examples of online course teachers earning $10k – $50k per month.. There are lots of factors that will determine how much you can earn by selling online courses.
Depending on the duration and detail of the program, it can take anywhere between 25 – 500 hours to formulate an online course. A mini-course with just 4 or 5 videos you could develop it in a couple of days. An in-depth flagship course with numerous modules and assignments could take eight weeks or more to accomplish.
How long does it take to develop 1 hour of eLearning? A average 1-hour interactive elearning course will take 197 hours to develop. But development of a 1-hour elearning course can range between 49 hours for the low end of the range of a “basic” course to 716 hours for the high end of the range of an “advanced” course.
two hoursWhen we refer to a mini course, we mean short online course that typically takes two hours or less to complete. They cover a hyper-specific topic and are often used as a marketing growth tool. And they might be repurposed content or a unit from a larger online course.
30 to 90 minutesSimply put, mini course can be described as a short, online video course that you can sell for an attractive price. Usually, the time duration is from 30 to 90 minutes. A mini course is a short, online video class without downloads and printables.
How to Create an Online Course for FreeChoose Your Course Topic.Identify the Target Audience.Gather and Structure Your Knowledge.Create an Online Course Outline.Choose Your Online Course Software or Platform.Create the Course Content.Make Sure Your Content is Engaging.Create a Community for Your Online Course.More items...•
Are Online Courses Profitable? Yes, they are. Online courses offer one of the best business models to digital entrepreneurs. The demand is rising and people are more than willing to pay for them, and they are one of the top ways to make money online.
In this article, you'll find an overview of the 10 major stages of online course creation:Pick the perfect course topic.Ensure your course idea has high market demand.Create Magnetic and Compelling Learning Outcomes.Select and Gather your Course Content.Structure Your Modules and Course Plan.More items...•
7 Ways to Make Money Selling Online CoursesCharge up front. ... Offer the course for free, then charge for certification. ... Charge a subscription. ... Use a tiered payment system. ... Pre-sell your course. ... Sell your online course for free—then funnel it into a product or service. ... Sell course licenses.
One of the main difficulties and barriers when it comes to pricing online courses is the idea that you are charging for your expertise, which can be really intimidating. But something you should always keep in mind is that you are not just selling knowledge, you are selling a transformation (and if you’re not, you should!). ...
To know how much to charge to make a profit, start adding up all your expenses with creating and selling the course. Another thing you need to understand, is that the effort required to market a course is independent of its price, the work is the same .
So the value added in a course is very high because you are not delivering something with expiration date, you are delivering something that can be tapped to achieve lasting results. Let’s look at the following three course topics: 5 mindfulness meditation techniques to relieve stress and improve your quality of life.
It’s basically a handy tool to keep everything about your course in place.
If you aren’t the expert, bring in someone who is! Hearing from industry professionals is always a major bonus for your audience. Not only are they getting valuable content from you, but they’re also hearing advice and real-life experience from people they admire.
It’s basically a handy tool to keep everything about your course in place. You can even send them as a pre-course bonus if you think your audience needs some prepping to be fully prepared for the course or after the course is over for follow-up work.
When you have the course’s skill down-pat, that means more freedom and more peace of mind. When it all comes down to it, your audience is looking for transformation – that one thing that will help them get out of their current situation and into the life they dream of.
If you set your price point at the baseline according to Teachable, you will have a much wider audience. Making it affordable to the majority means more people can take your course and if you’re solely in this for the good of the people and don’t need the income, then this area on the spectrum might be for you.
When you give your online course away, it’s like you’re telling your audience that it’s not worth their time or that there’s no value to it – and that’s just not true.
Dani Stewart. As a daughter of an entrepreneur, the wife of an entrepreneur, and an entrepreneur herself, Dani has lived and learned all sides of creating and growing businesses. She is excited to bring all that life experience as well as a decade of crafting content to the ConvertKit community.
Ideally, email courses are the series of multiple emails that are sent in a specific sequence talking about a certain topic.
Did you know the average conversion rate of almost anything online is 2-3%? That is out of 100 visitors, only 2 or 3 visitors would buy from you. (Given that you have a good website)
Now that we have understood that why email courses are important, let’s dive in to the steps of creating an email course.
Well the creation of email marketing course may seem easy. But if you want to make out the best out of your email marketing courses, you should consider these points:
One of the things which the vast majority of customers who hire somebody to create and manage an email marketing campaign will want is for you to do graphic design. Yes, this is very important for any email marketing campaign. Sure, words are important, but so are visuals. The way in which an email is laid out, the theme it has, coloration, and of course graphics, all fall into this category.
Yes, graphics and the layout are important as well, but without the right content, a good layout and flashy images are not going to go very far when it comes to generating and nurturing leads. In other words, there needs to be some kind of content calendar or content description.
1. Start with your motivation. It’s tempting to start with what you’re doing and the price but resist that temptation. There are many reasons you might want to offer a private workshop. Get clarity by asking yourself why you want do this training.
Technical trainers can often charge a higher premium than someone who offers training in other areas like say marketing or even leadership. Take into account the local area. If you live in a big, expensive city, the prices are going to be higher than if you live in a small town or suburban area.
Pricing is a big challenge for many freelance trainers. One of the biggest difficulties is being confident about what to charge and not taking it personally if and when someone says that you’re charging too much.
Some people are struggling for money but others aren’t. If someone can’t afford your workshop right now, then it just means they don’t have the budget.