how much on average is spent on course material

by Victoria Ferry 8 min read

Students continue to embrace a wide range of options for acquiring their course materials: according to the Student Monitor report, the $422 in average student spending during the 2019-2020 school year included $174 for new, printed textbooks; $95 for used, printed textbooks; $67 for rented, printed textbooks; $39 for eTextbooks for unlimited use; and $24 for eTextbooks for limited time use.

413 U.S. dollars

Full Answer

How much does the average student spend on college supplies?

Jun 25, 2020 · During the 2019-20 academic year, students spent an average of $413 on required materials, compared to $415 in 2018-19. Since the 2007-08 academic year, student spending on course materials has dropped about 41%. With the exception of 2015-16, each year showed a significant decline in spending from the previous year.

How much do college students spend on textbooks?

The College Board reports that between course materials and textbooks, students can expect to spend at least $1,200 in 2017-2018 and between $1,240-$1,440 for the 2018-2019 academic year. This may not seem like a huge amount in the grand scheme of tuition and fees, but it’s definitely an item you want to be prepared for in order to budget accordingly.

How much does it cost to study in the USA?

Jun 25, 2020 · The most recent Student Watch survey indicated that course material spending dropped from $638 six years ago to $413 for the 2019-2020 academic year, a decline of 35 percent over the last six years. The latest figure represents a 0.5 percent decline as compared to the average student spend of $415 during the 2018-2019 academic year.

How much does it cost to create an online course?

In the 2019-20 academic year, students, on average, spent $413 on course materials, compared to $415 the previous year and $484 in 2017-18, NACS says. Their spending on course materials has dropped significantly since 2007-08, when the average was $701.

How much do textbooks cost on average?

In 2021, the average cost for full-time, undergraduate students at a four-year university for books and supplies per year was approximately $1240.00, with students spending the most (average of $1420) at public two-year colleges compared to $1220 per year at private four-year colleges (average of $450-$625 per semester ...Aug 12, 2021

How much do college students spend on textbooks per year?

The revised College Board (2020) report shows a comparable figure of $410 spending on textbooks alone per year for public two-year and four-year institutions. Similarly, Student Watch (2020) reports $413 in spending for the 2019-2020 academic year.Dec 1, 2021

How much should I budget for college books?

Students pay, on average, more than $1,200 per year for textbooks, according to the College Board, and often far more in some Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) programs.Nov 8, 2020

How many textbooks does the average college student have?

The overall average number of textbooks from grade levels K-12 is 19.90 books per student for each semester. According to a US Department of Education study, the average American student spends between $700 and $1,000 per year on textbooks.

Should college students pay for textbooks?

The cost of your textbooks is considered an educational expense, so your financial aid (including student loans) should help to cover the expense. Although textbooks are expensive, they are an important part of your education. Both federal and private student loans can help you manage this cost.May 21, 2020

Why are textbooks so expensive?

Not surprisingly, the primary motivation behind the rise in price is directly related to the desire for more money. Publishers take in a significant percentage of the profits from textbook sales, so a higher sticker price means a better bottom line for them.

How could a student save money on books?

Check For Textbooks On Project Gutenberg. ... Buy Used Textbooks Online, Including International Editions. ... Buy An Older Edition. ... Rent Your Textbooks. ... Compare Book Types (If Available) ... Check The Open Education Network. ... Share Textbooks With Classmates Or Friends. ... The Bottom Line.Jul 21, 2021

How much does the average college student spend on personal expenses?

On average, the cost for college is about $35,720 per year. A full-time community college student spends around $1,760 per year on transportation alone....Graduate Students.Budget itemsLive with parents/relativeGraduate/professionalPersonal & miscellaneous$2,316$2,316Transportation$1,320$1,3206 more rows

Do colleges still use textbooks?

The college bookstore survey found that as of 2019, about half of students prefer either a print textbook or one that combines a physical book with supplemental online support.Feb 28, 2020

What is the average weight of a college textbook?

around 3½ pounds“The average laptop weighs around 5 pounds and could potentially store all of your textbooks, while the average weight for a single textbook is around 3½ pounds.Apr 14, 2012

What is the average weight of a textbook?

For this grade range, the combined average weight of the four core textbooks ranges from just over 8 pounds at 1st grade to over 20 pounds at 11th grade.

How can I not pay for college textbooks?

Ways to save money on textbooksBuy and sell used textbooks. ... Rent textbooks. ... Use the ISBN to find lower prices. ... Check the library. ... Look for an electronic version of the book. ... Ask the professor for an evaluation copy. ... Share textbooks with a roommate. ... Only buy required textbooks.Oct 26, 2020

Student Spending on College Course Materials Continues Multi-Year Decline

Average student spending on college textbooks and digital course materials has steadily declined in recent years, according to new data unveiled today from Student Watch, which is funded by the National Association of College Stores Foundation, and Student Monitor, an independent research firm.

Independent Research from Student Watch and Student Monitor Unveiled in New Reports, Video

Average student spending on college textbooks and digital course materials has steadily declined in recent years, according to new data unveiled today from Student Watch, which is funded by the National Association of College Stores Foundation, and Student Monitor, an independent research firm.

Two-year students spend more

Two-year college students, on average, spent more on materials than four-year college students, $472 compared to $369, respectively.

Digital impact

Students are buying more digital course materials. The percentage of students who paid for digital materials (purchased and rented) increased from 14 percent in spring 2019 to 21 percent this spring.

Looking ahead

Most survey responses were submitted this year prior to the pandemic, so any changes it prompted won’t be seen until next year’s survey, Hershman said. For the coming year, faculty are waiting to see if their courses will be on campus or remote due to the coronavirus, which can influence what types of materials they will require, he said.

College Board Revisions

Last month the College Board released their “Trends in College Pricing and Student Aid 2020” report. There is a wealth of information in that report on many subjects, and on page 11 the new method of sharing budget information has a major improvement.

Multi-Year Decline in Spending

It’s also worth looking at that number: $410 per year. That is far below the ~$600 per year I described in 2015, and this gets to the second significant update. Both NACS and Student Monitor have reported a consistent downward trend on how much college students in the US spend on course materials.

Plateau in Consumer Price Index (CPI) for New Textbooks

Obviously spending does not equal prices for new materials, such as textbooks. One major contributor to the reduction in student spending has been the proliferation of acquisition options – new and used print purchases, used print rentals, digital purchases, digital rentals, subscription options, and even pirated downloads.

Revised Messaging

For those who advocate for OER and reduced costs for course materials (and I consider myself in this group), this information presents a double-edged sword.


A decade ago, students spent an average of $701 per year on required course materials. Now, according to the latest data from the National Association of College Stores, they are spending under $500.

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How much did students spend on required materials in 2018-19?

Students spent only $415 on required course materials during 2018-19. This was $69 (14%) less than spending on the same during the previous academic year and $286 less than the spending in 2008.

What do college students spend their money on?

Students are required to spend on academic needs, the most prominent of which is to purchase books and other learning resources. Utility bills are a common fixture in the budgets of most college students. Spending is also incurred on transportation, entertainment needs, groceries, takeaway, and dining out.

How much does it cost to eat out in college?

College students need to spend $1400-2100 monthly for the different expenses they incur. Eating out costs college students $4,000 per year. The average college student had five credit cards in 2019. Spending on college course materials has seen a significant decline over the past decade.

How much does a college student spend on food?

A 2018 study showed that college students cumulatively spent $65 billion on food. According to Peterson, the average college meal plan works out to $375 per month. This is the average cost of food per month for college students.

How much does a 4 year college student spend on transportation?

During a 4-year college degree, the average college student spending on expenses related to transportation is $2,806. This is also an area where students can cut down on expenditure by opting for greener and healthier transportation options.

How much does a student with dependents spend on transportation?

Students with dependents spent $1,296 during a nine-month cycle towards transportation costs. According to the same estimates, this was almost twice the amount spent by students living with their parents and thrice the amount spent by students without dependents living on/off-campus.

How many credit cards does a college student have in 2019?

In 2019, the average college student had about five credit cards. This is an increase from the numbers in 2016 when college students possessed only three credit cards on average.

How much will the e-learning market be in 2025?

eLearning is going to play an ever-larger role in the future of higher education. In fact, by 2025, the e-learning market will reach $325 billion. That’s more than four times the traditional higher-education market. Even better, the benefits offered by online courses include increased student engagement, ...

Why is online learning better than traditional learning?

Even better, the benefits offered by online courses include increased student engagement, the opportunity for peer review and collaboration, and the promise of individualized attention , even in large classrooms. There are many reasons to embrace e-learning, ...

What is learning management system?

Before pricing out any other aspect of course creation, you’ll need to select a learning management system (LMS). This software manages the delivery of course materials and monitors student completion. Because it is the main framework that students and teachers will interact with, it’s important to thoughtfully select a system that meets your needs. Each system has different features and functions that will dictate the kind of content you can offer and the supplemental tools you may need to purchase.#N#While it might be tempting to build your own LMS in-house to perfectly suit your specifications, doing so would be very expensive and time-intensive. Considering the lower price points of many LMS systems, it’s much more cost-effective to shop around for a ready-made solution.#N#There are several different types of learning management systems geared to higher education.

Is LMS free?

An open-source LMS is Easy to obtain and typically free, or free at a base level, with paid add-ons. Some of the most established options are Moodle and Sakai. A benefit to open-source learning management systems is that users have access to the source code, so they may adapt the software any way they like.
