how much longer does golf course play after rain

by Mr. Maurice Smith 7 min read

Most of the time, the system will allow golfers back out on the course when a twenty- to thirty-minute period of time has passed with no lightning strikes. Lightning can travel very far, and it is a very high risk for golfers.

Full Answer

How does rain affect a golf course?

How does rain affect golf? That damage may last months It will stop heaving, eventually. But, if a course has had heavy play, the damage won’t be repaired any time soon. “It’s very similar to frost,” explains Bethell. “You could walk out on a golf course and see there’s no frost. It could be frozen, though, but you can’t see it. “Rain is the same.

Can you walk out on a golf course and see frost?

But, if a course has had heavy play, the damage won’t be repaired any time soon. “It’s very similar to frost,” explains Bethell. “You could walk out on a golf course and see there’s no frost. It could be frozen, though, but you can’t see it. “Rain is the same.

What is the advantage of wet ground on the golf course?

Wet ground makes the ball stop shorter, and in fact, it may not roll at all. Especially when putting, it becomes easier to zero in on the flag and putt for right where you want it to land. If you tend to over-putt, this is a great opportunity to practice hitting the mark every time.

Can you walk out on a golf course and see damage?

But, if a course has had heavy play, the damage won’t be repaired any time soon. “It’s very similar to frost,” explains Bethell. “You could walk out on a golf course and see there’s no frost. It could be frozen, though, but you can’t see it.

How much does rain affect distance in golf?

Rain increases air humidity creating thicker air which leads to more resistance to the golf ball in flight. The golf ball will therefore not travel as far in the rain and even more so in cold wet weather. It is estimated steady rain causes a negative effect on 'carry' distance of around 3-5 yards.

Can you play on a golf course after it rains?

Is it OK to play golf in the rain? Yes. You can play golf in the rain provided it poses no threat to player safety, and if the course remains playable and not waterlogged. If water begins pooling on the fairways and greens, or if lightning is present, it is recommended to halt play until conditions improve.

What happens when golf is rained out?

A decision for resuming suspended matches/adjusting the length of rounds and/or matches will be made on a case-by-case, day-by-day, basis taking all factors into account. So, in short, we will play in the rain. Anyone who refuses to play in the rain will forfeit their match and probably be scorned by the group.

Is it worth it to play golf in the rain?

Rain cools the air down, meaning you won't sweat as much, and you'll be able to grip your clubs better. Particularly in summer, cooler conditions should always be welcome.

How fast do golf courses drain?

According to Ramsay, they are roughly halfway through a 10-year drainage-overhaul process. "Each hole takes between 10 and 14 days," he says, adding cost varies significantly. "At Yale Golf Club, it is between $10,000 and $80,000 per hole, depending on the severity of the issues."

How do you play wet weather golf?

Here are my top eight tips for scoring well in wet conditions.Waterproof gear is a must. ... Keep your hands dry. ... Umbrella. ... Bring extra towels and gloves. ... Keep your grips dry. ... Invest in a rain cover. ... Glove off between shots. ... Swing easy, stay cool.

Does golf get Cancelled if it rains?

On most occasions, rain will go away in a couple of hours. Just wait it out and have a fun breakfast with the golfers, or an indoor putting contest. Then send them out when it clears. Some tournaments struggle to find the one thing that all the golfers will talk about long after their event.

Does a wet golf ball go farther?

Typically when the club is wet it produces slightly less spin and slightly higher shot then when the golf ball and golf club are both dry. We see very minimal differences between the club being wet or dry.

Do they cancel golf for rain?

Even if it's misting outside, the golf tournament or outing must be cancelled, right? I'm here to tell you that yes it's a bit uncomfortable to play golf in the rain, but if you've signed up for a charity golf tournament and it's raining, with no thunder and lightning, chances are the tournament is still a go.

How much golf is too much?

For most people, hitting 50-60 balls at the range should be the max. Any more than this and you probably won't see much benefit. That's why most golf coaches recommend hitting less than 60 balls on the range (can hit more on the practice green).

How do you hit a golf ball when it's raining and muddy?

To ensure that you hit the ball first and minimize the wet turf's effect, aim for a spot on the ground an inch in front of the ball. Make sure the clubhead and your right knee reach the ball simultaneously. Time it right and you'll hit all ball—and be putting for birdie.

What golfers play well in the rain?

5 Best Golfers in Bad WeatherTom Watson. Tom Watson is not just one of the greatest players of all time, but he is also a great person. ... Tiger Woods. It is probably no surprise that Tiger Woods makes the list of the five best golfers in bad weather. ... Ernie Els. ... Paul Lawrie. ... Brandt Snedeker.

Do Golf Courses Close When There Is Lightning?

Golf courses have warning systems which will alert players to lightning in the area.

What Gear Should I Have for Playing in the Rain?

If the level of rain you are experiencing is not enough to make the golf course shut down, then you will want to consider having some extra gear in your golf bag.

What to Do After a Round in the Rain

When you get home from playing golf in the rain, it is a good idea to empty your golf bag and set it and your golf clubs out to dry.

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Is it safe to play golf in the rain?

While golfing in the rain is less than ideal, by no means is it impossible. It’s also very safe assuming that there is no lightning or visibility issues on the course.

Do Golf Courses Close When It Rains?

It depends. If it is a light rain without thunder or lightning, courses can remain open and golfers can continue to golf. Once there is a heavy rain that causes a water build up on the course or if there is thunder or lightning, courses will have golfers evacuate and sometimes close the course.

Options Other Than Closing

When there has been a heavy rain that has brought substantial rain, courses will often work hard to ensure the greens are in a quality playing conditions and the bunkers are drained and rake out, but you will often find yourself in a cart path only situation.

Spectators and Rain

If you have ever been to a professional event and a storm rolls through, the tournament directors will often sound a horn and announce that the course is to be evacuated. Thunderstorms that involve lightning are taken very seriously and the golfers are protected and spectators are asked to leave.

Final Thoughts: Enjoy the Outdoors

Make sure when you playing golf that you are enjoying the outdoors, but are also aware of the potential changing weather conditions. Make sure you are prepared with the right equipment to help make your round enjoyable in the event of a light or steady rain that allows you to continue to play, but is enough to get everything wet.

My Secret To Golf Improvement

Let’s face it, in order to get really good at golf, we must practice frequently. About three years ago, I made the leap and invested in a golf simulator build for my garage. I went with a SkyTrak Launch Monitor and the TGC software and can now play over 100,000 courses including Augusta, Pebble Beach, Bethpage Black, Whistling Straits. St.

Take Action – What You Can Do Today to Get Better

What does this mean for you? I believe in the following recipe to get better:

How does rain affect golf? Walking on wet grass really damages it

We think grass grows in soil. It doesn’t. The roots actually grow in air spaces between soil particles.

How does rain affect golf? That damage may last months

It will stop heaving, eventually. But, if a course has had heavy play, the damage won’t be repaired any time soon.


Do you golf after rain? If so how much rain is too much? If not, why? I love golf and a wet course has never really bothered me but it might to some people. Its also supposed to rain 2 inches today and I am scheduled to play tomorrow and it got me thinking.


As a resident of Oklahoma soft courses are almost never a thing due to the prevalence of wind. Rain has never really bothered me but our crazy wind does! Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy


Wet courses never bothered me, I tend to pick the ball anyways. Take the free relief and keep on playing!


I'll play in any conditions. 2 summers ago there were basically lakes guarding every green on the course a day or two after a ton of rain. My ball will plug, but I'll pick it up and keep moving. I've played in snow in spring as well.


I'll play golf nearly anytime I get the opportunity. I will say that I will not play a nicer, ie more expensive, course when conditions are not as nice. If I'm scheduling further out, I check the forecast more closely than I used to as normally I'm not playing all that much so I choose more carefully.


It gets old slapping a ball through mud and calling it golf. A summer rain isn't anything, but these spring time 3-days-straight rains take all the fun out of it. I hesitated making a tee time for Saturday because of thunderstorms tonight and all day tomorrow. Probably gonna have to wait another week to get back out. Take Dead Aim

Tom the Golf Nut

The area in North East TN where I am has a lot of clay in the soil. Very poor drainage. Sand traps turn into ponds. Even a fairway shot into the green can leave you with red clay stains on your clothes. I prefer to wait a day after a soaking rain if I'm playing a local course.
