how much is the final exam weighted in this course?

by Dr. Elroy Robel 4 min read

What is the final exam weight and grade?

Final Exam Weighting as Part of Course Design ABSTRACT The weighting of a final exam or a final assignment is an essential part of course design that is rarely discussed in pedagogical literature. Depending on the weighting, a final exam or assignment may provide unequal benefits to students depending on their prior performance in the class.

How much is my final exam worth in the class?

In the scenario of before final exam, the average grade is: Weighted grade = (93×10%+ 85×20%+ 86×20%+87×25%)/ (10%+ 20%+ 20%+ 25%) = 87 percent. To get an overall grade of 88 percent, the final grade need to be: (88×100%- 87×75%)/25% = 91 percent. Tip: you can adjust your overall grade to calculate the corresponding final grade in real time.

What is the weighted average of a course?

To determine what you need to get on your final exam in order to get a 90% in the class, let's do some math using the formula above. First add the weight of all the class assignments together including your final: w total = 10% + 10% + 20% + 20% + 20% = 100%. Next, multiple the grade you received on each assignment by the weight of the assignment.

What is the average grade before final exam?

Final exam weight = w = weight2+weight3 = 30%+20% = 50% Final exam grade = = ( required grade - (100% - w )× current grade ) / w = ( 85% - 50%×80% ) / 50% = 90% This mean that you have to get an average grade of 90% in assignments 2 and 3 in order to get class grade of 85%. Assignment 2 grade = 90% × max grade = 90% × 30 = 27

How much is a final exam weighted?

The weight of the final test is calculated as 100% minus the combined weight of all grades to date. Therefore, if the combined weight of the scores you enter is 65% then the final exam will have a weight of 100% - 65% = 35%.

How are final exams weighted?

Add a the total points the final is worth to your total points. Then, divide the result by the points after the final. In the example, 195 points plus 200 points equals 395 points. Then, 395 points divided by 425 points equals 92.9 percent.

How do you calculate a weighted final grade?

Multiply Grade by Weight Multiply the grade on the assignment by the grade weight. In the example, 85 times 20 percent equals 17 and 100 times 80 percent equals 80.

How do you figure out how much a test is weighted?

You can figure a weighted total by performing a few simple calculations. Divide the number of points that a student earned on an assignment by the total possible points for that assignment. For instance, if the student earned 22 out of 25 points on a test, divide 22 by 25 to get 0.88.Apr 24, 2017

How much should a final be worth?

It's unfair to put students in a position where large portions of their grades for each of their classes are all on the line simultaneously. To prevent this, the University should implement a limit on all courses stating that finals cannot be worth more than 30 percent of the final grade for a class.Dec 21, 2017

How much will an 86 affect my grade?

Grade Calculator – Frequently Asked QuestionsLetter GradePercentage4.0 ScaleB+87-893.3B83-863.0B-80-822.7C+77-792.38 more rows

How much will a 73 affect my grade?

Use this calculator to find out the grade of a course based on weighted averages....Your final is worth:Letter GradeGPAPercentageB-2.780-82%C+2.377-79%C273-76%C-1.770-72%9 more rows

What weighted grades mean?

Weighted grades are number or letter grades that are assigned a numerical advantage when calculating a grade point average, or GPA.Aug 29, 2013

How much can 100 points bring up my grade?

Now, the instructor will calculate your total percentage, by dividing your total weighted points earned by total weighted points possible: 100 ÷ 106 = 0.94 (rounded to two decimal places). In grade percentages, that's a 94% for an “A.” Great job!

Important Notes

Although our weighted average calculator is often used to calculate overall semester average grades for courses that have varying weight in terms of credits, the actual calculation that we use can be applied to any group of numbers, regardless whether they are weighted differently or not.

How does it work?

The calculations behind our weighted average calculator are quite simple. Instead of just summing up all the grades and then dividing them by the total number of grades (which would get the basic average), each grade is multiplied by weight and then summed up and this time divided by the total weight or credits, as explained below:

Calculator Instructions

In the top part of the form, enter how much your final exam is worth and the grade that you would like to get in the class. For example, your final test might be worth 20% of your overall grade and you want to get at least a 93% in the class. You would enter these numbers into the form.

What if my class grade is based on points rather than percentages?

Let's assume you have the following class syllabus that is based on points.

What is weighted score?

A weighted score or weighted grade is merely the average of a set of grades, where each set carries a different amount of importance.

Who is Kelly Roell?

Kelly Roell. Education Expert. B.A., English, University of Michigan. Kelly Roell is the author of "Ace the ACT. " She has a master's degree in secondary English education and has worked as a high school English teacher. our editorial process. Kelly Roell. Updated July 08, 2019.


You can use the calculator above to calculate your weighted grade average. For each assignment, enter the grade you received and the weight of the assignment. If you have more than 10 assignments, use the "Add Row" button to add additional input fields.

How to calculate weighted grade average?

First multiple the grade received by the weight of the assignment. Repeat this for each completed assignment.

Weighted Grade Formula

Weighted Grade = (w1 x g1 + w2 x g2 + w3 x g3 + …) / (w1 + w2 + w3 + …)
