how much is the crhis wark cancer one course

by Aiden Homenick 9 min read

What is Chris Wark beat cancer?

Mar 13, 2017 · The SQUARE ONE Healing Cancer Coaching Program [1]. The Square One program is composed of ten modules that cover about 70 topics. The first module is available free of charge. The price for the rest is $197, but “for a limited time,” …

How much does a healing cancer coaching program cost?

Chris Wark - Square One (Videos Only) What I loved about it was the simplicity of the course... the easy steps to follow and all the encouragement.....

Is Chris Wark’s “healed” with cannabis?

This course is the culmination of my own experience, plus 17 years of research learning from doctors, experts, survivors who've healed naturally, and from personally coaching hundreds of cancer patients one-on-one.

Did Chris Wark “heal” Mary Saull’s cancer?

Chris Wark - Square One (Videos Only), Module 1 is exactly what I share with every cancer patient in the first hour we spend together. It will completely All Courses

What is Module 4?

Module 4 covers modifications you can make to the anti-cancer diet over time, depending on your unique needs. Topics include: My personal dietary journey; raw food vs cooked food; whether or not to include animal protein; how long you need to stay on a strict anti-cancer diet, and more.

What is square one?

SQUARE ONE is your step-by-step action plan that will give you a road map to transform your life and start your healing adventure. If you’re trying to heal, prevent a recurrence, or you want to be proactive and reduce your risk of ever developing cancer, SQUARE ONE is for you.

Join our tribe of thrivers!

I was diagnosed with stage IIIc colon cancer in 2003. After surgery I opted-out of chemo and used nutrition and natural therapies to heal. Today I’m healthy, strong, and cancer-free! If you’d like to learn how to help yourself heal or prevent cancer, you’ve come to the right place!

What Every Cancer Patient Needs to Know

In this 11-minute video recorded in 2013, I share some of the most important things I’ve learned about cancer, health and healing– things I wish someone had told me when I was first diagnosed in December 2003. If I re-recorded it today, I would say the exact same thing.

Someone you love has been affected by cancer

Last spring there was a massive shift in the cancer healing community.

The decision not to undergo chemotherapy

If you or a loved one has received a cancer diagnosis, or if you’re serious about preventing it — the information in Chris’s program could literally save your life or the life of someone you care about.

How long did April Saull have cancer?

My new interview with April Saull rocks! She was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast cancer and turned it around in 3 months with nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies, specifically cannabis oil!

How long does pancreatic cancer last?

According to the site Chris linked to in his update, generally for adults with pancreatic cancer in England and Wales : Almost 5 out of every 100 (almost 5%) survive their cancer for 5 years or more. Only 1 out of every 100 (1%) will survive their cancer for 10 years or more after diagnosis.

How did Margaret Bermel die?

Margaret Bermel died June 26, 2014 of cancer, 4.5 years after her original diagnosis. [2] The last post to her Facebook book page, February 11, 2014, has no mention of illness. [3]

Who is April Saull?

April Saull is the 7th person Chris Wark has featured as a “healed survivor” who has died of cancer thus bringing the death rate among his “survivors” to about 10%. As is typical in Wark’s survivor stories he uses “healed” with firm conviction.

Did Penelope Villabert heal herself?

The original post about Penelope Villabert’s claim to have healed herself of pancreatic cancer debuted in November 2012. This is the original post. According the Internet Wayback Machine, this post ceased to exist on Wark’s site on September 4, 2016 with a “404/Page Not Found” error message. [2] Chris appears to have resurrected the blog post recently, with the update, likely in response to the recent publication of this Youtube video exposing the deaths of “healed” survivors that mysteriously disappeared from his blog and Youtube channel.