how much does the otago exercise course cost per week

by Clovis Greenholt 5 min read

What is the Otago exercise course?

OTAGO Exercise Programme Leader. A training course for health and exercise professionals in the delivery of the evidence based Otago strength and balance exercise programme to reduce falls in frailer older people. A collaboration with Professor John Campbell and Dr Clare Robertson of Otago University, New Zealand and with Julie Whitney of Kings ...

How many times a week should you do Otago exercises?

OTAGO Exercise Programme . To prevent falls in older adults. ... Exercise instructor training 20 Programme prescription and implementation 21 Targeting 22 Cost of the programme 22 ...

What is the Otago exercise programme leaders award?

The figures supplied will also assist you in making fair cost comparisons between courses and institutions. Tuition fees increase each year. ... Most domestic students who are new to tertiary …

What are the membership fees for Otago University Students'Association (OUSA)?

$276 per week: $429 per week: English for Otago: $6,999 (15 week programme) $6,999 (15 week programme) Miscellaneous fees: Student Services fee: $20 per week: Orientation fee: $184: …

How many exercises are in the Otago program?

The Course consists of the original 22 OTAGO Exercise Programme exercises, designed to prevent falls and improve balance, strength and confidence, that made up the original OTAGO Exercise Programme home exercise study design. There are some additional warm up and cool down exercises to ensure current international guidelines are followed. The specific order and progressions for each exercise is predetermined for OEP Leaders by LLT.

Who developed the Otago Exercise Programme Leaders Award?

The Otago Exercise Programme Leaders Award was developed in collaboration with Professor John Campbell and Dr Clare Robertson of Otago University, New Zealand and with Julie Whitney of Kings College Hospital Trust, London, UK and launched by LLT in 2007. Susie Dinan, Dawn Skelton and Sheena Gawler are the LLT developers of this course. An article, in FitPro, about the OEP course can be seen here.

What is an OEP?

The OEP is an evidence based home exercise programme with a group exercise application. It is a L2 course because it is a ‘pre-set’ programme of exercises, where OEP Leaders work alongside other health professionals and as part of a broader falls prevention service.

How many days are physiotherapy courses?

We also run 2 days intensive courses for Physiotherapists and Therapy Instructors (Tis), with at least one years experience of teaching older adults. One day covers the practical delivery of the exercises (and support) and one day is the Assessment.

How long is face to face course?

The face to face course runs over 3 full days (9 am – 5.15 pm). 2 face to face course days followed by 1 day practical assessment. This course runs over a minimum of 4 weeks to allow task oriented practice before the assessment.

Can you take MCQ online?

Once you have watched all of these, there is an MCQ quiz for you to complete online plus a short answer worksheet for you to complete and send to us (both of these form part of your assessment/award) prior to the face to face training.

Is OEP better than FaME?

More recently, ProAct65+, a research study looking at primary prevention has shown that OEP is less effective at reducing falls in low risk patients than FaME (PSI) so it is clear that OEP is suitable for frailer older people at high risk of falls and is a starting point for moving people into more challenging balance exercise for ongoing gains.

What is the Otago exercise program?

The Otago Exercise Programme is a set of musclestrengthening and balance retraining exercisesdelivered during four or five home visits by atrained instructor. The main features of the programme are listed in Table 3.

How much did the Otago Exer cise program reduce falls?

In this younger sample, there was no evidence that the Otago Exer cise Programme reduced falls. ¥ In both T rial 1 and T rial 2, a physiotherapist delivered the exercise programme in a tightly controlled research setting. In or der to test the exer cise pr ogramme in a Òreal lifeÓ situation, two further trials were run from routine healthcare service settings.

What is the second randomised controlled trial?

A second randomised controlled trial tested two interventions to prevent falls in people aged 65 and older who regularly took psychotropic (sleeping) medication.

How many different settings have been used for economic evaluations of the exercise programme?

Comprehensive economic evaluations of the exercise programme have been carried out in three different settings.

Is the Otago exercise programme tested again?

The Otago Exercise Programme was tested again in people 80 and older in a community implementation trial.

How long is the Otago tuition free?

Most domestic students who are new to tertiary education will be eligible for one year of fees-free study at Otago.

Why is the University of Otago required to provide support services?

The University of Otago is required by Government regulation to ensure a range of support services are available to students. These are funded through the charging of the Student Services Fee.

How to pay international tuition fees?

Payment of International Tuition Fees 1 It's easy to use and you can make your payment faster and receive your payment receipt sooner. 2 Save money by choosing a telegraphic transfer from your bank. There are no transfer charges from Western Union Business Solutions for this type of payment. 3 You can use your own currency and still be sure that your full payment amount will be made in New Zealand Dollars. 4 Once you make the payment, the exchange rate is locked in for 72 hours, making sure that the full amount is paid. 5 You get peace of mind, knowing that your payment will arrive in full, on time, without any extra charges or delays.

What does it mean if you have not applied for a scholarship at University of Otago?

If your tuition fees are to be covered by a University of Otago scholarship and it has not been applied to your fee account, it means that the internal processing has yet to be completed.

How many points are in a health science first year?

A first year student enrolling for a Health Sciences first year course (all papers are 18 points)

Where to pay EFTPOS in Dunedin?

Payment by EFTPOS and Credit Card is available on the Dunedin campus at the AskOtago Counter located in the Link (by the Central Library).

Does the University of Otago accept credit cards?

GlobalPay now accepts Credit Card as one of the payment options for certain currencies.

What is the Otago exercise program?

The Otago Exercise Program (Otago) is an individually tailored, home-based, balance and strength fall prevention program delivered by a physical therapist. Otago began in New Zealand and was developed, tested and demonstrated to be effective for reducing falls and fall-related injuries among high-risk individuals: adults more than 80 years ...

Is Otago covered by Medicare?

Otago may be covered by Medicare Part A, Part B and Medicare Advantage.