how much does the gun safety course cost for aurora

by Esta Borer 8 min read

Proper handgun selection for beginners and advanced shooters. The class is 3 hours long. Class costs only $65.00.

Full Answer

How much does it cost to join Aurora Gun Club?

Q: What is the cost to be a member of Aurora Gun Club? A: A one-time fee of $450 is payable when becoming a full member of the club. Each year, including your first year, annual dues of $450 ($500 for families) are due.

What is the handgun safety course?

The Handgun Safety Course provides students of all experience levels with the most comprehensive handgun safety education. Through engaging instructional content, illustrations, animations, and videos, this course teaches students how to use handguns safely and legally.

What is a certified NRA home firearm safety course?

Certified NRA Home Firearm Safety Training Course. Short Description: Non-shooting course that teaches students the basic knowledge and skills to explain the attitude necessary for the safe handling and storage of firearms/ammunition in the home. More Details: This is a four-hour course for safe gun handling that is conducted in the classroom only.

How many hours is the gun handling course?

More Details: This is a four-hour course for safe gun handling that is conducted in the classroom only.

Can you carry a gun in Aurora?

Title 18: Colorado allows a person to carry a firearm in a vehicle if its use is for lawful protection of such person or another's person or property. [C.R.S. 18-12-105(2)] Colorado law also allows a person to possess a handgun in a dwelling, place of business, or automobile.

How much is a concealed carry class?

Class cost: $190.00 – includes range time, target and ammunition! Dates vary – See Class Dates Below. Includes use of our firearms, ammunition, targets, hearing protection, eye protection and all range fees.

How long is a concealed carry class Colorado?

Our concealed carry courses are about four hours long and satisfy all requirements to obtain a concealed carry permit. Do I have to be a certain age to attend the class? No, there is no age limit to attend our classes. However, you must be 21 years old to apply for a CCW permit.

How much is handgun safety course in Maryland?

Handgun Qualification License (H.Q.L) $199 entire HQL requirement that includes class, electronic fingerprints, photos and payment of your Maryland CJIS and FBI fees. (Class only $150).

What does CCW stand for?

Concealed carry, or carrying a concealed weapon (CCW), is the practice of carrying a weapon (such as a handgun) in public in a concealed manner, either on one's person or in close proximity. CCW is often practiced as a means of self-defense.

How long is a CCW certificate good for in Illinois?

An Illinois CCW permit is only valid for 5 years from the date of issuance. Once it expires, the law requires that you must attend a 3-hour class including re-qualifying on a range in order to renew the permit.

Can you get a CCW online in Colorado?

According to Colorado law, the firearms safety training needed in order to obtain a permit cannot be fulfilled online.

How long does it take to get your concealed carry permit in Colorado?

By law, the sheriff has ninety (90) days from receipt of your application to perform a background check and either approve or deny your request for a concealed handgun permit. It could take up to ninety (90) days to complete the background check and notify you that your permit is ready to pick up.

How long is a CCW certificate good for in Colorado?

The Colorado concealed handgun permit is valid for 5 years. Every 5 years it must be renewed. The renewal process is a lot like the original application process. You go back down to the county sheriff office and fill out some paperwork, potentially take a new picture, and wait for them to process the renewal.

Our Advantages

Our IL CCL classes & instructors are approved by the Illinois State Police.


Just finished Stan’s Defensive Pistol level 2! Just as in level one, I walked out of class feeling as though I learned skills that I will take with me, practice and build on to become a better shooter! Stan is a wealth of knowledge, engages his students and always find a way of building confidence! I would highly recommend this class to anyone! I am looking forward to Level 3!..

How many hours do you need to take a license to carry class?

The state requires you to spend at least 4-6 hours in classroom training. This License to Carry class is a friendly and supported environment. ... View Profile. Houston, TX 77047.

What is a TAC-1 instructor?

With years of law enforcement experience, TAC-1 instructors are professional and are at the cutting edge of firearms and weapons training. TAC-1 prid... Read More#N#es itself in teaching and developing techniques - not through mere tradition, but through stringent research out of real life incidents. It was once warned by Fairbairn and Sykes, “Without an adequate knowledge of its use, there can be few things so purposeless and dangerous as a pistol.” It went on to say that the adequate knowledge comes only from competent instruction. TAC-1 offers classes on the practical use of small arms, including handguns, shotguns, carbines/rifles, edged weap ... View Profile

Who said without adequate knowledge of the use of a pistol, there can be few things so purposeless and dangerous as

It was once warned by Fairbairn and Sykes, “Without an adequate knowledge of its use, there can be few things so purposeless and dangerous as a pistol.”. It went on to say that the adequate knowledge comes only from competent instruction.

What does "n safety" mean?

n safety (loading, unloading, presenting from concealment, etc.) all the way to running tactical scenarios in their home, office or school to ensure everyone in the family or friends can be safe in potentially deadly situations .

What is a one and done course?

A one-and-done course is of no service to you, and no service to the people you may need to help. If the class is priced to push as many people through as possible, you will learn the very, very basics and there is a place for truly experienced students for these classes.

What happens if you ambush someone in hunting?

In hunting, you ambush prey that (for the most part) cannot fight back. The prey does not know you are there, and they are not actively threatening you. I've got news for you. If you ambush someone, you will be, most likely, reading my next blog from a jail cell. Being around guns, teaches you nothing.

Do guns impart knowledge?

Guns do not impart knowledge by their mere presence. A U.S Special Operator spends years training before they ever go into combat. After a deployment, they come home, decompress and then train back up. This ritual goes on for an entire career, constantly training, constantly learning, constantly honing their craft.

Is shooting a skill?

Shooting is a perishable skill, meaning it goes away when you don’t use it. A person who shot five years ago will not be anywhere near their previous skill. I don’t make the rules, I only report them. A one-and-done course is of no service to you, and no service to the people you may need to help.

Can you carry a gun if you never see your child?

Assuming you meet the background requirements, your license will be issued, and it will be legal for you to carry a weapon. The reality is, you're no more qualified to carry a weapon than a person who never sees their child is qualified to call themselves a parent. That is just the hard reality of life.

Does firearms training make sense?

Yeah, it does not make sense. If a class offers additional actual firearms training, the class should teach you a good base to BEGIN your training in order to be competent with a firearm. If I had a nickel for everyone who told me they'd been around hunting and guns their whole life, I would be Warren Buffett.


Need help? Here are the answers to the questions students most frequently ask.

The Handgun Safety Course Curriculum

The Handgun Safety Course provides students of all experience levels with the most comprehensive handgun safety education.

How long is the rifle course?

More Details: This course is at least eight hours long and includes classroom and range time learning to shoot rifles.

What is the NRA training division?

The NRA Education & Training Division offers a variety of pistol training courses, including basics of pistol shooting, defensive training, and reloading. Get more information about the curriculum and focus of each course below.

How many rounds of ammunition do you shoot in a level one shooting range?

Students spend several hours on the range and shoot approximately 100 rounds of ammunition during level one. Upon completion, students may choose to attend level two, which is an additional five hours on the range and approximately 115 rounds of ammunition learning advanced shooting skills.

What are the rules of the NRA?

Students are taught NRA’s three rules for safe gun handling; primary causes of firearm accidents; firearm parts; how to unload certain action types; ammunition components; cleaning; care; safe storage of firearms in the home; and the benefits of becoming an active participant in the shooting sports. Students will receive the NRA Home Firearm Safety ...
