how much does a summer school course cost at usc

by Ayla Kunde 8 min read

1 unit has a $350 fee, and includes 7.5 hours of total instruction. 2 units has a $700 fee, and includes 15 hours of total instruction. Fees Mandatory Fees, Summer 2020 During the summer session, all registered students are charged the student health fee, according to the number of weeks in their session.

Tuition and Fees
4-week Credit
Course Materials*$300$300
Program Fee*$325$325
3 more rows

Full Answer

How much do you get paid for summer work study at USC?

Summer Federal Work Study Continuing students can earn up to $3,500 through Summer Federal Work-Study. You are not required to be enrolled in summer classes to qualify. Funds are awarded to students with the greatest financial need who: Intend to enroll at least half-time at USC for the fall 2021 semester;

Does USC have summer programs for high school students?

USC Summer Programs extends a tradition of excellence to outstanding high school students through unique 4 week summer courses. Accepted students to the USC Summer Programs will balance academic and campus life as they prepare for college in the nation’s entertainment center – Los Angeles, California. Learn more about USC Summer.

How much does it cost to take a summer course?

For example, for a three-hour undergraduate level course at the in-state tuition rate of $512/hour, the cost of tuition is $1536, plus any additional fees associated with the course. Please note: For further questions on your individual Summer Semester costs, please contact Financial Aid or the Bursar’s Office.

How do I get a summer loan at USC?

Summer Loans The following loan programs may be available to eligible students who enroll for the USC summer session at least half-time (4 units for master's degree candidates, 3 units for doctoral candidates or enrollment in a course considered full-time by the registrar, regardless of units enrolled) and follow the application instructions below.

How much are summer classes at UC?

2022 Summer Sessions FeesStudent CategoryCourse FeeSummer Campus Fee*UC Undergraduate Student$279 per unit$360.14 per sessionUC Graduate Student$279 per unit$187.27 per sessionNon-UC Student**$349 per unit$360.14 per sessionUC Career Staff$279 per unit$11.00 per sessionApr 28, 2022

How much are summer classes at SCC?

Summer RatesBase TuitionTier IIn-District$106/credit hour$146/credit hourOut-of-District$106/credit hour$146/credit hourOut-Of-State$216/credit hour$256/credit hour

Does USC cover summer tuition?

Summer tuition and fees are assessed at time of enrollment and due when billed, regardless of class dates. USCe. pay allows you to manage your student account online. You can pay your tuition and fees by transferring funds from your savings or checking account, wire transfer or payment plan.

How much does it cost to take one class at USC?

The $66 per credit hour rate is a minimum. The course charge may not exceed the resident credit hour tuition for each USC Campus.

How much is a credit hour at SCC?

Tuition CategoryCost Per Credit HourIn-State Students$179/credit hourOut-of-State Students: From Contiguous Counties*$358/credit hourOut-of-State Students: Other Out-of-State Students$627/credit hourOnline-Only Courses+ (all students):$179/credit hour2 more rows

What is the cheapest out of state tuition?

The 17 Cheapest Out-of-State CollegesSchoolOut of State TuitionAvg. Aid Package1. Minot State University$6,691$10,1732. Southern Arkansas University$11,970$13,7133. West Texas A&M University$7,842$10,7254. Delta State University$8,190$9,20213 more rows•Oct 4, 2021

Are summer classes online USC?

Take an Online Course with Us this Spring! Earn a Certificate of Completion. USC Summer Programs extends a tradition of excellence to outstanding high school students through a diverse offering of 4-week summer courses.

How much is it to go to USC for 4 years?

At the current published rates, an estimated total tuition, fees and living expense price for a 4 year bachelor's degree at USC is $320,604 for students graduating in normal time.

How do I apply for summer financial aid USC?

Summer Loans For document submission instructions, please visit Your summer loan application will be reflected online in your Required Info and Forms page in FAST. Submit a completed online Summer Loan Request Form to the Financial Aid Office.

Is USC hard to get into?

Is it hard to get into USC? The USC admission process is extremely competitive. Over 70,000 students applied last year, bringing the USC acceptance rate down to 12%. Over 25% of students admitted to the USC Class of 2025 had perfect grades in high school.

Does fafsa cover USC?

To learn more about Financial Aid at USC please visit the USC Financial Aid website. Amount awarded from all sources in 2021-2022. of the fall 2021 first-year class received a USC Merit Scholarship....Financial Aid at USC.On/Off CampusWith Parents or RelativesTransportation$584$1,948Total$85,648$75,5766 more rows

Is USC expensive?

On April 7, the Daily Trojan reported that USC intends to raise its tuition by 5% for the 2022-23 school year, bringing the University's total cost of attendance to $63,468 per year, according to the University's financial aid website.


Please visit the USC Student Health website at for updates on the fall and spring insurance rates.

Housing and Dining

Housing and meal plan charges will appear on your student account. Housing rent charges for undergraduate buildings and all meal plans are billed once per semester. Rent for most graduate and family buildings is billed on a monthly basis. All utilities are included in rent charges.

Tuition Refund Insurance

Elective insurance is available that provides full coverage for tuition and mandatory fees (excluding health insurance) for you if you suffer a serious illness or accident that makes it necessary for you to leave the university before the semester is completed.

Late Fees

To avoid late fees, you must register and have your tuition, fees, housing, dining and all other charges paid or deferred by 5 p.m. PST on the settlement deadline. If you fail to register and settle your account, you will be assessed late fees each week in accordance with the following schedule:

Finance Charges

Finance charges are assessed on all past due balances. The current annual rate is 12 percent, subject to change.

Returned Checks

A “returned check charge” of $25 is assessed for a check or electronic fund transfer returned by the bank for any reason. If a bank card transaction is disallowed by the bank, the student account will be subject to a $25 returned item charge.

Tax Credits

USC is required to provide students and the I.R.S. with form 1098-T each year. This form reports general information about enrollment status, qualified charges and financial aid posted to a student’s account during the calendar year just ended.

Do you have to pay all tuition and fees in advance?

If you have an outstanding deferment and a change of program results in a reduction of tuition or fees, your deferment will be reduced by the amount that the reduction exceeds your billing balance. If you subsequently have a change of program that results in additional charges, you must contact the department that originally provided the deferment or pay the new billing balance in full.

What is a request for registration?

Request for registration constitutes a legal financial obligation to which you will be held liable if you do not follow the proper procedure to change or cancel your registration through the Office of Academic Records and Registrar. You must receive written confirmation (the Registration Confirmation form) to verify that your requested change has been made.

Is tuition refundable?

Tuition and fees are refundable only by processing a cancellation of enrollment or change of program application through the Office of Academic Records and Registrar. These are granted entirely at the discretion of the university. Informing your academic department or your instructor does not constitute withdrawal from the course. All withdrawals must be processed by Web Registration or through the Office of Academic Records and Registrar.

Can you use salary deduction for university?

If students are full-time permanent employees of the university, they may use salary deduction as a means of paying for their charges. Students must obtain the appropriate forms from the Cashier’s Office. The forms must be completed fully to ensure proper processing.

Summer Semester Applications

Remember to contact Financial Aid and fill out the Summer Financial Aid application on SSC. Apply now for Summer Semester .

Summer Tuition

Tuition for summer courses is paid by the hour (at the part time rate) and is the same for courses during spring and fall semesters. For example, for a three-hour undergraduate level course at the in-state tuition rate of $512/hour, the cost of tuition is $1536, plus any additional fees associated with the course.

Summer Semester Dates

You can select courses that vary in length to create a custom schedule or to accommodate your other summer commitments. There are 7 sessions to choose from!

How to qualify for financial aid for summer?

To qualify, you must: Meet all general financial aid eligibility requirements. Be enrolled in classes at least half-time to receive most loans and/or grants. (Federal Work-Study, however, does not require enrollment in classes.) Adhere to the following deadlines:

When do you have to apply for summer work study?

To apply for summer work-study, you must submit the Summer Work-Study Application by March 31. Early application allows us to determine your eligibility for loans before the end of the summer session Drop/Add period. Summer Loans.

Do you need to log in to USC with NetID?

You will be required to log in with your USC NetID. Private Loans. The federal government requires that summer Federal Work-Study earnings—minus any employment-related expenses—be considered when determining your financial aid eligibility for the following academic year.

When will financial aid be posted?

Summer financial aid will be posted to your student account no sooner than a week before your earliest summer class.

When are tuition and fees assessed for summer classes?

IMPORTANT: Tuition and fees for summer classes are assessed at the time of registration and due when billed, regardless of class start date (s). To avoid late fees, you may be required to pay any outstanding balance on your student account before your financial aid funds can be posted.

Do you have to be in summer to get financial aid at USC?

You are not required to be enrolled in summer classes to qualify. Funds are awarded to students with the greatest financial need who: Intend to enroll at least half-time at USC for the fall 2021 semester; Meet all general eligibility requirements for financial aid, including Satisfactory Academic Progress; Demonstrate financial need ...

Can financial aid be disbursed to a student's account?

Financial aid may not be disbursed to a student's account until SAP has been evaluated. The Financial Aid Office cannot complete the SAP evaluation until prior semester grades have been officially posted by the Office of Academic Records and Registrar.

What is the USC payment plan?

The USC Payment Plan, administered by Student Financial Services, enables students and parents to pay tuition, fees and university housing and meal plan charges in monthly installments rather than in a single payment at the beginning of each semester.

What is AROTC in the Army?

Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (AROTC) The Army Reserve Officer Training Corps is one of the most demanding and successful leadership programs in the country focused on educating, training, and commissioning leaders of character for the Army.

How long does it take to get a refund from the Cashier's Office?

Request for a refund must be made to the Cashier’s Office. Refunds for the regular/general 12- to 15-week fall or spring session are made through the end of the third week of classes (the refund deadline). No refunds are issued for classes canceled after the deadline.

What does tuition refund insurance cover?

What Tuition Refund Insurance Covers. The insurance covers 85 percent of the tuition and mandatory fees ( excluding the student health insurance fee) for the semester if a student withdraws from all classes due to injury or sickness.

What is elective insurance?

Elective insurance is available that provides full coverage for tuition and mandatory fees (excluding health insurance) for you if you suffer a serious illness or accident that makes it necessary for you to leave the university before the semester is completed .

When is the deadline to drop tuition refund?

You may decline tuition refund insurance up until the end of week three (session 001) or the 20 percent mark of all other sessions in the fall or spring semester. For all summer sessions, the deadline is the 80 percent mark of session 050, deadline to drop with a mark of W. In summer 2021, the deadline is June 23, 2021.

When is registration completed for audit?

Registration is completed when the bill has been settled. Auditors pay the regular tuition rate. Auditors are not required to participate in class exercises (discussions and examinations); they receive no grades or credit and there is no transcript notation of courses taken for audit.

How much does an intercollegiate athletics class cost?

Intercollegiate Athletics Fees: $155.13 per session. Material Fees. Some courses may require material fees, all students enrolled in those courses must pay the material fee. Please refer to the course description on the Schedule of Classes.

When will I get my summer session fees refunded?

Refund will occur after the end of the last summer term. All fees must be paid in advance.

Can I use a postmark as a payment date?

Postmarks will not be accepted as payment dates. Payment is made when funds have been processed by the UC San Diego Cashier's Office. Other Fees may include: Bookstore (Textbooks): Call (858) 534-7326 or visit the UC San Diego Bookstore.

Do you have to pay your college fees in advance?

All fees must be paid in advance. The Office of the Registrar manages this fee reversal process. Since campus-based fees are part of mandatory fees for registration, students will be dropped for non-payment if those fees are not paid. Eligible students will be refunded once Summer is over.

Is summer tuition subject to change?

Tuition and Fees. Note: All summer fees are subject to change. Full payment of all fees is required to complete registration. Due to shortened timelines in summer, your bill may come after fees are due. Refer to the Summer Session Calendar for due dates and important deadlines.
