how might religion course challenge me intellectually, spiritually or academically?

by Dr. Waino Mertz 3 min read

How can religion and spirituality help us cope with life's challenges?

What religion(s) are you personally most familiar with? How is your involvement with religion today different from how it was when you were growing up? What are your hopes and expectations for this course? How might this course challenge you: intellectually, spiritually, academically or otherwise? How do you plan to address those challenges ...

Why study the world's religions in the College and university curriculum?

Feb 25, 2014 · Some feel religion courses at BYU should be graded on a pass-or-fail basis. According to Pike, the BYU Board of Trustees and Administration shut down a debate several years ago about formatting ...

What is the difference between studying religion academically and personally?

Transformation Project, (our national program on religion, spirituality, and higher education,) we have been exploring ways that academics, administrators, student life staff, and students can engage questions of religion and spirituality from an educational perspective. For decades, conversations about religion and spirituality in higher education

Should we be more sensitive to religion and spirituality in practice?

Artboard 1. The Challenge of Intellectual and Spiritual Growth. Listen. T he work of winning souls to Christ de­mands careful preparation. Men cannot enter the Lord's service without the needed training, and expect the highest success. Mechanics, law­yers, merchants, men of all trades and profes­sions, are educated for the line of business ...

How does religion affect you intellectually?

Religion gives people something to believe in, provides a sense of structure and typically offers a group of people to connect with over similar beliefs. These facets can have a large positive impact on mental health—research suggests that religiosity reduces suicide rates, alcoholism and drug use.Dec 21, 2016

How does religion affect academic performance?

Increased religious attendance is correlated with higher grades. In one study, students who attended religious activities weekly or more frequently were found to have a GPA 14.4 percent higher than students who never attended.

What are the challenges of teaching religious education?

Challenges of Teaching Religious Education
  • Challenge 1: Challenging Misconceptions. ...
  • Challenge 2: Breadth or Depth? ...
  • Challenge 3: Clarifying the Purpose of RE.
Jul 6, 2015

How does religion affect your life as a student?

Research has shown that participating in religious practices has positive effects on adolescents in terms of having higher self-esteem and lower incidence of substance abuse through engaging in religious practices, adolescents achieved a feeling of belongingness [22].Apr 26, 2019

What is the proper relationship between education and religion?

The positive effect of education on sociability explains the positive education-religion relationship. The negative effect of education on religious belief causes more educated individuals to sort into less fervent religions, which explains the negative relationship between education and religion across denominations.

What is the role of religion in education?

Learning about religion and learning from religion are important for all pupils, as religious education (RE) helps pupils develop an understanding of themselves and others. RE promotes the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of individuals and of groups and communities.

Why is it difficult to teach religious education?

Religious education is often perceived as a sensitive subject by teachers because of its content, and can be difficult for teachers to teach without expressing their own or other's views. To stay neutral in a classroom discussion of religion and/or ethics can be difficult (Thalén, 2016: p.Jan 27, 2017

What are the challenges in teaching?

10 Challenges Of Teaching & How To Overcome Them
  • Understanding the different learning challenges amongst students. ...
  • Student family problems & bullying. ...
  • Lack of funding. ...
  • Lack of effective communication. ...
  • Being encouraging and motivating under challenging times. ...
  • Disciplining students. ...
  • Endless paperwork & extended working hours.

What are the disadvantages of teaching religion in schools?

One disadvantage that comes with religious studies in schools is that the subject excludes the interests of the non-religious groups. According to Kurtzleben (2017), non-religious groups such as atheists have their interest and freedom that should be respected in schools.

How does religion affect you in your daily life?

People who engage in religious activities have fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety than people who are non-religious. They also cope with stress better. In fact some religious activities, such as prayer or meditation, can reshape the brain for the better.Mar 31, 2020

In what ways is being religious different from being spiritual?

There are some pretty clear ways in which religion and spirituality differ. Religion: This is a specific set of organised beliefs and practices, usually shared by a community or group. Spirituality: This is more of an individual practice, and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose.

How does religion have an impact on society?

It strengthens individuals, families, communities, and society as a whole. It significantly affects educational and job attainment and reduces the incidence of such major social problems as out-of-wedlock births, drug and alcohol addiction, crime, and delinquency.

Need of Mental Culture

"Mental culture is what we as a people need, and what we must have in order to meet the demands of the time. Poverty, humble origin, and unfavorable surroundings need not prevent the cultivation of the mind. .


"He who discerns the opportunities and priv­ileges of his work will allow nothing to stand in the way of earnest endeavor for self-improv­ment. He will spare no pains to reach the highest standard of excellence."—Education, p. 281.

Is religion based on personal experience?

This portion of the definition seems equally suited for religious education. So much of religion is based on personal experience and reflection on those experiences. Owing to the personal nature of religious observations, experiences, reflections, and reasoning, adherents often find them difficult to fully explain.

Why don't people share religious experiences?

Due to the value attributed to those experiences, a person may not choose to share them frequently because of a fear that others will not understand or may even attempt to degrade and minimize those experiences and the feelings associated with them.

Do religions teach alternate views?

They include the following: religions often claim to contain some amount of absolute truth, an idea in itself that critical theorists oppose; individual religions generally do not teach alternate views, a requisite for critical thinking; and, in critical theory, truth is comprised of “premises all parties accept.”.

What is the Gospel Teaching and Learning Handbook?

The Gospel Teaching and Learning handbook, used by teachers and leaders in the Seminaries and Institutes of Religion program of the Church, sets forth the “fundamentals of gospel teaching and learning.”.

Who said critical thinking is a re-understanding of the classroom?

Another belief included by some in a definition of critical thinking, though at odds with the edifying instruction presented in LDS religious education, is addressed by Rajeswari Mohan, who suggests that to teach using critical thinking would require “a re-understanding of the classroom.”.

What is Harvey Siegel's argument for indoctrination?

In Educating Reason, author Harvey Siegel responds to a criticism sometimes waged against critical thinking called the indoctrination objection. His argument provides a means for reconciling faith with logic. In short he observed that critical thinkers have traditionally been opposed to indoctrination of any kind.

What is critical thinking?

Here critical theorists Michael Scriven and Richard Paul endeavor to encapsulate in one definition the wide expanse of critical thinking’s many definitions: “Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/ or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary form, it is based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter divisions: clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness.” [6]

What are the skills that we need to study religion?

When undertaking the academic study of religion, Gary Kessler, author of Studying Religion, asserts that there are 5 valuable skills that we need to cultivate: openness, honesty (about our biases), critical intelligence, careful observing, and critical tolerance.

Is personal/informal evaluation and study different from studying religion academically?

However, that process of personal/informal evaluation and study is fairly different from studying religion academically.

Why did psychologists steer clear of religion?

That was perhaps because there was some history of religious antipathy among early psychology leaders such as Sigmund Freud and B.F. Skinner, or perhaps because psychologists generally lack training in this area.

Why is spiritual struggle important?

A growing body of research has linked these spiritual struggles to higher levels of psychological distress, declines in physical health and even greater risk of mortality. Thus, it is important for psychologists and other health care ...

Is there an atheist in Foxholes?

Pargament: The old saying that there are no atheists in foxholes is not really true. Before, during and after combat, we can find atheists who consistently hold to their orientation. It is true, though, that people often do turn to their faith as a source of solace and support in their most stressful moments.

Is religion good for people with mental illness?

Empirical studies of many groups dealing with major life stressors such as natural disaster, illness, loss of loved ones, divorce and serious mental illness show that religion and spirituality are generally helpful to people in coping, especially people with the fewest resources facing the most uncontrollable of problems.

What are some positive religious coping methods?

These positive religious coping methods include spiritual support from God or a higher power, rituals to facilitate life transitions, spiritual forgiveness, support from a religious institution or clergy and reframing a stressful situation into a larger, more benevolent system of meaning.

Is spiritual coping problematic?

On the other hand, some forms of religious and spiritual coping can be more problematic. Life events can shake and shatter people spiritually as well as psychologically, socially and physically. People may struggle spiritually with their understanding of God, with inner conflicts or with other people.

Is spiritually integrated therapy effective?

Finally, emerging research is showing that spiritually integrated approaches to treatment are as effective as other treatments. There is, in short, good scientifically based reason to be more sensitive to religion and spirituality in clinical practice. Psychologists are now developing and evaluating a variety of spiritually integrated approaches ...

How can religious studies help students?

Practically speaking, religious studies can enable students to better practice the task of selfhood by both building self-esteem and making possible the acquisition of competencies crucial for one's well-being in increasingly diverse world cultures.

Why is religion important in studies?

Religious Studies is intellectually exciting because it provides access to the mystery of the other. Religion is one of the primary disciplines for investigating the boundary questions of life and death, of love and hate, that characterize the human condition.

Why is religious studies important?

Religious Studies is personally meaningful because it raises questions of purpose and value along with developing important life skills.

Never separate your academic life from your spiritual life

You are of God, He’s absolutely interested in every aspect of your entire life. You should not operate your academic life away from God.


You should be aware that you need the discipline to strike that balance you need between your spiritual and academic life.

Prioritize right

I know you have a long to-do list. Getting to manage them all may seem like a herculean task.

Have a good relationship with other believers

Getting to move and develop a good and close relationship with other Christian students is a good advantage. You can all get to study together and also fellowship together.

Avoid distractions

Distractions that can waste your time should be avoided. Whatever will take your time without any productivity or impact is not worth the time.

Be Consistent

Be consistent with your studies, don’t cumulate notes till examinations or tests comes around. Study well. Do assignments on time, don’t miss classes.