how might a person’s concerns and fears change during the course of life threatening illness?

by Ted Carter 7 min read

Is there a connection between trauma and chronic health conditions?

share fears and concerns, as well as meticulous attention to physical comfort and psychological and spiritual concerns. Each patient brings a characteristic mode of coping and an array of strengths and vulnerabilities to the experience of a life-threatening illness. Thus, each individual’s psychological experience with a terminal illness

What makes a person vulnerable to reexperiencing trauma?

•Chronic pain during childhood may change the wiring in the brain, leaving a person more vulnerable to pain years or decades down the road. •Children are especially vulnerable to fears and anxieties that heighten their pain. •Children may …

Can a person have a crisis after a trauma?

The Art of Conversation through Serious Illness, Richard P. McQuellon and Michael A Cowan 5. ‘Coping’ means regaining control of self and a continued purpose in life and this is an important step. In my experience, no one way of coping is best or even better from the point of view of altering the course of the illness.

How does trauma affect one’s beliefs about the future?

When a psychologist is diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, we recommend that he or she: Seek support. After a difficult diagnosis, people may feel disoriented and have difficulty absorbing the news and planning important next steps. Family, friends and close colleagues can provide immediate and tangible assistance.

How does chronic illness affect a person's life?

Chronic illness can also influence your ability to work. You might have to change the way you work to cope with morning stiffness, decreased range of motion and other physical limitations. If you aren't able to work, you might have financial difficulties. If you're a homemaker, your work may take much longer to do.May 10, 2021

How does illness affect you emotionally?

You may feel overwhelmed by waves of difficult emotions—from fear and worry to profound sadness, despair, and grief—or just numb, frozen by shock or the feeling that you'll never be able to cope.

How does illness affect mental health?

People with chronic physical illnesses are twice as likely to suffer from anxiety or depression as their physically healthy counterparts — and for specific health conditions, the rate is even higher. Physically ill individuals may also develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

What are some examples of life threatening conditions?

Life-threatening health conditions include:Diabetes.Severe allergies (bees, peanuts, etc.)Epilepsy/seizure disorder.Severe asthma.Cardiac/heart conditions.

What emotional impact can diagnosis of a life threatening or limiting illness have on a person and what are the immediate needs of these people?

When dealing with a life-limiting illness you might become concerned about what is happening or feel a sense of helplessness or fear the unknown. This is very common and can lead to anxiety, depression and negative emotions like feeling sad or frustrated. Talking things over can help you and your family cope.Feb 21, 2017

How do you deal with major life changes?

10 Ways to Cope With Big ChangesAcknowledge that things are changing. ... Realize that even good change can cause stress. ... Keep up your regular schedule as much as possible. ... Try to eat as healthily as possible. ... Exercise. ... Seek support. ... Write down the positives that have come from this change. ... Get proactive.More items...•Jan 19, 2017

How does a person's mental health impact their physical health?

A study found that positive psychological well-being can reduce the risks of heart attacks and strokes. On the other hand, poor mental health can lead to poor physical health or harmful behaviors. Chronic diseases. Depression has been linked to many chronic illnesses.Mar 29, 2021

How does illness affect you socially?

June 22, 2000 (Atlanta) -- Chronically ill children tend to be more submissive and less socially outgoing than healthy children, a new study shows. Further, kids who live with pain and physical restrictions may be more likely to have problems relating to their peers.Jun 22, 2000

How illnesses and injuries affect the mind?

Physical injury and mental health are closely linked. A serious injury or chronic illness can cause mental health problems including depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Poor mental health can negatively impact on recovery rates of the physical injury or illness.

What are the 6 fears and concerns that can cause a person to hesitate to respond to an emergency?

Six reasons people hesitate when providing emergency care to a patient are:anxiety.guilt.fear of imperfect performance.fear of making a person worse.fear of infection.responsibility concerns (legal)

What is life threatening situation?

If someone has a life-threatening illness or is in a life-threatening situation, there is a strong possibility that the illness or the situation will kill them.

How could a life threatening condition be determined?

The symptoms from the disease and/or the treatment are moderate to severe and significantly impair the person's activities. The person's condition is expected to steadily decline. Their disease is in, or nearing, the final stages.

Common reactions to a life-threatening illness

Many terminally ill psychologists have good reasons to want to continue working.

Problems with self-monitoring professional competence

Standard 2.06 of APA's Ethics Code states that the psychologist is exclusively responsible for monitoring and addressing problems of his or her professional competence.

Recommendations for practicing psychologists

So what should psychology practitioners do to reduce the risk of incompetence related to an illness? Recommendations for psychologists fall into two general categories: prevention and response.

Recommendations for colleagues

When a colleague faces a serious medical condition, psychologists should move swiftly to provide unwavering support and honest consultation (Barnett & Johnson, 2008; O'Connor, 2001). Here are several steps for supporting the colleague in ways that focus on his or her competence and best serve clients:


To explore how prayers were used as expressions of spirituality among community-dwelling African Americans in response to life-threatening illness. Fifty-eight older African American adults residing in the Southeastern US participated in a qualitative descriptive study.

Conceptual Framework

Prayer is generally conceptualized as a religious practice and/or means of communicating with God (Cone 2002; Pinn 1999 ). As a religious practice, the act of praying can be private or public; solitary or communal (Cone 2002; Pinn 1999 ).

Prayer and African Americans

In comparison to other US racial/ethnic groups, African Americans are more likely to report praying daily, to believe with certainty that God exists, and to indicate the importance of religion in their daily lives (Pew Forum 2007 ).

Design and Methods

A combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies was used to explore African Americans’ use of prayers in response to life threatening illness.


In this report, we explored the ways in which prayers were used during life-threatening illnesses. These findings might be used to optimize clinical care and enhance the cultural relevance of mental health interventions designed to alleviate psychological distress among patients when seriously ill.

Limitations of Present Study

Participants in this study were primarily affiliated with US faith-based institutions who might have different perceptions of God and the role of prayer during illness events. Additionally, participants in this study were older adults; therefore, the findings of this study may not be generalizable to other age groups.

Implications for Practice and Research

Prayer is used to cope with serious illnesses, however, practitioners are unsure of how to incorporate this practice into patient care. The information presented in this article might be used to assist practitioners in understanding how prayer might positively influence patient outcomes.
