how many times can you take the same course wake tech

by Kay Konopelski 10 min read

According to Wake Tech's Course Repetition Policy, a student may enroll in the same course up to three times during his or her academic career.

How many degrees does Wake Tech offer?

According to Wake Tech's Course Repetition Policy, a student may enroll in the same course up to three times during his or her academic career. You will need your Wake Tech student ID and password to open the form. Follow the instructions to complete the form, and submit your request to take the course a fourth time.

What policies apply to all students at Wake Technical Community College?

Jul 07, 2021 · Attendance Policy. All Wake Technical Community College policies (academic; student services; administrative) apply to all students, regardless of campus and center locations or mode of instructional delivery, unless expressly defined by the college. Absences. Wake Tech encourages regular class attendance; absences can hurt academic performance ...

What types of degrees are offered at rewake Tech?

Self-Service lists courses that are offered in a semester, course descriptions, dates and times of available courses as well as textbook information. Visit the Wake Tech Bookstore online. Many students take advantage of college book rental services and/or buy …

Where are CCP classes offered at Wake Tech?

You are allowed to miss 10% of total class time for emergencies. As soon as you know that you will miss a class, contact your instructor to get assignments. Consult Blackboard and the course syllabus for specific rules. If you are going to miss a scheduled exam, you must take the exam before the scheduled date.

How many times can you take the same course in college?

General Rules for Repeating Courses You are allowed up to two repeats to earn credit for a class when the previous grades you earned were substandard (D, F, W, NP). You may petition for a fourth enrollment when the three previous attempts resulted in a D, F, W, or NP.

Does dropping a course affect GPA Wake Tech?

Satisfactory Academic Progress When you withdraw or fail a class, you are not completing it. Therefore, it calculates your cumulative completion rate negatively. Students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA. Financial Aid will only cover 30 attempted credit hours of pre-curriculum courses.

What is a failing grade at Wake Tech?

GradesGradePer CreditExplanationD1PoorF0FailingW0Withdrawal (prior to 60%)WF0Withdrawal - Failing (after 60%)4 more rows

How many classes can you miss at Wake Tech?

You are allowed to miss 10% of total class time for emergencies. As soon as you know that you will miss a class, contact your instructor to get assignments. Consult Blackboard and the course syllabus for specific rules. If you are going to miss a scheduled exam, you must take the exam before the scheduled date.

Is Wake Tech a Title IV school?

Please refer to website for more information regarding the Wake Tech refund policy. Title IV financial aid is earned in a prorated manner on a per diem basis up to and including the 60% point in the semester.

What GPA does Wake Tech require?

2.0Wake Tech requires students in all degree, diploma or certificate programs to make satisfactory academic progress, defined as a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0, based on credit hours attempted, throughout their enrollment.

What will a WP do to my GPA?

Getting a 'W', 'WP', or 'WF' by withdrawing from a class will not affect your GPA, and will not add to your total number of credits. Similarly, getting an 'I', or 'Incomplete', for a course will also not contribute to your GPA.

Can you audit classes at Wake Tech?

Audit Policy: Registration (including tuition charges) for courses to be audited is the same as for courses to be taken for credit. Audit courses carry no credit hours and earn no grade points. The student must submit a Request to Audit form to the Registration & Records Office no later than the last day to add.Apr 16, 2018

How do I drop out of Wake Tech?

Withdrawal Policy Log in to with your Wake Tech username and password. From the Academics drop-down menu, select Course Withdrawals. Your current list of classes will show; select the Withdraw Reason for the course(s) you want to withdraw from, and click Submit.

How many credits is full time at Wake Tech?

12 credit hoursTo be considered a full-time student and receive the maximum amount of financial aid you are entitled to receive, you must be enrolled at least 12 credit hours.

How much does it cost to take one class at Wake Tech?

ESTIMATED* COSTS FOR STUDENTSIn-State:$76 per credit hour x 72 credit hours= $5,472*Professional Liability Insurance:$6 per semesterComputer/Technology fee:$3 per credit hourATI (tests and online services)$198 per semesterCourse Documents Fee$20.00 per semester32 more rows

What is the tuition for Wake Tech?

In-state tuition 2,432 USD, Out-of-state tuition 8,576 USD (2019 – 20)Wake Technical Community College- Southern Wake Campus / Undergraduate tuition and fees

What happens if you withdraw from a class after 60%?

Students who withdraw or who are withdrawn after the 60% point with no legitimate, extenuating circumstances will be assigned a grade of WF. If a student stops attending class before the last test, final project, or final exam and has violated the attendance policy, that student will receive the grade of WF.

What is a grade of W in college?

Grade of W: Students who withdraw or who are withdrawn for any reason, including attendance policy violations, on or before the 60% point are assigned a grade of W.

What grade do you need to take for academic foundations?

A student taking required Academic Foundations courses must earn a passing grade of "C" or better. A grade of "R" or "F" may require the student to repeat the course. Some courses may have prerequisite or co-requisite course requirements, which ensure that the student is ready to move on to a higher level course.

Does Wake Tech have absence policy?

All Wake Technical Community College policies (academic; student services; administrative) apply to all students, regardless of campus and center locations or mode of instructional delivery, unless expressly defined by the college. Absences. Wake Tech encourages regular class attendance; absences can hurt academic performance and are not a part ...

Does Wake Tech have a scholarship?

Wake Tech encourages regular class attendance; absences can hurt academic performance and are not a part of good scholarship. Students are expected to take personal responsibility for their attendance and use discretion when making schedule choices to meet the demands of work, family, and other responsibilities.

Does Wake Tech allow religious observances?

Absences for Religious Observances. Wake Tech recognizes its legal and ethical responsibilities to accommodate students who must miss classes to participate in religious observances. North Carolina law requires that students be permitted at least two excused absences per year for these purposes.

What is the difference between CCP and AP classes?

What is the difference between CCP classes and AP or IB classes? CCP classes are college-level classes, taught by college faculty. As long as a student maintains a C or better in these classes, they will receive college credit. AP and IB classes are taught by the high school staff at the high school.

What are AP and IB classes?

AP and IB classes are taught by the high school staff at the high school. Students must pass exams for these classes to earn college credit. All three types of classes give students high school credit.

What is CTE class?

CTE classes are career focused and an experimental way to try out a field of interest prior to committing to a two or a four-year degree. Great for learners who learn by “doing” and are motivated based on interest. Many CTE pathways are part of parent degrees that can articulate to other colleges.

Can you change your pathway in high school?

Students can change pathways with approval of the high school principal, counselor or Career Development Coordinator. Students are required to give an explanation of why their educational goals changed on the Change of Status Form and they are encouraged to submit a bachelor degree plan showing the need for the course.
