how many times can you repeat a course at occ

by Monserrate Strosin 3 min read

Students are allowed to repeat a course in which they had an unsuccessful attempt up to a maximum of two times (three attempts in total) within the CCCD District (OCC, CCC, GWC).

How do I repeat a course in the coast community college district?

Students who would like to repeat a course that they took during the Spring 2020 term in the Coast Community College District (CCC, GWC, OCC), regardless of the grade received, will need to submit the Course Repeat Form Due to COVID19 to Enrollment Services.

How many times can a student repeat a course?

Students are allowed to repeat a course in which they had an unsuccessful attempt up to a maximum of two times (three attempts in total) within the CCCD District (OCC, CCC, GWC). An unsuccessful attempt is defined as having completed a course with “F,” “D,” “NP,” or withdrawing a course and receiving a “W.”

How many times can I take a class at the UO?

Students who have not earned a mid-C or better or Pass in any course taken at the UO or transferred from another institution may enroll in non-repeatable courses without prior approval, but no more than three times in total.

Can I repeat a course for credit at the University of Oregon?

Certain courses at the University of Oregon designated "repeatable" may be repeated for credit. To determine whether or not a given course is repeatable for credit, consult the Class Schedule or the UO Catalog. If you think you have a legitimate reason to register, contact your advisor to inquire about the support for a repeat.

How many times can you repeat a completed course for credit?

Students in most programs can repeat a passed or failed course twice for degree or certificate credit, to a maximum of three attempts per course. Although the previous attempts remain on your academic record, only the most recent attempt counts toward your credit totals and grade point averages.

What is the course repetition policy?

A student may enroll in two or more sections of the same repeatable credit course during the same term as long as they are not enrolled in more than one section at any given time for the length of the course. In other words, the two identical courses may not overlap in time or dates.

Can you take a course twice?

Retaking a course is a good solution for some students in some situations. It will improve the student's GPA and, although it will not remove the lower grade from the transcript, it will demonstrate that your student is interested in and capable of improving.

How many times can you repeat a class Csusm?

Students are allowed to repeat a specific class twice (i.e., 3 total attempts). Exceptions to this limit must be approved by the college Dean or designee. Students may repeat a class where a grade of "C-" or below (students may not re-enroll in a class in which they have earned a grade of "C" or higher).

When can I repeat a course in which I received a D D+ or C?

Students who earned an unsatisfactory grade (i.e., C-, D+, D-, or E) the first time in a course can repeat that course for a grade if they have the dean's approval through CCAS. This approval is granted through the completion of the online Repeat Course Request Form.

What happens if you retake a class and get a worse grade?

The second grade always replaces the first grade. However, you can retake a class and get a worse grade. For example, if you have a D (a passing grade) and retake a course and receive an F (a failing grade), you now have a failing grade in the course and will have to take the class for a third time.

Is it okay to repeat a course?

1) Not only do schools have repeat-option policies, most schools allow you to repeat more than one course. But you have to repeat a course that had a letter grade for the same course with a letter grade.

What happens if I take the same course twice?

If you're actually serious, the answer is no. You can "retake" a class, but the grade would just replace your previous one, so it wouldn't really affect your gpa (unless you did poorly the first time, but then why would you want to take it again?)

Can you repeat the same class in college?

Repeating Coursework A course may be repeated only once. Although only the second grade earned (for better or worse) will be computed into your GPA, both grades will remain on your transcript.

Is C passing Csusm?

C (Satisfactory): Performance of the student has been at an adequate level, meeting the basic objectives of the course. D (Passing): Performance of the student has been less than adequate, meeting only the minimum course requirements.

What is a good reason to withdraw from a course?

5 Reasons You Can Drop a Course: The course isn't required for your degree, isn't relevant to your degree, or isn't an acceptable elective. You're too far behind in the syllabus and you can't fathom catching up. You bombed your first midterm and can't reasonably recover your grade. (Abort mission.

How many times can you fail a class CSU?

Undergraduate students may repeat up to a total of sixteen (16) semester units taken at CSUCI for forgiveness. Undergraduate students may repeat an individual course for grade forgiveness no more than twice (3 times total).

How many times can you repeat a course at Orange Coast College?

For courses in which a “D,” “F,” “NP,” or “W” was recorded on the student’s academic transcript, the student may repeat the course two additional times within the Coast District (Orange Coast College, Golden West College, or Coastline Community College). After three unsuccessful attempts, a student’s registration in the course is automatically blocked ( BP 4225 ). Only students with an extenuating circumstance may petition the OCC Academic Petition Council for consideration of a fourth attempt. If approved, students will register for the course at the end of the priority registration period. Petitions are available in the Counseling Office, located on the third floor of Watson Hall, and should be filed at least 30 days prior to the semester start date. Students must meet all registration deadlines.

What happens if you repeat a course?

If a student is authorized to repeat a course, the grade earned in the authorized repeat course will be used in GPA calculations. The grade earned in the previous attempt will be excluded from GPA calculations.

How many classes can you take in MUS A216?

1. MUS A216. Voice 6. 1. A family of courses may include more than four courses, but students are limited to a maximum of four courses in any family within the District. Further, all grades — including “W’s”, will count toward the four — course enrollment limitation and for computing the grade point average (GPA).

How many times can you take active participation classes in kinesiology?

While students will not, in most cases, be allowed to repeat individual active participation courses in kinesiology, art, dance, music, and theatre arts, they will still be allowed to enroll in a series of active participatory courses that are related in content (commonly referred to as a family of courses) a maximum of four times , provided prerequisites are satisfied. This is a state regulation and applies to all athletics, dance, music and theatre arts activity classes in the District.

Is kinesiology repeatable in California?

Regulations governing the repetition of credit courses in the California Community College system — effective Fall 2014 — have eliminated repeatability in active participation courses in kinesiology, art, dance, theatre arts, and most music courses. Intercollegiate athletics and some music courses that are required for transfer programs will be the only courses that will remain repeatable; all other courses previously offered as repeatable will be offered as one-time enrollment courses.

Can I reenroll in a course if I have an incomplete grade?

If an incomplete grade (“I”) was recorded on the student’s academic transcript, the student may not re-enroll in the course. The incomplete grade is changed according to the requirements as set forth by the faculty member who assigned the incomplete (see Incomplete under Grades and Grade Points for more information.)

Can I repeat a course on my transcript?

For courses in which an “A,” “B,” “C,” or “P” was recorded on the student’s academic transcript, the student may petition the OCC Academic Petition Council for approval to repeat the course only if there is a need to repeat the course due to a recency requirement. The student must document the need to repeat the course (i.e. for admittance into a program, licensing requirement, etc.). Students should see a counselor to obtain the proper form.

How many credit hours are required to be a full time student?

Students enrolled for 12 or more credit hours in a given semester will be verified as full-time students in that semester.

What is Oakland Community College?

Oakland Community College offers college courses that fulfill requirements in the first two years of a bachelor degree. The courses are articulated with degree programs at other colleges and universities throughout the state. Transfer guides are available at campus counseling centers and on the web in the Michigan Transfer Network .

When is load status computed?

A student’s load status for a semester will not be computed until the first business day after the 100% refund period has ended to ensure enrollment. To avoid overburdening themselves, students planning their class schedules should keep in mind the number of hours per week that they will be attending classes, the number of hours per week that will be spent doing homework, and the number of hours per week that students plan to work.

Can you drop a class on the web?

Students may drop a class or cancel enrollment by web during registration periods. Student-initiated drops may be transacted on the Web or in person at any campus once classes begin . Student drops transacted after the refund period will appear as a “W” mark on the transcript.

Does AU appear on transcripts?

The mark of AU will appear on the transcript for courses that were audited. A student auditing a class is expected to participate as a regularly-enrolled student unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor.

Can a course be repeated?

A student who wishes to enroll in a course that has been attempted three or more times must request approval of an academic counselor. A course may be repeated. However, the listing of the original grade remains part of the permanent record.

Can you repeat a course in which an F is earned?

A student need not repeat a course in which an “F” was earned unless it is a prerequisite to another course or it is a course required for graduation. Certain courses have been designated as "equate" courses. Taking both a course and its equivalent has the same effect as repeating that course.

How to add classes to Orange Coast College?

You can add a class through MyCoast. Please see the Counseling Center's " Document Library " page and click on "How to Register for classes at Orange Coast College - A Quick Guide" for more information.

What grade do you need to take math 030?

Complete Math 030 with a "C" or better (or appropriate placement) and Chemistry A130 with a grade of "C" or better.

What are the academic rules of Onondaga Community College?

In order to maintain and nurture the scholastic standards of Onondaga Community College, the following academic rules have a two-fold purpose. The first is to stimulate the pursuit of academic excellence, and the second is to establish minimum criteria for academic standing.

How many credit hours can you register for in a semester?

Maximum Credit Load: A student may register for a maximum of 19 credit hours during the fall/spring semester. A Summer Session student may register for a maximum of 8 credit hours during a 5-week session or 11 credit hours during a 10-week session.

How long does it take to notify a faculty member of a dishonesty charge?

This notification should take place within one week of when the infraction is discovered. The faculty member must retain written documentation to substantiate the charges.

How many hours are full time students?

Enrollment Status: A full-time student is one who is enrolled for 12 or more credit hours/equivalent credit hours during the fall/spring semester. A part-time student is enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours/equivalent credit hours during the fall/spring semester.

When to submit a statement to the instructor?

This statement shall be submitted to the instructor’s Department Chairperson no later than March 15th for fall grades and October 15th for spring and summer grades. The Chairperson may accept a statement submitted after that time if in his/her opinion there were extenuating circumstances.

When does registration start in college?

Registration occurs prior to the start of the semester.

Can a faculty member change a grade?

After a grade is recorded by the Registrar’s Office, a faculty member may request that the grade be changed . This request must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office on an official Grade Change Form during the following semester. Grade changes for reasons other than computational or clerical error are subject to the approval of the Scholastic Standards Committee.


Hybrid classes incorporate online instructional elements in addition to on-campus classroom meetings.


When choosing a course type, you should consider the flexibility of your schedule, how you prefer to learn and the type of interaction that works best for you.

How many OCC classes are required for Level I fieldwork?

Level I fieldwork is required for 6 OTA courses (OCC 101, OCC 201, OCC 202, OCC 204, OCC 205, OCC 207). Additional time in a variety of community settings may also be required in other OTA courses, as requested by the course instructor. Students must successfully complete the fieldwork component of each course in order to earn a passing grade for the course. Travel is required, as is the ability to schedule and attend fieldwork so that it does not interfere with class attendance.

How long is an OTA session?

Sessions are usually one hour in length. Please contact the OTA program for more information.

What is the OTA program?

The OTA Program maintains the highest educational standards. The study of occupational therapy is academically demanding. There is emphasis on accurate writing that is required in coursework, fieldwork and clinical practice. Professional behavior is expected in all aspects of the program, including verbal interactions in the classroom and written communication with instructors and clinical sites. There are many interpersonal demands that are required and you are expected to be respectful of and meet the needs of others; be culturally respectful and aware; and accepting of diversity of all persons.

What is occupational therapy?

Occupational Therapy is a health and rehabilitation profession that helps people attain or regain more productive, satisfying or independent lives in their chosen occupations.

How long does it take to get an A.A.S. degree?

The 64 credit A.A.S. degree is generally completed in 2.5 years. Sixteen weeks of full time clinical fieldwork is required once the academic portion is completed.

What is the school performance for 2020?

The School Performance for 2020 is 100% . Students must pass a national licensing exam in order to obtain employment. Program results from the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy can be found online at:

What is Rockland Community College?

Graduates of Rockland Community College are provided with a clear path to meaningful careers that meet the needs of businesses and industry in the communities we serve. Our students are trained in specific skills that are needed by employers, and guided through a career path that leads directly to workforce opportunities. With affordable tuition, students who begin their college careers at RCC are ready to meet the demands of the real world.

Can you repeat a course in Fall 2020?

Effective for Fall 2020 Coursework Forward. Students may repeat a course in which a D- or higher grade has been earned or for which credit has been awarded. Credit is awarded only once; a repeat of the same or an equivalent course does not earn additional credit.

Do repeated courses count as GPA?

All grades earned in repeated courses will be included in GPA calculations. In deciding whether to repeat a course, students should consult with an academic advisor and also consider the potential implications for Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress and NCAA eligibility if applicable.

How many times can you get credit for non-repeatable courses?

Credit is awarded only once for non-repeatable courses, and is not awarded for regression or coursework taken beyond catalog limitations. Symbols used on the Transcript (Immediately following the grade): Symbol. Description.

How to find class schedule in CRN?

Class Schedule. Click on a course CRN; if the course is repeatable, the information will be displayed directly underneath the course number and title.

What does "repeated" mean on a transcript?

Repeated courses are annotated on the transcript as either being “REPEATED, INCLUDED IN GPA” or “REPEATED, EXCLUDED FROM GPA.”

What is the repeat policy?

The Repeat Policy pertains to undergraduate-level courses only and therefore will only apply to you if you attempt to retake an undergraduate course ( numbered 499 or lower). For questions about repeating a graduate-level course, contact the Graduate School.

Is UO repeatable?

Some University of Oregon (UO) courses are repeatable for credit (for example, when the content of the course differs from previous offerings of the course). If a course has been approved by the Committee on Courses as repeatable for credit, any restrictions for the course are listed in the course catalog, including limits to credits and number ...

Can you register for a course again after reaching the limit?

Students who have reached the limit will not be permitted to register again for the course without petitioning for prior approval from the Academic Requirements Committee through the Office of the Registrar. Credits for repeatable courses are awarded each time the course is completed, up to the established limits.

Can you repeat a class at the University of Oregon?

Certain courses at the University of Oregon designated "repeatable" may be repeated for credit. To determine whether or not a given course is repeatable for credit, consult the Class Schedule or the UO Catalog. If you think you have a legitimate reason to register, contact your advisor to inquire about the support for a repeat.