how many questions can you get wrong on defensive driving course? comedy driving

by Carrie Morar 4 min read

Is there a comedy defensive driving course?

Sep 13, 2012 · The online course has a 99.99% pass rate, so it is unlikely you will fail. Each quiz allows 3 attempts. If you fail the course you must re-register and pay again but you can take the course as many times as you need.

Why take a defensive driving course online?

Texas Defensive Driving Answers For Any Online Course. Date: 2021-1-9 | Size: 5.1Mb. You must answer before your 90 seconds run out or your answer will be marked wrong. After you answer a question, you will be told immediately whether you answered correctly or not, and what the highest possible score you can make is.

Why should I take a driving course?

Feb 24, 2022 · Since 1989, Comedy Defensive Driving® has taught more than 3 million students in classrooms and online defensive driving courses. All courses are fun and entertaining and we take pride in the fact that we deliver a highly educational course with comedy included. With State approvals you can be guaranteed to receive a certificate that dismisses ...

What are the four basic principles of safety driving?

Jul 27, 2016 · Defensive Driving Instant Certs. Go on the road confidently with a defensive driving course in 2022! Turn the serious business of receiving a traffic citation into something that you can have a laugh about, with Comedy Defensive Driving and our defensive driving course that is recognized in Texas, Florida, California, and New Jersey.

How long is Oklahoma defensive driving course?

four hoursThis online defensive driving course is a 4 hour class for ticket dismissal with the Oklahoma City Traffic Court or other Oklahoma traffic courts. This program takes four hours to complete and its bookmark feature allows you the option of exiting out of the course and returning at your convenience.

What are the four A's of defensive driving?

In the past, some have called the topics in this lesson Aggression, Alcohol, Accidents and Awareness.Jun 21, 2017

How long is the online defensive driving course NY?

320 minutesNew York Defensive Driving Courses take 320 minutes to complete, as mandated by the state of New York. Since this course is 100% online you do not need to complete it all at once - you may log out and in as often as you need during the 30 day period you have to complete the course.

How long is defensive driving course online NJ?

six-hourSafeMotorist's New Jersey Online Defensive Driving course makes it simple to avoid point penalties after a traffic ticket and save money on your auto insurance rate. The six-hour course is 100% online and approved by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) for point and insurance reduction.

What are the two key components of defensive driving?

There are two components of defensive driving. They are: You....Safety talk: components of defensive drivingCognizant: You must stay mentally engaged in driving. ... Visual: You must be able to see the road, road conditions, traffic and pedestrians. ... Manual: You must have both hands on the steering wheel.More items...

What are five aggressive driving acts?

Blocking other cars trying to pass or change lanes. Driving on the shoulder, sidewalk or median of the road. Disregarding traffic signs and signals. Running red lights or stop signs.

What is the easiest defensive driving course online?

#1: iDriveSafely iDriveSafely is my top recommended easiest online traffic school for 2022. They've been around since before online traffic school even existed.

Which online defensive driving course is best in NY?

#1: iDriveSafely iDriveSafely is certified as a New York online defensive driving course for point reduction and insurance discounts, including for I-PIRP. This is without a doubt, the highest quality course available in New York for 2022.

How many times can I take defensive driving in NY?

once every 3 yearsDrivers can take a defensive driving course once every 3 years (36 months) for point and insurance reduction. Each time someone completes the course, it qualifies them for a discount on their car insurance premium.

How many times can you take a defensive driving course in NJ?

How many times can you take a defensive driving course in NJ? You can take the defensive driving course once every five years in NJ to receive point reduction. You can take the course once every three years to receive the insurance discount.

How many points does a defensive driving course take off in NJ?

Two pointsUpon completion of the defensive driving course: Two points may be removed* from the accumulated points you currently have on your license. *IMPORTANT NOTE: Point credits for State-approved, New Jersey defensive driving course curriculum only.

How long does 2 points stay on your license in NJ?

Thankfully, the New Jersey MVC will remove these points for a couple different reasons: Three points will be removed if you go one full year without receiving a violation or having your license suspended. Two points will be removed if you complete a NJ defensive driving course. This can be done once every five years.

When will I receive my course certificate?

Certificates are processed daily. Choose your delivery option during registration. Upgrades also available until certificate has been printed: YOUR...

Are the CDDS Courses State Approved?

Comedy Defensive Driving School is approved by the TDLR and TEA and is accepted by all courts in Texas to dismiss traffic tickets. Online Couse #C1...

Do I have to do the online course in one sitting?

No. You can log in or out of the course at your convenience. You do not have to do it in one sitting. You can take the course from any internet con...

What if I fail the course?

The online course has a 99.99% pass rate, so it is unlikely you will fail. Each quiz allows 3 attempts. If you fail the course you must re-register...

How long is the course?

5-hours of instructional videos and quiz time with 1-hour of break time.

What is required for a course to be approved by the State?

All courses approved by the TDLR and TEA take a minimum of 360 minutes to complete. The course includes 5 hours of instructional and quiz time and...

Can I take the online course on my phone/tablet?

Yes. So long as you have access to the Internet, you can take this course on any device you like.

How often can I take a defensive driving course in Texas?

Texas state law allows you to dismiss only 1 traffic ticket every 12 months, but this is a bit of a grey law, and judges can allow this, so ask the...

Which violations can be dismissed with a defensive driving course?

Speeding, running a red light/sign, driving without a license, not wearing a seatbelt, and driving while using a mobile device are several examples...

Is this class approved for insurance discounts?

Not only are they available for traffic ticket dismissal, but our courses are also approved to provide insurance rate discounts (a standard discoun...

Why a Court Requires You to Take a Driver Improvement Course

Having to take a court-ordered driving course may seem like a big deal. As part of the fallout from your traffic violation, being sent by a judge to attend traffic school may feel like more drama and punishment than you need right now. Rest assured, with Comedy Defensive Driving at the wheel; your online driving school will help you reduce...

Take a Driver's Online Improvement Course to Reduce Points on Your License

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Am I Eligible for Traffic School?

Learning to drive defensively with Comedy Defensive Driving and taking our 100% online defensive driving course is so popular that it's gotten just about everybody asking: am I eligible for traffic school? Of course, most people come to us wanting to know if we offer license point removal or if we can squash a ticket. And... Read More »

Am I Eligible for Traffic School?

Learning to drive defensively with Comedy Defensive Driving and taking our 100% online defensive driving course is so popular that it’s gotten just about everybody asking: am I eligible for traffic school? Of course, most people come to us wanting to know if we offer license point removal or if we can squash…

What Happens if I Get a Traffic Ticket While Driving for Uber or Lyft?

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Save Money on Your car Insurance with Comedy Defensive Driving

Save money on your car insurance by taking a Defensive Driving class that will not only lower your rate BUT ALSO make you laugh! That’s right you can take our 5 star rated online course and save some money! The best part? This can all be done instantly as soon as you complete your course.…

When Is A Defensive Driving Course The Best Option?

The premise behind driving defensively is that you drive like everyone else on the road is driving drunk. Maybe your dad taught you how to drive stick out in the Texan countryside, but now you’re in Dallas and soon discover that everyone else drives like a hooligan. Or maybe you’re already a conservative driver, using…

Is Taking A Traffic School Course In Florida Worth It?

Florida is one state you don’t want to mess with when it comes to traffic offenses. Speeding or any moving violation can land you in a dilemma. Taking a Florida Traffic School course is worth the time in many circumstances. Read on to learn more. Oh yes! It is that tough in The Sunshine State.…

Underage Drinking and Driving

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Stranded Vehicle Update: What you should do

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How far ahead should I scan?

ANSWER: Scan about a city block to a mile ahead. HINT: In urban areas, scan about a city block ahead or ¼ mile ahead of your vehicle. In rural or highway driving, scan about ½ to 1 mile ahead. Remember, the greater your speed, the faster you will approach a danger; hence the greater the need to scan farther ahead.

Do fog lights provide enough light?

Fog lights alone do not provide sufficient light AND the level of light is too low to the ground. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, California, Florida, Texas and Wisconsin DOT all agree that driving with low beams or a combination of low beams and fog lights gives better visibility in the fog.

Driver Safety Online Course

For all your traffic needs. An affordable online driving school advanced course to get your traffic ticket dismissed.

Online Traffic School (or) Defensive Driving Course

Enrolling an Online course gives you the feasibility to dismiss ticket from your home or office and from anywhere. Fastest & easiest way to dismiss tickets.

Keep Points Off Your Driving Record

Register Traffic School Online Now! - Easy & Fast Defensive Driving Course