how many points does aarp course reduce

by Helene Herzog 6 min read

Do I need an AARP membership to take the course?

AARP membership is not required to take the course. After completing the course you’ll receive a certificate of completion that can be presented to your insurance agent for a possible reduction in your auto insurance premiums. To locate a classroom course, visit

Does the AARP Smart Driver course offer any discounts to participants?

In the states where auto insurance premium discounts are not mandated, several insurance companies voluntarily provide premium discounts to participants completing the AARP Smart Driver course. *The State of New Mexico prohibits AARP from offering the course to participants under the age of 50.

Do AARP members get discounts on car insurance?

AARP Membership: Get exclusive information, benefits and discounts for just $16 a year. In many states the discounts are mandatory, so car insurance companies must offer insurance discounts to people completing a classroom-based, state-approved driver-improvement course.

Does the point&insurance reduction program remove points from my record?

Important: Completion of a course under the "Point & Insurance Reduction Program" does not remove, delete, subtract, or erase any violation, conviction, or notice of original number of points from your driving record.

How long is the AARP driver safety course good for in NYS?

3 yearsEvery 3 years you must complete this state-approved defensive driving course to keep your mandatory car insurance discount through New York's Internet Point and Insurance Reduction Program.

How long is the AARP driver safety course good for in California?

two to three yearsA course completion certificate is valid for two to three years, depending on your state's regulations (check with your auto insurance agent for details regarding your discount).

What is the easiest defensive driving course online?

#1: iDriveSafely iDriveSafely is my top recommended easiest online traffic school for 2022. They've been around since before online traffic school even existed.

What is defensive driving course online?

Defensive Driving Course Online (4-hour and 2-hour course) The course presents real-life driving situations, hazard recognition scenarios and defensive driving techniques to motivate drivers to change risky driving habits and behaviors to avoid collisions and traffic violations.

What is safe driving course?

INTRODUCTION. The SDC serves as an enhancement to the Driver Improvement Points System (DIPS) and is designed to educate motorists on safe driving techniques, correct dangerous driving behaviour and encourage good road habits.

Which online defensive driving course is best?

#1 Defensive Driving Course ProviderIDriveSafely is one of the oldest defensive driving brands in the business. ... has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). ... Take an IDriveSafely Course.Take a Course.Take a MyImprov Course.Take ApprovedCourse Defensive Driving.More items...•

Which online traffic school is the fastest?

Fastest Online Traffic School #1 – iDriveSafely Online Traffic School. The iDriveSafely online traffic school program has been around for literally decades and they have it down to a science. This is the fastest online traffic school you can take and it has made this list every year including now in 2019.

What traffic school is best for online?

More Detailed Reviews For The Best Online Traffic Schools In 2022iDriveSafely. iDriveSafely has consistently been one of the best online traffic schools since they first launched about 20 years ago. ... Go To Traffic School. ... Aceable. ... Improv Traffic School. ... ... Traffic School Online.

Where are the AARP Smart Driver courses?

The 35 locations are Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, ...

Does AARP offer discounts?

In the states where auto insurance premium discounts are not mandated, several insurance companies voluntarily provide premium discounts to participants completing the AARP Smart Driver course. *The State of New Mexico prohibits AARP from offering the course to participants under the age of 50.

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About the course

The AARP Smart Driver™ course, offered by AARP Driver Safety, is the nation’s first and largest refresher course designed specifically for drivers age 50 and older. For more than 35 years, the course has taught over 16 million drivers proven safety strategies so they can continue driving safely for as long as possible.

Why take the AARP Smart Driver course

Over nine in 10 course participants report changing at least one key driving behavior for the better as a result of what they learned in the course and over eight in ten participants felt that information they learned in the course has prevented them from being in a crash.

How many points do you get for driving violations?

If you accumulate 11 or more points in 18 months, you will be called to a DMV hearing, after which your license may be suspended or revoked.

How long does a principal operator have to pay a 10% reduction in auto insurance?

If you are the principal operator of a motor vehicle, you will receive a minimum 10% reduction in the base rate of your automobile and motorcycle liability and collision insurance premiums each year for three years.

What is premium reduction?

The insurance premium reduction applies to all motor vehicles principally operated by the motorist who completes the course. The reduction can be applied to only one driver for each covered vehicle.

Does DMV point reduction affect insurance?

The DMV point system and insurance company "point" systems are separate and not related. Point reduction on your driving record does not affect points assigned by your insurance company for violations and accidents. Completion of a course under the "Point & Insurance Reduction Program" also cannot prevent or reduce the calculation ...

How long does it take to complete an alternate delivery method?

Information specific to the alternate delivery method: The course will be a minimum 320 minutes. Once you register with a sponsor, you have up to 30 days to complete the course. During the course, you will be asked to identify yourself with information given at registration.

Does Point and Insurance Reduction Program remove points from driving record?

Important: Completion of a course under the "Point & Insurance Reduction Program" does not remove, delete, subtract, or era se any violation, conviction, or notice of original number of points from your driving record. Even after you complete the course, most violations, conviction and points assessed will continue to show on your driving record ...

Does a point reduction affect a DWI?

If your license has already been revoked or suspended, or if a violation hearing has already been scheduled, point reduction will not affect that action. Point reduction does not prevent or cancel a mandatory revocation or suspension for violations such as DWI, DWAI, or three speeding violations within 18 months.

How Points Affect You

Although several factors will influence your auto insurance rates, your driving record carries the most weight. Speeding tickets and moving violations can add points to your driver's license. The points vary, depending on the state and the violation.

Point-Reduction Courses

After getting a traffic ticket, you may be given the option to attend traffic school. Driver-improvement or driver-safety courses can reduce the amount of your ticket and keep the points off your driving record. However, completing a course will not necessarily keep the citation from appearing on your driving record.

Low-Risk Driver

A driving course will not remove points off your driving record. If you do not have any points, taking a driving course will not necessarily lower you insurance premium. While some insurance companies give discounts for successful completion of driver's improvement or safety courses, it is not a standard requirement.

State-Approved Courses

If you want to take a driving course, you will need to participate in a driving course that is state approved or accredited. Your county will have specific requirements for electing to take a driving course after receiving a citation. In most counties, you cannot take a course after you have paid your ticket.
