how many people have died on golf course by lightning

by Dr. Destany Williamson II 6 min read

As recently as the 1940's, for example, the average was 329 lightning deaths a year. While the National Safety Council has estimated that as many as half the fatalities are golfers, the Government figures indicate that the number killed on golf courses is actually less than 5 percent of the total.

Since 2006, there have been 12 golf-related lightning fatalities in the nation, including two this year, according to John Jensenius, a lightning safety specialist at the National Lightning Safety Council.Jul 19, 2021

Full Answer

How many golfers die from lightning strikes each year?

Report on lighting deaths in the United States from 2006 through 2016 also reveals that golf has one of the highest incidences of lightning strike which was responsible for the deaths of 9 golfers from 2006 to 2016.

Are golf courses at your own risk from lightning?

This is where many golf courses have special waivers that don’t leave them at fault in case of wrongful death. This is possibly where the expression of play at your own risk’ comes from. But to be fair to players, each official golf course must supply safety zones for lightning. Golf course safety shouldn’t be a throwback to the caveman days.

How many people have been killed by lightning in 2020?

National Weather Service Lightning Fatalities in 2020: 17 (no 2021 fatalities to date) ...

How did a golfer die on the course?

In Canada, a golfer died on the course after his cart hit a retaining wall and tumbled 20 feet to the road below. The death was ruled accidental, though the coroner noted that the man's blood-alcohol level was twice the legal limit. 7.)

How many people struck by lightning golf courses?

He died at the golf course. John Jensenius, a lightning safety specialist at the National Lightning Safety Council, said there have been 12 golf-related lightning fatalities in the U.S. since 2006.

Do golfers get struck by lightning?

From 2006 through 2019, 418 people were struck and killed by lightning in the United States. Almost two thirds of the deaths occurred to people who had been enjoying outdoor leisure activities. The common belief that golfers are responsible for the greatest number of lightning deaths was shown to be a myth.

What are the chances of getting struck by lightning on a golf course?

The odds of being struck by lightning on a golf course is 1:3,000. The odds of becoming a lightning victim in the US is 1:700,000. Lightning can kill people or cause cardiac arrest, severe burns, permanent brain damage, memory loss, and personality changes.

How many deaths have there been from lightning?

Lightning damage in the U.S. - number of fatalities and injuries 1995-2020. In 2020, there were a total of 17 fatalities and 53 injuries reported due to lighting in the United States. In the previous year, there were 20 deaths and 100 injuries reported due to lightning nationwide.

Is it bad to golf in lightning?

Lightning can be a killer. And, yes, lightning does kill golfers. The number of lightning deaths per year on the golf course is small, but the United States' National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association says that five-percent of all lightning deaths and injuries in the United States happen on golf courses.

How to avoid lightning strike on golf course?

Seek Shelter Immediately.Do not stand under tall trees or sit in a golf cart. ... You must get away from your cart and away from your golf clubs quickly.Stay away from water.If you are old-school and have metal spikes on, take them off.More items...•

How many golfers get hit by lightning every year?

Since 2006, there have been 12 golf-related lightning fatalities in the nation, including two this year, according to John Jensenius, a lightning safety specialist at the National Lightning Safety Council.

Does a golf cart protect you from lightning?

MYTH: The rubber tires on a golf cart will protect you from a lightning strike. REALITY: Bolts pack up to two billion volts of electricity. Small rubber tires offer little protection. MYTH: Sitting under a rain shelter is safer than standing in the middle of the fairway.

What do you do if you are caught in a thunderstorm while golfing?

Our tipsIf there is a risk of lightning, don't go out. ... Do NOT seek shelter under a tree. ... If you can, move to the clubhouse or another building near your location to find shelter indoors.Avoid contact with electrical devices and metal.More items...•

How many people get struck by lightning a year 2021?

The previous low was 16 in 2017. An average year, based on data from 2011 to 2021, sees 23 lightning deaths. “This new low of 11 lightning deaths is dramatically fewer than the 432 Americans killed by lightning in 1943,” said John Jensenius, a lightning safety specialist with the safety council.

What country has the most lightning deaths?

Leading countries with the most lightning count worldwide 2021. In 2021, Brazil was the leading country with the highest number of lightning events, which amounted to a sum of 225,607,575 lightning strikes, including both in-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning.

Where do most lightning deaths occur?

Florida, Texas, Colorado, North Carolina, Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Missouri, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania have the most lightning deaths and injuries. Florida is considered the “lightning capital” of the country, with more than 2,000 lightning injuries over the past 50 years.

How many golfers die from lightning each year?

The number of golfers killed each year in the US now represents 27 golfers per year. With the popularity of golf reaching a younger audience, the age group of fatalities is getting younger.

Why do golfers die from lightning?

Over half of all golf course-related lightning deaths happen after a thunderstorm has passed over. Because lightning is attracted to standing objects, a golfer is usually the tallest object on the grass. It’s obvious that most lightning comes from a cloud by an electrical build-up and discharges to the ground.

How to tell how close a thunderstorm is to a golf course?

There is a certain number of tell-tale signs that help you can estimate how close a thunderstorm is to a golf course. The first is the number of times lightning occurs and the proximity of how far away the storm is. Counting between the initial lightning flash until you hear the thunder tells the distance.

How does lightning travel?

It’s obvious that most lightning comes from a cloud by an electrical build-up and discharges to the ground. It can also travel from could to cloud alternatively. In rare cases, it can travel horizontally from a cloud over 2-3 miles until it reached its target.

What are the rules for golf?

According to the golfing rules in 6 through 8, the golfer has the opportunity to finish their game at their own risk. They may also discontinue if they feel there is danger involved. This is where many golf courses have special waivers that don’t leave them at fault in case of wrongful death. This is possibly where the expression of play at your own risk’ comes from. But to be fair to players, each official golf course must supply safety zones for lightning.

How long should you wait to play golf when there is lightning?

While it’s not recommended to play golf while there is lightning, the recommended waiting time between strikes is 30 minutes. So after any strike has been seen or heard, you need to wait 30 minutes before moving from your location. This precaution is to ensure that any left-over static build-up in the cloud is spent.

Is lightning a problem in golf?

The growing number of fatalities that are from lightning strikes is a growing problem in the US. Every year certain months are riskier for golfing due to the weather patterns. In the Midwest, where lightning storms can be unpredictable, golf courses need to provide special shelters. They must also announce a 3-siren warning that lets golfers have enough time to finish a course.

National Weather Service Lightning Fatalities in 2021: 10

Last Updated: 9/8/2021. This page is updated when new information is received and reviewed for completeness.

2021 Lightning Fatalities by State

Last Updated: 9/8/2021. This page is updated when new information is received and reviewed for completeness.

How to stay safe from lightning on golf course?

The first step in staying safe from lightning on the golf course is awareness of weather conditions and expected weather conditions during your round. If you know that thunderstorms are possible, then you know to watch out (and listen out) for trouble.

How to avoid lightning strikes?

Go to large permanent buildings or get into a fully enclosed metal vehicle (car, van or pickup truck). Avoid trees since they attract lightning. Avoid small, on-course shelters: They are intended only for sun and rain safety. Don’t wait around for the next strike, please.".

What is the scariest thing to see on a golf course?

Lightning strike near a golf course - what every golfer fears. Richard Heathcote/Getty Images. Brent Kelley is an award-winning sports journalist and golf expert with over 30 years in print and online journalism. Lightning is one of the scariest and most dangerous things golfers will ever encounter on the golf course.

What does it mean when you hear thunder on a golf course?

If you hear thunder, it means that lightning is within striking distance.

What happened to Bobby Nichols?

Lightning has struck during professional golf tournaments many times, most infamously at the 1975 Western Open. It was there that Lee Trevino, Jerry Heard and Bobby Nichols were struck by lightning, knocked unconscious. All suffered burns and the strikes caused Trevino and Heard back injuries that required surgery.

What to do if you are caught on the golf course?

If caught on the course and unable to get off, do not stand under tall trees or sit in a golf cart. Do not stand under a lone tree, even a small one. Do get away from the cart and away from your golf clubs. Stay away from water. If you have metal spikes, take them off.

How far away is thunder?

It is recommended that you seek shelter if the time between the lightning flash and the rumble of thunder is 30 seconds or less (6 miles).

Where to avoid lightning on golf course?

Since there is a risk of lightning on every golf course, it is extremely important to follow the basic lightning protection measures, most importantly seek safe shelter such as the clubhouse, avoid standing in the middle of fairway, near a metal pole or a tree.

How many golfers seek emergency care each year?

According to a study by Golf Digest, each year an estimated 40,000 golfers seek emergency treatment due to injuries caused by errant golf balls and flying club heads. High risk of severe injuries is also associated with the use of golf carts.

What percentage of golf injuries are caused by low back injuries?

A study by the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences on golf-related injuries found that low back injuries account for 15.2% to 34% of all golf injuries, followed by injuries to the elbow (7% to 27%) and shoulder (4% to 19%). According to an Australian study of upper limb injuries in golf, injury to the wrist accounts for 10% of all golf injuries.

Is golf a high risk sport?

“Results of the research analysing the risk of injuries per sport, and in particular golf, reveal that the risk is much higher than commonly thought. If we can trust the statistics, more people are injured while playing golf, badminton, tennis, fishing and even bowling, to mention just a few leisure sports included, than by playing rugby, hockey and similar team sports that are generally regarded to be injury high-risk.

Can golf injuries be fatal?

Golf-Related Injuries Can be Very Severe and Even Potentially Fatal. Photo credit: sattahipbeach/Shutterstock. In addition to being much more common than anticipated, golf injuries have also been found to be very dangerous and even potentially fatal, especially those involving the head.

Is golf more common than most people think?

To truly benefit from playing the game, however, it is of utmost importance to not to underestimate the risk of injury which – as GolfSupport has found – is much more common and potentially more severe than most people think.

Is golf good for health?

The benefits of playing golf outweigh the risks associated and virtually all studies investigating the relationship between golf and health conclude that it has a positive effect on both physical and mental health and even helps increase longevity. To truly benefit from playing the game, however, it is of utmost importance to not ...

How did the second golfer die?

Another died when his driver broke during a swing and part of the shaft pierced an artery in his groin, causing him to bleed to death. 5.)

What happened to a man who left a country club with a headache?

2.) A man left a Virginia country club with a headache, which was compounded by fever, nausea and a rash. Four days later, he was in the hospital covered with blisters and died from a severe allergic reaction to a pesticide used on the course. 3.)

How did a teenager die from drinking from a water cooler?

In another toxic incident, a teenager from Arizona died after drinking from a golf-course water cooler. He contracted a norovirus from water that was contaminated. 4.) After a poor shot on a New York golf course, a teenager slammed his 3-wood against a bench. The club snapped, and a piece was propelled back toward him and pierced his heart.

What disease did the man in Ireland die from?

The man finished his round despite suffering the bite. He died two weeks later from kidney failure, a symptom of Weil's disease, which is carried by rats. 2.)

How deep was the hole in the middle of the fairway?

The water-filled hole was about 15-feet deep and five-feet wide and was said to be caused by a runoff that made the turf collapse. 8.)
