how many page views should a good website see over the course of a year

by Britney Jacobson 6 min read

How many website visitors do you need to make $100k a year?

Aug 28, 2013 · Yup, here are the numbers May 2020: Unique Visitors: 24,263 Total Visits: 29,594 Page Views: 48,691 Avg Visit Duration: 5:56 minutes Bounce Rate: 86% (This is because people land on the page they want directly from Search Engine)

How many page views do you get per day on average?

Aug 26, 2019 · When you have built up enough traffic (from 10,000 to 25,000 pageviews per month), you can start applying to premium ad networks like Ezoic, MediaVine, and AdThrive (at 100k). They offer unbelievable RPMs (revenue per mille, or …

What is the ideal number of pages for a website?

Jul 27, 2016 · Hoping this article will help my cause. 2.5 million page views last 12 months. 210,000 per month (just on 20,000 unique a month too so good numbers). 60% US traffic 30% AU traffic 10% ROW. Australian based car and bike review and automotive news website.

How many visitors do you need to generate 30000+ page views?

Mar 14, 2022 · Data from the HubSpot survey of over 400 web traffic analysts provides mixed results however. While 22.5% of B2C sites get between 40,001-100K unique monthly visitors, only 16.7% of B2B websites get that amount. However, 16.7% of B2B sites get over 100K unique monthly visitors and only 14.7% of B2C sites do.

What is a good number of page views for a website?

What is a good Pages Per Session benchmark? The average number of page views per session across all industries is 5. Grocery has the highest average page view count of 7, while B2B has the lowest, with an average of 2 page views per session.Jan 13, 2021

How many website visits is good for a month?

They say the rule of thumb for your average small firm in our industry is 1,000 visitors per month. If you are getting 1,000 visitors per month…that's a good amount of traffic.Aug 27, 2013

What is the average number of visits to a website?

According to HubSpot data, the age of a website correlates to the number of monthly visitors. Sites that have existed for over 10 years did make up the majority that get between 250,001-10M and over 10 million total monthly visitors, and the minority that get between 1,001-15K.Mar 14, 2022

Is 1000 page views a day good?

Also, when you are noting down the analytics and you can see that you have received 1000 pageviews a day, which is a good number to start with. So let's calculate how it will all go. 1000 page views mean you are getting on an average 5 clicks per day. Therefore, 5 clicks per day = 150 clicks per month.

What is considered low traffic website?

Usually websites with less than one page load per second are as well considered as low traffic websites. If you have more than 50 visitors at the same time on your website it starts to become a medium traffic website.

How many websites does the average person visit per day 2021?

On average internet users in the US visit over 130 web pages per day. Websites are a staple part of the average person's day. In the US, the average internet user browses over 100 different web pages on a daily basis.Dec 13, 2021

How do I increase traffic to my website?

How to increase website traffic: recapAdvertise.Get Social.Mix It Up.Write Irresistible Headlines.Pay Attention to On-Page SEO.Target Long-Tail Keywords.Start Guest Blogging.Invite Others to Guest Blog on Your Site.More items...•Aug 14, 2014

What is a good website traffic rate?

Industry Benchmarks As with many metrics, website traffic growth will vary widely based on company stage and audience. However, a monthly growth rate of 10-20% is generally considered a good benchmark.

Which type of website is best for earning?

I present you with the top 10 options of the online earning site in India.Chegg Online tutoring.Youtube.Google Adsense.Amazon.DigitalMarket.Upwork.Shutterstock.Zerodha.More items...

How much does AdSense pay per 1000 views?

So, how much does AdSense pay per 1000 views? AdSense will pay the publisher about $18 per 1000 views (on average). This is because the actual rate an advertiser will pay varies (from one advertiser to another) – anything from $0.10 and $0.30. Google actually pays for 68% of this amount.

How much traffic do you need to make $100 000 with Google AdSense?

In a nutshell, you need 100,000 visitors a day to make $100,000 a year from Google AdSense alone (with a CTR of 1% and CPC of $0.25).Jan 31, 2018

How many visitors does a website typically get?

It depends. With the number of websites available on the web, it would be impossible to narrow this question down to one answer. Fortunately, there are tools and resources to help you make an educated guess.

How many unique visitors per month is good?

The answer to this question depends on a few factors. First, are you evaluating a B2B, B2C, or hybrid company? B2B companies have a target audience of other businesses and organizations. B2C companies target direct consumers.

Setting Reasonable Goals For Website Traffic

Focus on the word “reasonable.” A goal to reach 10,000 monthly visitors next month might not be a stretch if you garnered 9,000 visitors this month; however, if your website receives an average of 2,500 monthly visitors, this goal might be less probable.

How many visitors should your site get?

In content strategy and marketing, consistency is key. How many visitors should your site get? Ultimately, it comes down to how consistent you are in the tips featured above.

The Two Audiences

Before we get into the details, we first have to understand that your website has two very different audiences that you’re writing for.

Human visitors like it simple

For human visitors we want to keep the website simple, uncluttered, and easy to use. So to a certain extent, less is more. Say what you need to say, and put the information in easy to read lists, headlines, short paragraphs.

Search engines want as much content as possible

Do you want your website to rank well with Google and other search engines? Give them lots of content. 5 or 6 pages usually isn’t enough to make Google take notice, and 1 or 2 paragraphs per page is only the bare minimum.

Organizing Your Pages

We have compiled a fairly long list of pages by now. To make things easy for your human visitors, these pages need to be organized in a hover menu. A hover menu is an intuitive way to help your visitors find what they’re looking for. You’ve probably seen them before when you browse the internet:

Sample Site Map

So after looking at both human and search engine visitors and what they are looking for, here is a sample site map of what your website might have. Obviously this will vary heavily depending on what your business is, but these are the generic pages we suggest.

Your Basic Foundations

When you build or revamp your site, it should start out with a solid foundation of pages and content. The basic pages should be there, explaining to customers who you are and what your business has to offer.

Specific Pages for Specific Audiences

Instead of aiming blindly and throwing words out there, having pages catering to certain products, services, offers or messages on your site will resonate better with audiences. They’ll see that your brand knows its stuff and that it knows its audience.

What Kind Of Pages Should Your Website Have?

Static Pages Businesses should always have static content pages. These explain what your business is. They are the standard pages explaining your products, services, the “about us” part, your company’s values, its contact details and so forth. These pages should indicate the industries that you service, and why they need your services.

How Many Pages Does Your Website Have?

In the comments below tell us if your business has any of these pages on your website. Do you see an impact with traffic by having more pages on your website?

Does Your Website Have Enough Pages To Be Successful? Get Your Free Website Assessment

If you are in need of a website redesign, we can help. Next Wave Services is your partner in refreshing and maintaining your website so you get the most views.

Do images make up the majority of a page?

Yes, images make up the bulk of the average page, and you should definitely make sure you're not serving huge unoptimized images to your users. But this is one of those low-hanging fruit that's relatively easily addressable.

Does page size matter?

Page size matters, but perhaps not in the way you think. You can have large, robust pages that still feel fast. But you should care about page bloat in terms of how it affects mobile users, especially mobile-only users who are dealing with bandwidth constraints or data limits.

Is page size a good indicator of performance?

Metrics like page size and load time typically are not good indicators of user-perceived performance. Take Amazon, for example. It's widely considered to be a performance leader, yet it has relatively heavy pages (I'm defining "heavy" as 3MB or more) and slow load times (I'm defining "slow" as 5 seconds or more).

Does onload correlate with page size?

This is quite interesting, because it suggests that bigger pages don't necessarily correlate to when users start being able to see content. Also, you can also see how easy it is to be misled by onload as a performance metric, because it correlates so strongly with page size.

How many visitors do I need to get 30,000 views?

It means that 50% of your visitors exit from the landing page and others visit more than one page on your website. All in all, you need approximately 20,000 visitors a day to generate 30,000+ page views and it can earn $274 a day which translates to $100,000 a year in advertising revenues.

What is page view?

A page view is what Google counts in your reports every time a user views a page displaying Google ads. We will count one page view regardless of the number of ads displayed on that page.

Why do you need to make sure your website is advertising friendly?

Also, you must make sure that your website category is advertising friendly because your AdSense income depends a lot upon the category of your website. You can use Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool to find out the competition in your industry.

Is a website ad heavy?

But make sure that your website is not ad heavy as it will impact the user experience in a negative way. And as always, you can focus on creating awesome content and driving more traffic so that it increases your Google AdSense earnings (and your advertising revenues) naturally.
