how many levels appear in alderfer's erg theory? course hero

by Jennie Nolan 6 min read

The letters ERG are an acronym for three levels of needs: Existence, Relatedness, and Growth. Like Maslow, Alderfer presented his theory in a hierarchy: Growth needs (development of competence and realization of potential) Relatedness needs (satisfactory relations with others, including co-workers) Existence needs (physical well-being)

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What is Alderfer’s ERG theory?

Dec 28, 2015 · Question 2 3 out of 3 points How many levels appear in Alderfer's ERG theory? Answer Selected Answer: 3 Correct Answer: 3

What are the three stages of Alderfer’s theory?

1.5 How the ERG theory could be used to explain someone's motivation to work in a job. Alderfer's ERG theory can be used to explain someone's motivation to work in a job because the theory is applicable to many different stories of employees. An effective manager has to recognize where a particular individual might exist in the ERG diagram.

What is the Alderfer model of motivation?

3 Alderfer’s ERG Theory of Motivation Definition and Background/History Alderfer’s ERG theory is a motivational construct propounded by Clayton Alderfer between 1961 and 1978 (Chaoqun, 2021). The ERG theory was built on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to understand the intrinsic factors or three core types of needs that inform individual human behavior.

What is the ERG model of motivation?

Question 2 3 out of 3 points How many levels appear in Alderfer's ERG theory? Selected Answer: Correct Answer: 3 3

What is the ERG model?

The ERG model is a content theory of motivation. Relatedness includes personal and family relationships. Alderfer’s model says that all humans are motivated by these three needs. The most concrete and motivating of Alderfer’s three needs is existence, which really relates to physical and psychological survival.

What is the ERG theory of motivation?

Alderfer’s ERG Theory of Motivation states that individuals can be motivated by multiple levels of need at the same time, and that the level which is most important to them can change over time. In other words, an individual’s priorities and motivations may be fluid and can move between the existence, relatedness and growth levels of need over time.

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What is the ERG theory?

Alderfer’s ERG theory. Alderfer extends and refines the theory of Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory. It classifies human need into three levels of hierarchy i. e ERG. The ERG stands for three basic categories; Existence, Relatedness, and Growth. This theory argues that there is no rigid hierarchy need.

What are the basic needs of humans?

They are just like physiological and security of need of Maslow hierarchy need. Physiological needs are basic needs essential for the survival of human beings like food, water, shelter, rest, clothes.

What are social needs?

Social needs include factors like affection, sense of belongingness, acceptance, friendship, etc. Having a good relationship and interaction with other humans are need of every people though it is not strong as our basic need of survival. Good interactions are positive in nature and make people happy.

What is personal growth?

It is a high-level need concerned with self-esteem and self-actualization. It refers to the personal growth of a person to be creative and performs meaningful life. Personal growth also refers to the potentiality of the individual to deal with the external land current situation.

Why is it important to have a challenging job?

Interesting, and challenging job provides motivation to grow and enhance opportunities. It finally helps in self-fulfillment, self-actualization, independence, and spontaneity. It develops a good perception of reality in an individual.

What is the ERG theory of motivation?

In the ERG theory of motivation, the priorities of a person can change depending on the individual and the situation they face.

What does ERG mean?

This is how we get the abbreviation ERG – it is a reflection of those needs. Existence. Relatedness. Growth. At their core, most humans have a need to exist. This means we must be psychologically aware of our existence while pursuing needs that allow us to be safe. Then there are social needs that must be met as well.

What is the Maslow hierarchy of needs?

The theory is based off of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which argues that people have stages of motivation. Only when lower-level needs can be met does it become possible for an individual to meet higher-level needs under the Maslow perspective. Alderfer uses this perspective as a starting point instead of a conclusion.

What are the three points of motivation?

Three Key Points of Difference in the ERG Theory of Motivation 1 People can be motivated by needs from multiple levels at the same time instead of only being motivated by stage-specific needs. 2 The importance of needs will vary from person-to-person. Need importance can also change as an individual’s circumstances change. This makes it possible for some people to focus on social relationships while others put a higher value on basic needs. 3 There is a lack of regression in the ERG theory of motivation.