how many kph must you type on a 10 key pad to pass a data entry school course

by Dr. Naomie Jast DVM 6 min read

Accuracy is extremely important in data entry because proof-reading is very difficult when you are trying to read a bunch of numbers. The minimum required KPH for many data entry jobs is 9,000. Scoring over 12,000 KPH with good accuracy (98%) on our free 10 key practice tests will qualify you for just about any data entry job.

Competitive Data Entry and Speed
Numeric data entry using a 10-Key Pad is generally expected to be much faster, as no thought has to be put into the meaning or formatting of the text. Competitive speeds for numeric data entry are generally around 10,000 KPH and often as high as 12,000 KPH.

Full Answer

How many keystrokes per hour (kph) do you need for data entry?

Ten key speed is measured with a Keystrokes per Hour Test. Accuracy is extremely important in data entry because proof-reading is very difficult when you are trying to read a bunch of numbers. The minimum required KPH for many data entry jobs is 9,000.

How fast can a 10 key pad be used for data entry?

Numeric data entry using a 10-Key Pad is generally expected to be much faster, as no thought has to be put into the meaning or formatting of the text. Competitive speeds for numeric data entry are generally around 10,000 KPH and often as high as 12,000 KPH.

How many words are in 100 data entry kph test?

If you need to make an idea on how to convert the two units in order to calculate your approximate speed, the usual standard typing conversion is 5 keystrokes per word. So 100 Data Entry KPH Test will be around 20 words.

What are acceptable kph numbers for alpha-numeric data entry?

For alpha-numeric data entry, acceptable kph numbers usually range from 7,000 to 8,000. Data entry involves typing data into a computer system. Numeric data entry only deals with numbers. Alpha-numeric data entry uses both numbers and letters.

What is a good KPH for 10 key?

What is a good 10 key speed? A ten key speed above 8,000 KPH (Keystrokes Per Hour) is higher than the average score, and over 10,000 KPH is usually considered a high speed (when it is achieved with zero errors).

What is a good score for data entry 10 key?

A good accuracy score is around 98% or higher. If you ever hear the term '10 key by touch', this just means that you are able to type without looking at the keys, this is important because if you have to look at the keys every time it will slow you down.

How many KPH is good for data entry?

Competitive speeds for numeric data entry are generally around 10,000 KPH, often as high as 12,000 KPH. As the KPH metric becomes more common, text data entry operators are now asked to have speeds of about 7,000 KPH as it is commonly accepted that text elements slow down data entry in general.

How fast do I need to type for data entry?

45 words per minuteMost data entry jobs demand at least 45 words per minute. Transcriptionists, legal secretaries, and typists typically have a minimum word count of 60 to 90 words per minute on average. Typing speed is essential, but so is accuracy; typing faster may not be effective if accuracy is lost.

What is an average 10 key speed?

Numeric data entry using a 10-Key Pad is generally expected to be much faster, as no thought has to be put into the meaning or formatting of the text. Competitive speeds for numeric data entry are generally around 10,000 KPH and often as high as 12,000 KPH.

What is a good KPH score?

Words vary in length, so typing speed calculated per hour is more accurate and provides better insights. A good keystroke per hour is around 10,000 keystrokes, but the average user score is approximately 8,000 keystrokes per hour.

How do you pass a data entry test?

The key to passing a data entry speed test is to stay calm, focused and be accurate. Making small mistakes as you type will cost valuable seconds, and many data entry typing tests will adjust the KPH score to account for mistakes made.

How many kph is 45 WPM?

40 wpm = 10,000 kph. 50 wpm = 12,500 kph. 60 wpm = 15,000 kph.

What is a good alphanumeric kph?

Speed and Proficiency According to the University of Michigan Health System, individuals who can type 8,917 kph or more are considered excellent, while those keying between 4,041 and 5,304 kph are considered average.

What is the passing score for typing test?

Typist: 50 WPM. Legal secretary: 50-60 WPM. Computer coders: 60 WPM. Transcription: 60-75 WPM.

How do you calculate kph?

Simply put, if you drove 60 kilometres for one hour, it would look like this: Speed = distance (60 km) / time (1 hour) = 60km/h.

What is a 10 key pad?

The 10 key pad is the group of numbers and symbols on the right side of most keyboards, it can also be a number pad with no keyboard attached. Ten key speed is measured with a Keystrokes per Hour Test. Accuracy is extremely important in data entry because proof-reading is very difficult when you are trying to read a bunch of numbers.

Why is accuracy important in data entry?

Accuracy is extremely important in data entry because proof-reading is very difficult when you are trying to read a bunch of numbers. The minimum required KPH for many data entry jobs is 9,000. Scoring over 12,000 KPH with good accuracy (98%) on our free 10 key practice tests will qualify you for just about any data entry job. ...

What is 10 key typing and is it necessary to learn this?

10 key series are the bunches of number and symbol keys that placed the right side of any keyboard. Ten key typing is a vital part of typing and every typist should know 10 key typing. It is measured in Keystrokes per Hour (KPH). Although 8,000 KPH is a good 10 key speed a good typist should have minimum 10,000 to 12,000 KPH speed with 98% accuracy. Having 10 keys typing skill is good to type the zip code, mobile numbers or simply calculate any sum.

How to type 10 key?

1. Type the highlighted portion then press enter. 2. Use the small finger of your right hand to press enter. 3. Place your middle finger over the key "5", your index finger on "4" and ring finger on "6". 4. Remember not to use your left hand while practicing 10 key typing. 5.

Can you type fast while practicing?

Remember, not to look at-the keyboard while practicing and never try to type fast. These may cause a wrong key press. Accuracy is more important than speed. So simply try to type relaxed. If you practice Regularly, the speed will automatically increase day by-day.

How to do a 10 key test?

Tip – We recommend to start any 10-key test or game by placing your middle finger on the number 5 key (feel the little bump). Then position each other finger (see above) around the home key, i.e. your thumb controls the 0, the baby finger hits the Enter key.

Why is it important to type with number keys?

Jobs – Normally typing with number keys is extremely important for programmers, web developers and accountants because these professionals find the need to use the number keys more often. Laptop – It is also important to note that in many of the laptop keyboards, there is no numeric keypad included.

What is a numpad?

Numeric keypads, also number pad or numpad, come in various forms and types and once you start looking for them, they seem to be everywhere, not just on your laptop keyboard. Whether it is a keypad on an ATM or a calculator, today’s life is full of short and complex data entry actions based on numbers.

How much does the Targus AKP10US cost?

Suitable for those to perform classic spreadsheet tasks. An optimized design aims to reduce the risk of wrist pain. Price varies between $14-16.

What games do you play with a number pad?

Games – TypingGamesZone has a number pad game to master the numeric keypad playfully and is suitable for children and younger students or adults who like clowns. RapidTyping also offers a range of numeric keys games such as Brain Racer Integers, Battle Math or Number Cruncher.

How does the number pad work?

The number pad helps you quickly write numbers on a document without putting in too much effort to move your hands around the keyboard. The numpad works together with the three primary rows of the keyboard, enabling you to type in numbers quickly. Here are how the number keys come in response to the three primary rows:

Why is a number pad important?

Numbers – The number pad is important because no matter what kind of document you are writing, you will always find the need to add in numbers. Learning how the number keys are positioned can help increase your speed and accuracy when working with complex number arrangements on a document.

How fast is a 10 key pad?

Competitive speeds for numeric data entry are generally around 10,000 KPH, often as high as 12,000 KPH.

What is data entry speed?

Data entry can mean a lot of things, from transcription of text to court reporting to entering values into a spreadsheet. In the past, Data Entry Speed was measured in Words per Minute (WPM) and was generally used to describe typing speed on a traditional QWERTY-style keyboard. A professional typist would be expected to average about 80 words per minute to qualify for most professional jobs, although people with a measured WPM as low as 50 might be considered acceptable in some situations. This measurement was typically conducted very simply, by having the candidate sit down at a keyboard with an example text of known word count. When they finished typing, a simple formula dividing the word count by the time produced the WPM.

Why is data entry speed important?

Data Entry Speed is also the simplest and most easily acquired and digested ”“ not to mention most important ”“ piece of information about an operator. As a result a great deal of emphasis is placed on speed ”“ but just as important is accuracy. Anyone can improve their raw speed by ignoring mistakes and typos. Speed is only a useful metric if the text produced is accurate and does not require a great deal of revision and correction. Assuming accuracy, what is an acceptable speed? And where is the data entry industry headed?

Is the data entry industry computerized?

The modern world may run on data, and it may seem like that is all digitized and computerized, but the fact is much of the data entry industry still relies on the hands, eyes, and fingers of human beings – Data Entry Operators.

What Is a Data Entry Test?

Data entry is the process of inputting any information into a database, word document or spreadsheet on a computer.

Why Is Data Entry Important?

Data entry is important to businesses because documentation and information are often significant and critical to a company's performance.