how many hours of continuing education is one college level course

by Mr. Randal Hartmann V 7 min read

How to advance your career with continuing education?

Q: What constitutes one CEU? A: One CEU equals ten contact hours of participation in organized continuing education classes and/or training conducted by a qualified instructor. A contact hour is equivalent to one 60-minute interaction between an instructor and the participant. Q: What is the minimum period of contact for which a CEU can be awarded?

How many hours of training does a CNA need?

 · One CEU equals 10 contact hours. Because nurses must keep track of their continuing education credits to fulfill license renewal requirements, they should pay careful attention to course descriptions to determine the exact number of CEU credits they will earn by enrolling. How many nursing CEUs do I need?

How many PD hours do teachers need?

 · One CE credit is 60 minutes of instruction. One CE hour is 60 minutes of instruction. One clock hour is 60 minutes of instruction. One contact hour is 50 minutes of instruction. One continuing education unit (CEU) is equal to 10 contact hours. CEUs are rarely used for massage therapy continuing education requirements.

How many hours to keep CNA license?

 · In many cases, college classes count toward a nurse’s continuing education CE requirements. That is, of course, provided that the academic course you are taking is relevant to the nursing industry. In terms of academic credits, one quarter hour is equivalent to 10 contact hours. One semester hour of academic credit is equivalent to 15 contact ...

What's the difference between contact hours and CEUs?

One contact hour refers to 50-60 minutes of instruction in a board-approved class or clinical or didactic activity. One CEU equals 10 contact hours...

How many nursing CEUs do I need?

Not every state requires continuing education for nurses. Thirty-nine states, Washington, D.C., and all U.S. territories require completion of CEUs...

What counts as CEUs for nurses?

CEUs must be state-approved and accredited by organizations like a professional nursing association, a school, or an employer. CEUs can be earned b...

How can I get free nursing CE?

Nurses can find a surprising number of free continuing education courses accredited by the ANCC and other healthcare organizations and government a...

Earn Continuing Education Units as you increase your skills

The College Board has been approved as an authorized provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET), and may offer IACET CEUs for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standards, internationally recognized as good standards of practice.

IACET Approved Provider Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does it mean to be an "authorized provider" of IACET CEUs?#N#A: The College Board underwent a lengthy application process that included submitting organizational information and event materials, being evaluated during a site visit, and agreeing to adhere to the IACET criteria.

Continued Education Explained

Nursing CEUs, which almost all states require for licensure renewal, cover the same kinds of topics found in nursing school curriculum, such as ethical practice in nursing, organizational leadership, and healthcare promotion and disease prevention.

Five Things to Know About Nursing CEU

Nurses usually seek out CEUs that satisfy requirements for maintaining their employment, state licensure, or specific certifications. The cost of these courses varies, with free or low-cost options available.

What Doesn't Count as Nursing CEU Courses?

Nurses can choose from an array of continuing education courses that cover almost every nursing topic and specialty. However, not all courses count as accredited nursing CEUs.

What Does Count as Nursing CEU Courses?

Nursing CEU courses must be state-approved and accredited by a recognized organization, such as a professional nursing association, a school, or an employer. Nurses can also find free continuing education courses accredited by the ANCC and other healthcare organizations and government agencies.

Nursing Continued Education: FAQ

One contact hour refers to 50-60 minutes of instruction in a board-approved class or clinical or didactic activity. One CEU equals 10 contact hours.

Reviewed by

Brandy Gleason, MSN, MHA, BC-NC, is a nursing professional with nearly 20 years of varied nursing experience. Gleason currently teaches as an assistant professor of nursing within a prelicensure nursing program and coaches graduate students.

Are you ready to earn your online nursing degree?

Whether you’re looking to get your pre-licensure degree or taking the next step in your career, the education you need could be more affordable than you think. Find the right nursing program for you.

How many contact hours are there in a CEU?

One CEU is equivalent to 10 contact hours.

Do nursing boards accept CE?

Most state nursing boards will accept a broad spectrum of continuing education activities in satisfaction of CE requirements. Because each board operates independently, however, they may also have different approaches to determining approval.

What is continuing education?

Continuing education is when adults return to formal instruction to remain current in their career, develop serviceable skills, train for a new job, earn a degree, or develop a personal interest. Some of the types of continuing education programs adults might participate in are outlined below.

What are the best courses to take for professional development?

You can also choose from a large selection of professional development courses at, such as: 1 Blended Learning Methods and Solutions for Teachers 2 Effective Instructional Strategies for Teachers 3 Intro to Excel: Essential Training & Tutorials 4 The Importance of Professionalism in the Workplace

What is professional development?

Professional Development. Adults can participate in conferences, workshops, seminars, and courses to update their job skills and learn about office technology. In a professional development class, business managers study ways to improve workplace communication and efficiency.

What can enrichment classes cover?

Enrichment classes can cover topics ranging from art, photography, and cooking to fitness, gardening and retirement planning.

What is personal enrichment?

Personal Enrichment. As an adult, you may want to take a class for fun, whether to learn more about a specific topic or focus on a hobby. Enrichment classes can cover topics ranging from art, photography, and cooking to fitness, gardening and retirement planning.

What is a CEU?

CEUs are continuing education units. Colleges use CEUs as a numerical way to measure a student’s participation in a continuing educational course. The CEU number is tied to the hours in which the student participates in continuing education class course work. College credit is another numerical measuring tool of colleges, ...

What is a CEU number?

Colleges use CEUs as a numerical way to measure a student’s participation in a continuing educational course. The CEU number is tied to the hours in which the student participates in continuing education class course work. College credit is another numerical measuring tool of colleges, but it is different in several ways from CEUs.

How many contact hours are required for continuing education?

Despite all the variations in state requirements, a standard was developed to determine how continuing education credits would be measured. This measure was designated as Contact Hours. One contact hour is equal to 50-60 minutes of actual clock time spent in a board-approved course or activity in the classroom with an instructor. One continuing education unit (ceu) or credit is equal to 10 contact hours; meaning it requires 10 clock hours to complete. If the course offers Ceus, you need to multiply the number by 10 to determine the number of contact hours. For instance, 3 ceus equal 30 contact hours which will require 30 hours of study to compete the course and posttest. The CE credits are only awarded upon the successful completion of a posttest or designated validation.

How many hours of continuing education do nurses need?

The 33 states that do require CE have a wide variety of requirements from 5 contact hours for full time nurses to 30 contact hours in 2 years. Some require specific courses, and others allow nurses to pick all of their CE courses.

How many contact hours are in a CEU?

One continuing education unit (ceu) or credit is equal to 10 contact hours; meaning it requires 10 clock hours to complete. If the course offers Ceus, you need to multiply the number by 10 to determine the number of contact hours.

How many contact hours are required for nursing?

Ten contact hours of nursing CE are allowed for each quarter hour of academic credit and 15 contact hours of nursing CE per one semester hour of academic credit. A 3-quarter-hour course would equal 30 contact hours and 45 contact hours for a 3-semester-hour course.

Why do patients trust nurses?

Patients trust nurses to keep them safe, provide them with equitable and evidence-based care and treatments, and guide them on the path to an improved health status. It isn’t a new concept; Florence Nightingale instilled the idea of continuing education goals into nurses nearly 200 years ago.


Who Establishes The Standards?

What Is ANSI?

  • The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is the official U.S. representative to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Their job is to strengthen the U.S. marketplace by ensuring the health and safety of consumers and the protection of the environment.
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What Does IACET do?

  • IACET is the caretaker of the CEU. Its job is to communicate the standards and assist organizations in creating and administering the programs that provide professionals with continuing education opportunities. Education providers want to start here to ensure that their programs meet the proper criteria for becoming accredited.
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The Unit of Measure

  • According to the IACET: One Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is defined as 10 contact hours (1 hour = 60 minutes) of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction. The primary purpose of the CEU is to provide a permanent record of the individuals who have com...
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Who Can Award Official CEUs?

  • Colleges, universities, or any association, company, or organization that is willing and able to meet the ANSI/IACET standards established for a particular industry may be accredited to award official CEUs. The Standards can be purchased at IACET.
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Professional Requirements

  • Certain professions require that practitioners earn a specific number of CEUs per year to ensure that they are up-to-date with current practices in their field. Proof of credits earned is necessary in order to renew a license to practice. The number of credits required varies by industry and state. Generally, certificates are issued as proof that a practitioner has completed the required continu…
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Continuing Education Opportunities

  • Many professions organize national conferences to provide members with an opportunity to meet, network and learn. Trade shows are a major part of these conferences, helping professionals to be aware of the many products and services that are new and innovative, and that support their profession. Many colleges and universities offer continuing education courses. Be sure to inquir…
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Fake Certificates

  • If you're reading this, chances are good that you're a true professional. Sadly, there are scams and con artists out there. Don't unknowingly fall for a fake certificate, and don't buy one. If you suspect that something fishy is going on, report it to the board that governs your professional field, and help stop scams that hurt everyone.
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