how many hours is thinkful career course

by Brielle Smith 6 min read

These programs are offered in part-time and full-time formats. Students commit 20-25 hours per week in the part-time format, and up to 60 hours in the full-time option. All programs include personal mentor meetings, a custom-built curriculum, and Q&A sessions with industry professionals.

How long are Thinkful courses?

What Is the Thinkful Schedule? Thinkful provides both part-time and full-time options for almost every course. Its bootcamps range from seven weeks to six months, depending on the program.

Does Thinkful get you a job?

We know that 93% of Thinkful alumni are getting jobs at companies like Intel, BBC News, and PeopleVine, and that the online bootcamp even offers a job guarantee for their Flexible and Full Time Web Development Bootcamp.

Is Thinkful good for beginners?

Thinkful is good for beginners, with all of its courses starting with the basics before moving on to more advanced topics. There are also Thinkful bootcamp prep programs that you can take before enrolling in one of the full-time online courses.

Is Thinkful a degree?

Thinkful, however, offers only a few programs. Furthermore, the site offers no ability to receive a “degree” (something that is very popular with other e-learning-based websites) - instead, Thinkful's business model revolves around the students receiving a job straight after finishing one of the programs.

Does Thinkful offer scholarships?

Thinkful Scholarships FAQ Thinkful offers two partial scholarships for students who are self-identifying women or veterans. The scholarship is not awarded on merit. To receive the scholarship, you need to be accepted into the program as a student first.

Is Thinkful free?

Thinkful offers free and paid prep courses and materials to anyone interested in learning how to code. Anyone can use these resources, regardless of what bootcamp you want to attend.

Is Thinkful accredited school?

Thinkful, Inc. is not accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education. Thinkful, Inc. has not received a provisional approval and is not offering an unaccredited degree program.

Is Thinkful data science worth it?

Is Thinkful Worth it? Thinkful is by far the best online platform I've had the chance to explore, and I think it's completely worth the price if you plan on actually getting into a data science career. The price to join should easily be offset by your new salary in one year.

When was Thinkful acquired by Chegg?

Sept. 4, 2019SANTA CLARA, Calif., Sept. 4, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Chegg, Inc. (NYSE: CHGG), a Smarter Way to Student, announced today that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Thinkful, an online learning platform that offers professional courses directly to students across America.

Does Thinkful do a credit check?

I will be completely frank, when I applied to Thinkful's living stipend there was a credit check you must pass. My score did take a small hit, so I believe it may have been a softcheck. The stipend does have to be paid back as a part of the ISA that they offer.

How much do Thinkful mentors get paid?

How much does a Mentor at Thinkful make? The typical Thinkful Mentor salary is $33 per hour. Mentor salaries at Thinkful can range from $26 - $50 per hour.

Which is better bootcamp or degree?

Coding bootcamp actually gives you more relevant and useful tools for a job than a computer science degree. While the degree sets you up with a solid foundation, a bootcamp teaches you specific skills that you can use immediately in a job.