The course lasts 8-10 weeks, and the average student should expect to spend about 40 hours per week studying. Each week, you may study the specific days, hours per day, and time of day that work best for your schedule. Where can I find BARBRI course schedules?
We highly recommend it. Beginning around September for the following winter and summer BARBRI Bar Review course, you can start working with BARBRI Early Start. Early Start allows you to build key bar exam skills and knowledge early through Immersion workshops such as MBE Immersion and Essay Immersion.
Read and watch to discover yours. BARBRI students score up to 25 more points on average compared to students who take another bar prep course. Just choosing to prepare with BARBRI provides a significant advantage. Additionally, about 9 out of 10 BARBRI Bar Review students who do the average amount of work pass their bar exam.
Summer BARBRI Bar Review course balances must be completely paid, or on a payment plan or financing, by April 15 for you to be able to access the course and avoid incurring late balance charges. Winter bar review course balances must be completely paid, or on a payment plan or financing, by November 15. How can I pay my balance?
Candidates with a J.D. from a U.S. law school looking for the quickest, most efficient & effective course to pass any U.S. state bar exam
Up to 25 more points on average, actually. That’s not just a score boost, that’s a major confidence boost. Over 1.3 million now licensed attorneys have trusted BARBRI to help them pass a U.S. state bar exam. No wonder more law students choose BARBRI each year than all other courses combined.
For the same amount of effort, BARBRI students get more points on their bar exam than those who took another prep course. More points, less work. What’s not to like?
"I just passed the California Bar Exam on my second try, thanks in large measure to BARBRI's support. If you are considering other bar prep programs, stop now. Go with BARBRI. You won't regret it. I leaned heavily on BARBRI's resources, and it paid off.
If you no longer have access to the email address that was used to create your account or need additional help, please contact BARBRI Customer Service at [email protected] or 888-322-7274 (U.S.).
You can also sign in by visiting and clicking the “Sign In” link at the top right of the page .
Your BARBRI Personal Study Plan (PSP) adjusts to you as you work. Your PSP is driven by an engine called ISAAC, your intuitive study assistant and coach, that knows what is most likely to be tested on the exam (what’s most important) and it gets to know you. If you spend less time studying one day, ISAAC adjusts your PSP and reassigns recommended assignments to ensure you are always focused on the most impactful assignments to get you the most points on your bar exam. To learn more about ISAAC and the BARBRI Bar Review course, click here.
Reach BARBRI Technical Support at [email protected] or 877-385-6238 (U.S.) anytime, 24/7. Please note that these FAQs are specific to the traditional BARBRI Bar Review course, and all may not be applicable to the BARBRI Alumni Course or the 6- or 10-month Extended U.S. Bar Prep course.
Once your course location is selected, you may change it up to early June for the summer BARBRI Bar Review course or up to early January for the winter course . Since your course location can affect assignments in your PSP, changes should be minimized once your PSP is available.
If you find a UBE classroom location outside of your exam state that you’d like to attend, please contact 888-322-7274 or the Director of Legal Education assigned to your U.S. law school to have it designated as your official course location selection.
Once you have access, you will be able to see all assignments available to you for the entire course. The course lasts 8-10 weeks, and the average student should expect to spend about 40 hours per week studying. Each week, you may study the specific days, hours per day, and time of day that work best for your schedule.
Whether you are a qualified lawyer in a jurisdiction outside of the U.S considering sitting for a U.S. state bar exam, a LL.M. student at a U.S. law school or you just want more time to study due to other commitments, the Extended U.S.
Select between a 10 or 6-month course duration depending on the amount of time you have to devote to bar studies. Study 100% online or attend one of the blended classroom locations around the world.
With BARBRI Extended U.S. Bar Prep, you are assigned a personal mentor. Your U.S. qualified attorney mentor is your personal coach throughout your bar exam prep. She is an expert on your course and on your state's bar exam.
ISAAC, your Intuitive Study Assistant And Coach, is the engine that runs your BARBRI Bar Review is the engine that runs your BARBRI Extended U.S. Bar Prep course. It creates your Personal Study Plan (PSP), aka your online bar prep "to-do list". Everything ISAAC assigns is statistically correlated to passing the bar.
Your Personal Study Plan or PSP is your online, personalized study schedule that adapts to you throughout your BARBRI Extended U.S. Bar Prep course. In other words, it's your personalized bar prep "to-do" list. Your PSP is where you'll see what's due, what's coming and what you've already done.
We've invented and re-invented the #1 bar review course over the past 50 years. In fact, 76% of non-U.S. educated candidates who completed at least 80% of their Extended U.S. Bar Prep course passed their U.S. state bar exam. Now we're here for you.
"To anyone with the goal of passing a U.S. bar exam and becoming U.S. qualified-go with BARBRI Extended U.S. Bar Prep, make the time, do the work, apply the techniques and you'll pass. Today, I am successfully dual-qualified as a New York attorney and Solicitor Advocate."
A little time can make a big difference. Investing just 24 total study hours with Early Start before you start your BARBRI Bar Review course statistically increases your chances of passing the bar.
In select BARBRI Bar Review options, you’ll receive access to the supplemental MBE Mini Review. BARBRI Mini Review is a one-day, eight-hour online workshop.
ISAAC, your Intuitive Study Assistant And Coach, is the engine that runs your BARBRI Bar Review course. It creates your Personal Study Plan (PSP), aka your online bar prep “to-do list”. Everything ISAAC assigns is statistically correlated to passing the bar. It makes sure you spend your time where you’ll get the most points on the bar exam. And it recalibrates as it learns from you.
Your Personal Study Plan or PSP is your online, personalized study schedule that adapts to you throughout your BARBRI Bar Review course. In other words, it's your personalized bar prep "to-do" list. Your PSP is where you'll see what's due, what's coming and what you've already done.
BARBRI Bar Review has been developed, designed and optimized to make sure you pass the bar exam the first time. We also know though that sometimes life gets in the way, or the day doesn't go like you planned - and you need a second chance.
In select BARBRI Bar Review options, ISAAC assigns an MBE Final Prep comprised of 100 MBE questions recently released by the NCBE. ISAAC has carefully selected the 100 questions that best align with the areas of the law that are most likely to be tested on your exam, so you continue to focus on the areas that matter most while being exposed to "real”, released MBE questions.
Over 1.3 million now licensed U.S. lawyers, law professors, and judges have passed their bar exam with BARBRI. That’s more than all other bar prep courses combined. There are many reasons most people trust BARBRI to help them pass the bar. Read and watch to discover yours.
I did half my law school online and didn’t really retain any friendships. I’m looking for anyone who is taking the July UBE and is using Themis (sorry Barbribabes) to study, so that we can commiserate and share jokes.
Feeling a little discouraged, I started in the contracts and sales MBE questions between 27-37%. I steadily have increased to a 44%. However, my fiance, who is also studying for the bar, is getting between 55-66% and is not struggling. In fact, he is behind and does not need to spend up to 8 hours a day studying.
Bad study habits? Didn’t study? Simply didn’t retain to information? Spread too thin? Used a prep program that just didn’t work out for you?
It seems like everyone I know is starting to dig into their studies. I planned to start Barbri on Monday 5/24 based on their daily schedule. Should I clear my weekend and jump on it now?
I am enrolled in Themis and I am struggling so much to manage watching the lectures, making outlines/notecards, and completing my MBE questions. Anyone else feel this way?
This is a subreddit entirely dedicated to those in the process for studying for the Bar. Please feel free to post anything related to the hell that is bar prep!