how many genes control the color of the mouse? course hero

by Cole Dicki V 4 min read

In the very same mouse varieties, a 3rd unlinked gene (genetics C/c) also has an epistatic result on fur color. The existence of the leading allele C, allows the A/an and B/b genes to be shared generally. The visibility of 2 recessive alleles, on the other hand, protects against any pigment from being created, leading to an albino mouse.

Full Answer

Which has more genes: a mouse or a human?

A Mouse has more Genes than a Human Being - Humbling Us.

How many genes does a man have?

Man has about 21,000 genes, a mouse has about 23,000 and a water flea has 31,000 genes, how do we explain that? Click To Tweet

How many base pairs are in Galacti?

Galacti is showing us a chromosome, a long column of base pairs and sequences color coded according to the specific genes. This chromosome, containing fifty million base pairs, is one morsel of the broad human genome and represents the first of twenty-two chromosomes sequenced by scientists, or one section in the human instruction manual.

How many nucleotides are in Amoeba dubia?

What about the rudimentary, irregularly shaped Amoeba dubia that contains 670 billion base pairs of nucleotides, the blueprint for everything from its irregular one-celled shape to its tentacle-like pseudopodia that help amoebas move?

What are the elements that make up the mechanics of life?

We’ve investigated the mechanics of human Life: DNA, proteins, amino acids, and the genome. We examined the major elements at the beginning of this odyssey: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen , and carbon. Add so-called toxic elements to this composition, and you have a puzzle of human life.

Is heredity a focus of genes?

One thing we can say for sure is that genes are certainly not the central focus of heredity. A red flag should’ve gone up with a simple numbers comparison of human genes, chromosomes, and DNA base pairs to those in other living entities.#N#(Inventory of the Universe, chapter 7.15)

Do animals have DNA?

As we consider this, we reflect on animals, which also have DNA and a genome. Everything living on this earth , from wheat to bacteria to humans, possesses, in its cells, combinations of DNA. Our complex cells possess DNA in the same way as single-celled bacteria.
