how many credits is one health course nyc doe

by Berneice Gottlieb 5 min read

What training programs does the New York City Health Department offer?

The Health Department’s training programs include a 10-12 week, full-time summer course, and a part-time course during the academic year. Participants gain experience in planning, research, administration, and evaluation. For more information about the Health and Research Training Program, call 311 or email

What are the requirements for health education in New York State?

NY State law also sets health education requirements for all students in grades K-12. They determine: the amount of time per semester students must have Health Education the number of HIV/AIDS lessons students must have per year

How can NYC DOE assist schools with providing health education?

To assist schools with providing health education, NYC DOE provides research-based, recommended curricula for the elementary, middle and high school levels, and offers teachers free training throughout the year.

What is the NYC DOE’s policy on physical and health education?

This policy outlines the NYC DOE’s approach to ensuring schools can provide students with physical and health education instruction, as well as environments and opportunities that allow all students to practice healthy behaviors throughout the school day with minimal commercial distractions.

What is health class in 5th grade?

Fifth grade students learn about nutrition and physical activity and how health-enhancing behaviors positively affect their body. They will also learn about decision-making, goal-setting, and how to access valid health information.

What is taught in 7th grade health?

Designed specifically for seventh grade students, this fun and engaging course teaches the importance of proper nutrition, how to read Nutrition Facts labels, physical activity, including the different types and levels, sleep, and other healthy habits such as maintaining a healthy mind and positive body image.

How many credits do you need to graduate NYc?

Minimum Credit Requirements All students must earn 44 total credits across specific subject areas in order to graduate. Subject-area requirements vary by the type of diploma and may also vary if a student earns an endorsement.

What does a health education consist of?

Health education is a social science that draws from the biological, environmental, psychological, physical and medical sciences to promote health and prevent disease, disability and premature death through education-driven voluntary behavior change activities.

What do you learn in 8th grade health?

This highly engaging course, designed for eighth grade students, expands on the concepts of proper nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and some common mental health concerns teens their age may face, along with what to do if they think a friend may be struggling with a mental health challenge.

What is health class for 6th grade?

The Health class curriculum is based upon the California State Health Framework, with a focus on human body systems. Students study basic biological science, then the body systems specific to health issues of young adults. Parents receive letters regarding lessons on the human reproductive system.

How can I graduate early?

To graduate early, you'll need to take more credits during the school year and/or enroll in classes over the summer. It's important to keep your grades from suffering, so try to spread out your course load as much as possible, with night classes and summer courses.

How many credits do u need to graduate college?

120 creditsYou usually need 60 credits to graduate college with an associate degree and 120 credits to graduate with a bachelor's degree. The number of credits you need to earn a master's degree can vary depending on your program.

How many credits should a junior have?

Freshmen: 0 to 5.5 credits earned. Sophomore: 6.0 to 11.5 credits earned. Junior: 12.0 to 17.5 credits earned. Senior: 18.0 or more credits earned.

What are the 3 types of health education?

Three types of health education [1980] Abstract: Types of health education in Britain may be categorized as personal physical health and maintenance, the use of health care resources, and the importance of the environment to public health.

Is health promotion and health education the same?

Health education involves voluntary changes in behavior through awareness, knowledge, skills, beliefs, attitudes, and values, whereas health promotion utilizes approaches that compel individuals to change their behaviors.

What is health education in nursing?

As previously stated, health education promotes a healthy lifestyle and raises awareness about the importance of health. This can be done when professionals take part in educating people on what they can do to have a healthier life. Health education doesn't just happen in schools.

Regents Diploma

Students must achieve a score of 65 or higher on these five exams to earn a Regents diploma.

Advanced Regents Diploma

Students must score 65 or higher on the following nine exams to earn an advanced Regents diploma.

Additional Options for Students with Disabilities

All students can earn a Regents or advanced Regents diploma. Some students also have the option to earn a third type of diploma called the local diploma. This option allows certain students to graduate with lower exam scores. Some students with severe disabilities can earn the Skills and Achievement credential instead of a diploma.

Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Credential

All students can earn the CDOS commencement credential which is not a diploma. This credential recognizes students' preparation for entry-level work. It may be awarded as a sole exiting credential, earned as an endorsement to a diploma, or used to fulfill the fifth exam option.

Changes Due to COVID-19

New York State and New York City changed some policies related to the completion of graduation requirements in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Resources for Graduation Requirements

New York State sets graduation requirements. Some requirements are different based on the year a student started high school. These requirements are described on different graduation requirements cards

Diploma Worksheet

The diploma requirements worksheet is a printable resource that you can use with your school to track student progress toward graduation. You can use this worksheet as a tool to compare the information on your student’s transcript with the graduation requirements on this page.

What is an A+ course?

Open to: All teachers. Opportunity at a Glance: A+ Course Credits is a credit designation that was developed in 2019. Created in partnership between the DOe and the United Federation of Teachers (UFT). A+ credits are approved by a committee of UFT and DOE representatives, and are aligned with DOE educational priorities to promote teachers’ ...

What is A+ credit?

A+ credits are approved by a committee of UFT and DOE representatives, and are aligned with DOE educational priorities to promote teachers’ development of skills, knowledge, and methods aligned to the needs of the school system and students. Beginning in the fall 2019 semester, all ASPDP courses were approved for A+ credit.

How many credits do you need to become a paraprofessional in New York?

Mandatory matriculation into a degree bearing program after completion of 60 credits. Proof of matriculation will be required.

How many credits can substitute paraprofessionals get?

Substitute Paraprofessionals are no longer be eligible to participate in the CTP Program. A maximum of 120 credits will be paid on behalf of the Paraprofessional, towards the completion of a Bachelor's degree program (exceptions will be reviewed on a case by case basis)

What is CTP in education?

The Career Training Program (CTP) offers support to eligible Paraprofessionals who are interested in pursuing a career as a teacher and matriculated in a graduate education program through a reimbursement program.

Does NYCDOE pay for F grades?

The NYCDOE will NOT pay for "F" grades or late withdrawals or unofficial withdrawals. FINANCIAL AID: For paraprofessionals who benefit from the Federal Pell Grant or the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) grant, financial aid will be used to cover any tuition related expenses.

What is NYC DOE?

New York City Department of Education (NYC DOE) is committed to working with schools, families, and the community to ensure that all students graduate knowing how to take care of their minds, their bodies, and those around them. For students to have the opportunity to achieve personal, academic, developmental, and social success, they need positive, supportive, and health-promoting learning environments at every level, in every setting, throughout the school year.

What grade do you have to be to get sexual health education in NYC?

NYC DOE requires that sexual health education be included in the comprehensive health education course, and strongly recommends providing health education in 9th or 10th grade. Parents may opt their child out of certain sexual health lessons having to do with methods of prevention.

How does the NYC DOE work?

The NYC DOE will also inform parents of changes made to school meals and compliance with school meal standards, availability of child nutrition programs and how to apply, and a description of and compliance with Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards. The NYC DOE will use electronic mechanisms, such as email or notices displayed on the NYC DOE website, to ensure that all families are actively notified of the content of, implementation of, and updates to the wellness policy, as well as how to get involved and support the policy. The NYC DOE will also use these mechanisms to inform the community about the availability of the annual and triennial reports. The NYC DOE will ensure that communications are culturally and linguistically appropriate to the community and accomplished through means similar to other ways that the district and individual schools communicate other important school information to parents.

What is a wellness council in New York?

A School Wellness Council acts as an advisory team to the School Leadership Team and the principal in order to review and support implementation of Citywide wellness policies; assess the wellness of the school environment using the School Wellness Scorecard on the School Wellness Portal#N#link off#N#(Open external link)#N#; and create and implement action plans as a part of school-wide wellness initiatives (e.g., physical activity programs, healthy fundraisers#N#link off#N#(Open external link)#N#, non-food celebrations#N#link off#N#(Open external link)#N#and rewards) and/or to support instructional goals in Comprehensive Education Plans. School Wellness Councils should communicate wellness-related policies annually so that all staff, parents, and students are aware of and follow policy guidelines. Final responsibility for School Wellness Council governance and policy implementation rests with the principal.

What is a citywide wellness policy?

This Citywide Wellness Policy brings together content and service areas recommended in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model#N#link off#N#(Open external link)#N#, an expansion and update of the Coordinated School Health (CSH) approach. The Office of School Wellness Programs in the NYC DOE’s Division of Operations drafted the policy in collaboration with other programs, initiatives, offices, and agencies, with the goal of ensuring that schools and the community have a more cohesive policy that clearly defines federal, State, and local mandates and recommendations associated with each area.

What is the Office of School Wellness?

The Office of School Wellness Programs will provide schools with guidance, resources, and programs to support physical and health education, physical activity, and overall school wellness initiatives, including the development of school-based action plans and School Wellness Councils.

What is the responsibility of a school wellness council?

School Wellness Councils should communicate wellness-related policies annually so that all staff, parents, and students are aware of and follow policy guidelines. Final responsibility for School Wellness Council governance and policy implementation rests with the principal.



  1. You can find the NY State standards and requirements on the NY State Education Department websitelink off (Open external link).
  2. We also follow National Health Education Standardslink off (Open external link) and National Sexuality Education Standardslink off (Open external link).
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Learning Standards

  • As in any subject, NY State sets learning standards at each grade level. They describe: 1. what students should know 2. what they should be able to do
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  • NY State law also sets health education requirements for all students in grades K-12. They determine: 1. the amount of time per semester students must have Health Education 2. the number of HIV/AIDS lessons students must have per year 3. who can teach Health Education 4. what the curriculum includes The New York City Department of Education requires that middle a…
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  • Elementary School
    Students in grades: 1. Kindergarten through five must have health instruction every year. There is no specific time requirement. 2. Kindergarten through six must have five HIV/AIDS lessons per year.
  • Middle School
    Middle school students must have Health Education every day for one semester. The health instruction time must add up to 54 hours.
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  • For all grades, certified health education teachers are the most qualified to teach Health Education. A certified teacher has completed the education and training that NY State law requires.
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  • The Health Education curriculum must follow NY State and City standards. We recommend a curriculum that helps students learn: 1. social and emotional skills, including how to prevent bullying. 2. about their growth, their development, and their identity. 3. how to stay healthy and fit, both physically and mentally. 4. how to create a safe and healthy environment. 5. about their per…
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