how long is the themis bar prep course

by Prof. Kendrick Lowe Sr. 6 min read

How long is the course, and when does it start? Depending on your jurisdiction, the recommended Directed Study schedule begins 8-10 weeks before the date of the bar exam. For those who want to start early, course access generally begins in early March for the July exam, and in early November for the February exam.

Full Answer

How much does Themis Bar prep cost?

Themis has a price tag of $1,295 to $1,695 depending on which state and program you choose. While this certainly isn’t cheap, it costs less than the most other major Bar Prep courses on the market.

Why Themis Bar Review course?

At Themis, we have combined the best of traditional learning methods with cutting-edge methodology to bring you a streamlined, on-demand, bar review course--the only major bar review course developed to be completely online.

Should you choose BARBRI or Themis for bar exam prep?

Whether you ultimately decide to go with BARBRI or Themis, the main thing you should keep in mind is that bar exam prep is long and difficult. However, if you follow the outlines that the bar prep course provides you and mechanically go through preparation, you will increase your odds of passing the exam.

How much does it cost to study bar prep?

While this certainly isn’t cheap, it costs less than the most other major Bar Prep courses on the market. There are no hidden fees or associated costs, and some students may qualify for an additional discount if they plan to work in the public interest sector.

How long is Themis bar prep?

8-10 weekThemis Bar Review Course InformationThemis Bar ReviewTop Features1.8-10 week course is fully online2.On-demand video lectures3.Searchable outlines and interactive handouts4.Option to study at own pace with “Flex Study Mode”2 more rows

How many hours per day is Themis bar prep?

The program doesn't set unrealistic expectations I've been told that Themis suggests students study eight hours a day during the week and some also on the weekend. Thank you, Themis! This is a reasonable approach to bar study (as we always say, it helps to treat studying like a job).

Is Themis bar prep harder than the bar?

Re: Does Themis Grade harder than bar examiners? In my experience, yes! I did all of the graded essays, gave them a good amount of effort, and didn't do great. I think I was typically around 50-60th percentile on my practice test percentiles, except on the MPT practice where I was a bit higher.

How many hours should you study for the bar a day?

However, you should still put together a plan that is focused on what you personally need to do, and you should spend about 40 hours a week studying. Regardless of your position, make sure that the time you allot for studying is productive. Take frequent breaks and reward yourself to stay motivated!

Is Themis or Barbri better?

Bottom Line. Whether Themis or BARBRI is best for you depends on your individual situation and study style. BARBRI may be best for students who: Want a robust offering of materials.

When should I start studying for the bar Themis?

Depending on your jurisdiction, the recommended Directed Study schedule begins 8-10 weeks before the date of the bar exam. For those who want to start early, course access generally begins in early March for the July exam, and in early November for the February exam.

Do I have to return my Themis books?

Course materials must be returned at your expense and received by Themis Bar Review before any refund due will be processed.

Does Themis use NCBE questions?

That's why we have teamed up with UWorld, the leader in helping students pass high-stakes multiple-choice exams. With over 2,200 MBE-type questions, including 1,575+ NCBE licensed questions, UWorld's MBE QBank is the perfect complement to your Themis Bar Review course.

Is Barbri enough to pass the bar?

Re: Is BARBRI enough to pass the bar? Yes, absolutely. In fact, Barbri is set up to be MORE than enough (i.e. more than you should reasonably be able to do - they even TELL you that). They say that if you are doing about 75% of what they assign, you're doing enough.

Did Kim Kardashian pass the bar?

Kim Kardashian celebrated passing the “baby bar” with some cheddar bay biscuits. The reality star learned that she passed the First-Year Law Students' Examination in December 2021 while sitting in her car in front of a Red Lobster restaurant.

What is the hardest bar exam to pass?

Delaware makes the list as one of the hardest bar exams in part because of the score required to pass. Students must obtain at least a 145 to pass, which is the highest in the nation. Delaware also only offers the exam once per year, giving students who fail a very long wait before they can take it again.

Is 9 weeks enough to study for the bar?

The short answer is that there is no predetermined amount of time. As each student is a unique individual, so is the length of study time. Most students can benefit from 6-8 weeks of full-time study for the exam.


Our Law School Essentials (LSE) programs include comprehensive review materials for your first-year curriculum and many of your upper-level electives.


Themis provides expert guidance for the multistate professional responsibility exam (mpre).

What is themis practice exam?

Themis provides you with Practice Exams and thousands of practice questions that help you assess your knowledge of key bar exam topics and pinpoint weak areas for later review. Additionally, your Dedicated Essay Grader will provide you with personalized written feedback on your graded essays to help gauge your writing abilities, determine how well you present your analysis and arguments, and suggest areas for improvement. Our myProgress tracker also keeps track of the assignments you have completed and those you have left, and lets you know how you're doing relative to set goals and to your peers.

How to reserve a bar review course?

To reserve a spot in a bar review course for free with no obligation, or to take advantage of our free programs, simply stop by the Themis table at your law school, visit, or call 888-843-6476 .

What is Themis online?

Themis courses are administered online. Through our interactive web portal, you will access your entire bar review course, including lectures, outlines, practice questions, and simulated exams. You will also be able to contact Themis staff, including Tech Support, Academic Support, and your state director.

What is the Themis video player?

The Themis video player allows a student to speed up or slow down the video when using certain supported web browsers. Below are the browsers that Themis supports for modifying the playback speed of the videos:

Is Themis a bar review company?

Finally, Themis is the only major bar review company to publish pass rates in every jurisdiction. We are proud to report that Themis students have outperformed their peers time and time again. In every jurisdiction where Themis operates, Themis students have excelled. More information can be found on our pass rates page.

Does Themis offer a pass guarantee?

In the unlikely event that you are unsuccessful on your bar exam, Themis offers our pass guarantee. Under the Pass or a Free Repeat Guarantee, if you are a first-time Themis taker, we will provide you with a free repeat of our course for the next administration of the same bar exam at no cost to you. We are that confident in your success!

When to start direct study for bar exam?

Depending on your jurisdiction, the recommended Directed Study schedule begins 8-10 weeks before the date of the bar exam. For those who want to start early, course access generally begins in early March for the July exam, and in early November for the February exam.

What is the Themis Bar Review?

Themis Bar Review is a flexible and adaptable course with enough structure to keep students on track while they study for the bar exam. An early adopter of online learning, Themis supports more different kinds of devices than its competitors and has done the educational research to back up its approach. It offers a broad overview rather than an exhaustive review of all relevant material, which makes it ideal for those who want to concentrate on the big picture.

How many jurisdictions are there in Themis Bar?

Themis Bar Review is currently available in 44 jurisdictions, as shown on the map on their site. However, students from all states can take advantage of the online review materials Themis offers on their website.

How much does themis cost?

Themis has a price tag of $1,295 to $1,695 depending on which state and program you choose. While this certainly isn’t cheap, it costs less than the most other major Bar Prep courses on the market. There are no hidden fees or associated costs, and some students may qualify for an additional discount if they plan to work in the public interest sector. Discounts are also available for active duty, reserve, and retired military members, as well as members of certain law school and legal organizations.

What is direct study mode?

In the Directed Study mode, you have to complete a daily list of tasks. If you miss a day or more, the dynamic calendar makes changes to your schedule so you can catch up to where you should be. In the Flex Study mode, you can skip around and complete assignments on your own without a prescribed schedule.

Is Themis app available for Android?

The entire Themis program is compatible with virtually all devices, including smartphones, computers, tablets, and e-readers. The app is available for iOS and Android, making this course very portable.

Can you take the Themis again?

Pass or a Free Repeat Guarantee for first-time Themis takers. Those who do not pass the bar the first time can take the course again at no additional cost.

Is Themis online?

Themis is best suited for self-motivated learners who want the freedom to study on the go from a portable device. As the course is fully online, there are no classroom sessions to attend. Those who are working or have other obligations will benefit from this flexibility and the reasonable recommended study schedule (six to eight hours a day plus review on weekends).

What are the names of bar exam prep courses?

If you’ve done any research into bar exam preparation courses, you might have narrowed down your decision to two of the biggest names: BARBRI and Themis.

How many states does Themis offer courses?

Themis currently offers its courses for 44 states.

What is themis law?

Themis is a company with less history in the bar prep industry. However, it’s becoming more popular among law students thanks to its flexible platform.

How to prepare for bar exam?

Try to follow the schedule set by a bar prep tutor. Be prepared to devote at least 4 hours a day into studying for the bar exam. Start studying for the bar exam as soon as possible. Learn what study method best helps you retain information and use it as much as possible.

How much does Themis cost?

Themis has a single bar review course currently priced at $2,395. It also offers an L.L.M. Advantage course for $2,795. This can be an invaluable resource if you’re interested in post-graduate legal education— one that’s not provided with BARBRI.

What is the pass rate for Barbri?

Pass rates: Both Themis and Barbri offer strong pass rates, with about 85-90% for first-time test takers. Average pass rates are higher when students have completed more of the program.

Can I study for barri?

BARBRI says that you can study for the bar exam in any U.S. jurisdiction. It also offers a 0% monthly down payment option for those who qualify.

Barbri 404 Not Found

Is anyone getting this error for barbri when trying to access lectures? Really messing with my schedule... on the phone with customer service at the moment

4th time Bar Exam Taker here

Anyone have any suggestions on helpful bar prep material that is free? I am really struggling and need help with one pagers as it is easier for me to try and learn the material that way. Anything would be helpful though.

Law School Outlines

I had a great deal of success memorizing my law school outlines throughout school that I created myself. Can I use those to digest concepts for the bar exam? I find that Barbri's online, massive outline is cumbersome and hard for me to work through, but that I can understand the materials using my own outlines. What are your thoughts?

RAP is breaking my brain

Thus far, I feel okay with a majority of the material. But the Rule Against Perpetuities is absolutely breaking my brain. I can’t remember what I did when I was a 1L to figure it out. Does anyone have a method/supplement they used that helped it click?

Barbri's MBE Immersion Feels Like a Waste of Time?

Anyone else starting early and feel like doing the MBE immersion is pointless at this stage? I don't remember squat from 1L and never took crim pro or evidence, so I feel like trying to do such a quick rundown of each subject is overwhelming.
