how long is the aarp online driver safety course certificate of completion valid for

by Prof. Shaina Hermiston Sr. 5 min read

two to three years

How long is the AARP smart driver™ online course?

A course completion certificate is valid for two to three years, depending on your state’s regulations (check with your auto insurance agent for details regarding your discount). We understand that you or your auto insurance agent may misplace the certificate or require more than one copy, and may need to order a duplicate certificate.

How long has AARP Driver safety helped drivers?

1. Go to and log into your account by clicking on the LOG IN button at the top of the page. 2. After you log in, you'll be brought to the course's table of contents. Look for the RECORDS link in the top right corner of that page and click on it. 3. If you have completed your course and verified all of your certificate ...

How do I get a copy of my AARP Driver Safety Certificate?

Claim your safe driver discount. When you take the AARP Smart Driver™ online course, you could be eligible for a multi-year discount on your auto insurance.* Plus safer driving can save you more than just money. The course teaches proven driving techniques to help keep you and your loved ones safe on the road.

How long is a course completion certificate valid for?

High-tech cameras help, but drivers should also rely on their eyes AARP Smart Driver™ Online Course Refresh your driving skills and you could save Benefits of Volunteering for AARP Driver Safety Teaching older drivers is the main reward AARP …

How long is the AARP driver safety course good for in NYS?

3 yearsEvery 3 years you must complete this state-approved defensive driving course to keep your mandatory car insurance discount through New York's Internet Point and Insurance Reduction Program.

How long is AARP smart driver course good for in Georgia?

If it has been longer than three years, you must retake the course.

What is defensive driving course online?

NSC Defensive Driving Online Courses deliver the most relevant, leading-edge content to motivate and educate employees to be safe, responsible drivers. You can trust NSC to best train drivers to avoid collisions, crashes, injuries or worse.

How long do points stay on your license in GA?

two yearsHow long do points stay on your license in Georgia? Points will stay on your driving record for two years and drop off after 24 months from the date they were added. The date the violation occurred is used as the basis for determining the 24-month period (or 12-month period for persons under age 18).

What are AARP's four key principles?

Our Purpose These AARP-branded products and services cover a wide range of member's needs and are managed with four key principles in mind: Value, Quality, Put the Member in the Middle, and Ease of Access.

What is defensive driving quizlet?

Driving defensively means a driver must do everything possible to prevent a collision.

What is AARP phone number?

(888) 687-2277AARP / Customer service

Classroom Course

Please contact AARP Driver Safety Customer Service at 1-866-732-4213 to request a duplicate certificate.

Online Course

If you need a duplicate certificate for the AARP Smart Driver online course, please contact the online course vendor at [email protected] or call 1-800-350-7025.

Does AARP call you for credit card information?

ALERT: Be aware of phishing scams. AARP Driver Safety will never call or email you for credit card information to process refunds or to look up account information.

Does AARP Smart Driver offer discounts?

When you take the AARP Smart Driver™ online course, you could be eligible for a multi-year discount on your auto insurance.* Plus safer driving can save you more than just money. The course teaches proven driving techniques to help keep you and your loved ones safe on the road.

Is taking a course cost effective?

Taking the course is convenient and cost-effective. Stay safe and you may save some money along the way.

Tips for Finding an Auto Shop

How can you be assured your money has been well spent? Follow these guidelines

Refresh Your Skills Online

Take AARP’s Smart Driver course from the comfort of home, and you could reduce your insurance bill

Avoid Distracted Driving

Nicer weather means that you and others could be driving more. How to stay safe

Wanted: Volunteers

For more than 40 years, AARP Driver Safety has helped drivers improve their skills. Now we need you

What is AARP Smart Driver?

The AARP Smart Driver™ course, offered by AARP Driver Safety, is the nation’s first and largest refresher course designed specifically for drivers age 50 and older. For more than 35 years, the course has taught over 16 million drivers proven safety strategies so they can continue driving safely for as long as possible. Courses are offered in both English and Spanish in either a traditional classroom setting taught by more than 4,000 AARP-trained volunteers, or through an interactive online course that may be taken from your home computer at your own pace.

How to register for AARP classes?

To locate a classroom course, visit Course times, dates and locations will be listed along with a phone number to call to register. Or call toll-free to 877-846-3299. To register for the online course, visit .***

Do drivers age 50 or older look back on their licenses?

Cars have changed. So have traffic rules, driving conditions and the roads you travel every day. Some drivers age 50-plus have never looked back since they got their first driver's license, but even the most experienced drivers can benefit from refreshing their driving skills.

What is a certificate of completion for defensive driving?

A Certificate of Completion is what you receive when you complete your defensive driving course. If you’re taking a defensive driving course to dismiss a moving violation, the court will require a Certificate of Completion as proof you completed an approved defensive driving course. Most Texas courts require you to complete ...

How long does it take to complete defensive driving in Texas?

Most Texas courts require you to complete the defensive driving course within 90 days. A Certificate of Completion does have the “Issue Date” on it and the court will be able to see if you completed within 90 days. If you’re taking a course for an insurance discount, it is more flexible. Certificate of Completions are valid for insurance discounts ...

Does a certificate of completion expire?

So yes, a Certificate of Completion does expire whether you’re using it for a ticket dismissal or insurance purposes. For ticket dismissal purposes the expiration or validity will be based on your approval to take defensive driving. For auto insurance purposes it will expire after 3 years. Either way the Certificate of Completion expires. Your court will provide instructions on how to submit your Certificate.