how long is sfas course

by Penelope Kerluke 9 min read


What is the Sfas course like?

The 24 day Special Forces Assessment and Selection course is run out of the Col. mick Rowe Special Forces Training Facility at Camp MacKall, North Carolina. The SFAS is designed to select candidates suitable for the Special Forces Qualification course and such is structures to push the candidates to their limits of physical and mental endurance.

What are the swim requirements for the Sfas course?

All soldiers will be given a swim assessment at the SFAS Course to determine whether he is a swimmer or nonswimmer. (5) Must score a minimum of 206 points on the APFT, with no less than 60 points on any event, using the standards for age group 17 to 21. (6) Must be able to meet medical fitness standards as outlined in AR 40-501.

What happens after SFAS is completed?

After successful completion of SFAS, officers who have not already attended their Advanced Course will attend either the Infantry or Armor Career Captain’s Course. Enlisted Soldiers will return to their home station and await receipt of PCS orders to Fort Bragg, NC. Including SFAS, the SFQC is comprised of six phases. SFAS is considered Phase One.

Can I attend the Sfas course in a temporary duty status?

(7) Outside continental United States based soldiers may attend the SFAS Course in a temporary duty (TDY) and return status anytime during their tour.

How long is SFAS prep course?

Prepare Physically The first step is the Special Forces Preparation Course, a six-week course that prepares your physical fitness and land navigation skills so you can succeed in the last two steps of training.

How long is the SF Q course?

12 to 24 monthsThe Army Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) is long and demanding. Although the length of the course varies according to Military Occupational Specialty and language it is generally 12 to 24 months long. Most of the training is held on Fort Bragg, North Carolina or Camp Mackall, North Carolina. Prerequisites.

How long are days at SFAS?

For these reasons it is a prerequisite that every prospective “Green Beret” successfully completes the 21-day SFAS course and be selected for Special Forces Training. The SFAS Course assesses and selects soldiers for attendance at the SFQC.

How long is the trek SFAS?

Training at SFAS Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS) is the first phase of the Special Forces Qualification Course, it is 24 days of training held at Camp Mackall.

What is the pass rate for SFAS?

Assuming you are reasonably intelligent, and in good physical shape, you have a 31% chance of successfully passing the US Army Special Forces Assessment and Selection Course (SFAS).

Which Special Forces has the highest dropout rate?

RASP 1 has a 53% attrition rate. RASP 2 has a 74% attrition rate. SFAS has 64% and 51% attrition rates for enlisted soldiers and officers respectively, whereas SFQC has 35% and 27% attrition rates for the same categories. CCT selection has a 50% attrition rate with a further 27% rate for the Qualification Course.

Whats harder SFAS or Q Course?

Both schools are physically and mentally challenging, but in different ways. I generally say that Ranger school sucks more but the Q course is harder.

What happens if you fail SFAS?

If they fail or are simply aren't selected during the Special Forces assessment, they are re-assigned to infantry. It wasn't always this way. In the past, Special Forces typically wanted soldiers to be older and more seasoned in the regular Army before making the jump.

Can any MOS go to SFAS?

What MOS should I enlist for prior to Special Forces? We recruit from all branches of the Army and there is no specific MOS that qualifies for Special Forces duty. Do your very best in whichever field you choose and then apply for Special Forces Assessment and Selection.

Do you get smoked at SFAS?

The weight isn't heavy, just very repetitive. Learn to work under the log as a team, and it helps -- especially if everyone can do a push press at the same time. Really muscle-bound guys could get the weight up with no problem but get smoked really quickly in these events. Swimming is a passable event in the course.

How fast do you have to ruck at SFAS?

11-13 minutes per mileRuck weight between 50-60lbs. Your distance goal should be 6-8 miles, and your pace should be 11-13 minutes per mile.

What is Gate week at SFAS?

2. You trained up wrong. Gate week requires you to complete back-to-back unknown distance runs and rucks without recovery days in between. While you don't have try and win every event, you have to be able to stay with the pack.

How long is the Special Forces training course?

The first phase of the Special Forces Qualification Course is Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS), consisting of twenty-four days of training at Camp Mackall. SFAS includes numerous long-distance land navigation courses.

When was SFAS introduced?

A version of SFAS was introduced as a selection mechanism in the mid-1980s by the Commanding General of the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at the time, Brigadier General James Guest.

What is the significance of phase 2 of the SFQC?

Phase 2 of the SFQC focuses on language and culture. During Phase 2, soldiers receive basic special-operations language training in the language assigned to them at the completion of Special Forces Assessment and Selection.

How long is the SFQC?

Course Description: Phase 1 of the SFQC is the SF Orientation Course, a seven-week introduction to SF. Dubbed the Orientation and History module, the course falls under the auspices of the 4th Battalion, 1st Special Warfare Training Group (Airborne). The course is separated into six modules:

What is the Q course in the Army?

The Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) or, informally, the Q Course is the initial formal training program for entry into the United States Army Special Forces. Phase I of the Q Course is Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS). Getting "Selected" at SFAS will enable a candidate to continue to the next of the four phases.

What is the minimum level of listening and speaking required for phase 2?

Also during Phase 2, a progressive physical training program prepares for Phase 3. To complete Phase 2, soldiers achieve a minimum of 1/1 Listening and Speaking as measured by the two-skill Oral Proficiency Interview.

How long is the language program for a military?

Soldiers assigned a Category I or II language will be enrolled in an eighteen-week language program, while soldiers assigned a Category III or IV language attend twenty-four weeks of language training. Students receive instruction in three basic language skills: speaking, participatory listening, and reading (limited).

How many points do you need to swim for SFAS?

All soldiers will be given a swim assessment at the SFAS Course to determine whether he is a swimmer or nonswimmer. (5) Must score a minimum of 206 points on the APFT, with no less than 60 points on any event, using the standards for age group 17 to 21.

Where is the Special Forces Assessment and Selection Course?

The 24 day Special Forces Assessment and Selection course is run out of the Col. mick Rowe Special Forces Training Facility at Camp MacKall , North Carolina. The SFAS is designed to select candidates suitable for the Special Forces Qualification course and such is structures to push the candidates to their limits of physical and mental endurance. Typical elements of the SFAS include:

How long is 180 MOS training?

The 180 MOS training will change from 50 to 14 weeks m the coming months to align the Q-courses. Official US Army video on Special Forces Qualification Course... If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations.

What is SFQC in the military?

Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) Soldiers who make it through the SFAS course move on to the Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC). Once a soldier completes the 'Q course', they enter the Special Forces brotherhood and earn the right to wear the Special Forces tab and Green Beret. Course description : the SFQC consists ...

What Is Team Week Anyway?

Well, the school’s response is that Team Week is a series of tasks that the candidates must accomplish within a set amount of time. Sounds fairly innocuous, right? No one is better than the military at making something sound bland.

Team Work Is Essential Throughout SFAS

And trust me, the cadre is ALWAYS watching! During team week as an SFAS cadre member, I not only watched the candidate who was put in the leadership position of the event, but also his teammates. Are they supporting him to the best of their ability? Or are they just doing the rucksack flop during a break?

Always Be a Leader

In Special Forces, you’ll be expected to perform well above your pay grade in everyday work, so you must, must, must always be a leader in your attitude. It doesn’t matter if you are the Team Leader or the last guy in line. Always support the guy in charge to the best of your ability. Because that guy may be supporting you next.

Cool Wins in SFAS

Always remain calm. Trust me there will be times when you will be ready to explode because you’ll be tired, worn down, and physically exhausted. But a person who is out of control will make mistakes. Stay cool, calm, and collected. I believe it was Kipling who said,

The Gray Man

I didn’t know whether to write something on this subject because there are so many takes on it and they all differ. And this is one of those topics that I feel strongly about, so my take on it is a bit biased.

Final Thoughts

Team Week will test you, push you, and will be a big gut check. Take it seriously, but always keep a positive mental attitude and you’ll be fine.

How fast can you move in a sfas?

SFAS is all about time and moving to your points quickly. You need to be able to move out when you are in a time crunch or are stuck in a draw. To prepare, put 45 pounds in your ruck and move four miles as fast as you can. A good goal is to get four miles in less than 35 minutes.

What to do during SFAS?

During SFAS, you will have log and rifle PT. This isn't every day but a very extraneous event that gets a lot of guys to quit. I would recommend doing a lot of push presses, snatches and lightweight military presses to get ready. The weight isn't heavy, just very repetitive. Learn to work under the log as a team, and it helps -- especially if everyone can do a push press at the same time. Really muscle-bound guys could get the weight up with no problem but get smoked really quickly in these events.

What is phase 4 of SFQC?

SFQC (Phase IV): Language Training – Based on each Soldier’s individual language skills, he will advance through language training to prepare him to serve in SF. Additionally, while receiving language training Soldiers will be trained in warrior skills, such as Combatives.

What are the duties of a SF?

Frequently, duties require regional orientation to include foreign language training and in-country experience. SF places emphasis not only on unconventional tactics, but also on knowledge of nations in waterborne, desert, jungle, mountain, or arctic operations. The Green Berets. US Army Special Forces. Commandos.

What is SFQC in CMF 18?

The SFQC teaches and develops the skills necessary for effective utilization of the SF Soldier. Duties in CMF 18 primarily involve participation in Special Operations interrelated fields of unconventional warfare. These include foreign internal defense and direct action missions as part of a small operations team or detachment. Duties at other levels involve command, control, and support functions. Frequently, duties require regional orientation, to include foreign language training and in-country experience. The SF places emphasis not only on unconventional tactics, but also knowledge of nations in waterborne, desert, jungle, mountain, or arctic operations.


Special Forces Assessment and Selection

SFAS Overview

This 19-day performance-oriented course includes physical conditioning, map reading and land navigation instruction; land-navigation practical exercises, and common-task training. The goal is to prepare and condition 18X and REP-63 (National Guard) soldiers to attend Special Forces Assessment and Selection Course and the follow-on Special Forces Qualification Course.

Special Forces Qualification Course

Further Special Forces Training

The 24 day Special Forces Assessment and Selection course is run out of the Col. mick Rowe Special Forces Training Facility at Camp MacKall, North Carolina. The SFAS is designed to select candidates suitable for the Special Forces Qualification course and such is structures to push the candidates to their limits of physical an…
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