how long is q course in special forces

by Lorenza D'Amore III 5 min read

12 months

Full Answer

What are the qualifications for Army Special Forces?

Special Forces are also known by their nickname, the Green Berets. They are guerrilla warfare experts who use unexpected and unconventional techniques; They fight terrorists and insurgents abroad; They require secret security clearance eligibility, Airborne qualification, an ASVAB placement test GT score of at least 100, and extensive training

How does one get into the Army Special Forces?

You can request assignment to an Army Special Forces unit when you first enlist. A recommendation to attend the Special Operations Preparation Course depends on your ASVAB results and how you perform during basic and advanced individual training. You can also join after you enlist or become an officer.

What is the Q Course for Special Forces training?

Special Forces Phase 1. Special Force Qualification Course Phase 1A is the preparation course where soldiers will check in, collect gear and start advanced-level physical training and land navigation.

What are the Army Special Forces requirements?

  • Qualify for a secret level security clearance.
  • Qualify and volunteer for Airborne training
  • Take the Defense Language Aptitude Battery or Defense Language Proficiency Test
  • Achieve an overall minimum score of 229 on the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT).

How long is 18e Q course?

40 days40 days, Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC), Phase I, Individual Skills Phase, Camp Rowe Training Facility.

How long is the 18D course?

322 daysArmy Special Forces medic (18D): The SOCM course is six months long and trains trauma. The second half that 18D's go to is another five months and trains on medical problems. For a total of 322 days, the 18D is learning the advanced skills of the trade.

How long does Special Forces selection take?

Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS) This course is about three weeks long. You are mentally and physically stressed and evaluated by Special Forces instructors for suitability to continue training in Special Forces. Learn more about the Special Forces Assessment and Selection course.

How long is the Q Course 2022?

The Q Course is now designed to be completed in a little more than 12 months for all Green Berets, except those training to become medics. Four classes start each year, allowing the course to align training with Army Special Operations Command's psychological operations and civil affairs students.

Do you go home during Q course?

There are several times where you will not be able to see him during the Q-course (the field phases), but there are lots of times he will be available to be "home" during training (language, some parts of MOS).

Is 30 too old to join Special Forces?

20-32 years old. Meet the Army height and weight standards. Join as an active duty or Army National Guard Soldier. Qualify for Airborne School.

Which Special Forces has the highest dropout rate?

RASP 1 has a 53% attrition rate. RASP 2 has a 74% attrition rate. SFAS has 64% and 51% attrition rates for enlisted soldiers and officers respectively, whereas SFQC has 35% and 27% attrition rates for the same categories. CCT selection has a 50% attrition rate with a further 27% rate for the Qualification Course.

How many Green Berets graduate each year?

860Although numbers vary, approximately 860 will graduate each year and join the approximately 15,000 active duty and reserve US Army Green Berets. From boot camp to first deployment, a US Army Special Forces soldier may undertake (up to) two years of training.

What is the Q course in the Army?

The Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) or, informally, the Q Course is the initial formal training program for entry into the United States Army Special Forces. Phase I of the Q Course is Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS). Getting "Selected" at SFAS will enable a candidate to continue to the next of the four phases.

How long is the Special Forces training course?

The first phase of the Special Forces Qualification Course is Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS), consisting of twenty-four days of training at Camp Mackall. SFAS includes numerous long-distance land navigation courses.

What is the purpose of the Special Forces module?

This module is intended to provide the soldiers an understanding of Special Forces, their history, organization, attributes, and core tasks relating to their mission. Lessons include SFOD-A and SFOD-B numbering convention, command and control architecture, joint special-operations area, duties and responsibilities of each MOS, SF planning and organization, core mission and tasks, SOF physical fitness and nutrition. The training prepares potential Special Forces soldiers for what is expected of them and the standards they must acquire to graduate the SFQC and be members of the Army Special Forces.

How long is the 18X course?

This 19-day performance-oriented course includes physical conditioning, map reading and land navigation instruction; land-navigation practical exercises, and common-task training. The goal is to prepare and condition 18X and REP-63 (National Guard) soldiers to attend Special Forces Assessment and Selection Course and the follow-on Special Forces Qualification Course.

How long is the SFQC?

Course Description: Phase 1 of the SFQC is the SF Orientation Course, a seven-week introduction to SF. Dubbed the Orientation and History module, the course falls under the auspices of the 4th Battalion, 1st Special Warfare Training Group (Airborne). The course is separated into six modules:

What is the Special Forces Mission Planning module?

This module provides the soldiers an understanding of the Special Forces Mission Planning process. The soldiers are given classes on the Military Decision Making Process followed by a practical exercise that reinforces the training.

How long is the language program for a military?

Soldiers assigned a Category I or II language will be enrolled in an eighteen-week language program, while soldiers assigned a Category III or IV language attend twenty-four weeks of language training. Students receive instruction in three basic language skills: speaking, participatory listening, and reading (limited).

How long is the SFQC?

After four weeks, soldiers will find out whether they are selected to attend the full Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC), also known as the Q Course. This phase 1B is known formerly as SFAS -- Special Forces Assessment and Selection. There is a short two-week course after advancing to Phase 2.

What is the 1B Special Forces Qualification Course?

Special Forces Qualification Course Phase 1B is the assessment and selection phase for Army Special Forces. Your motivation and desire will be challenged to see whether you are suitable for advanced Special Forces training. You will be tested and evaluated with psychological tests, fitness and swim tests, obstacle courses, long ruck marches and land navigation. After four weeks, soldiers will find out whether they are selected to attend the full Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC), also known as the Q Course. This phase 1B is known formerly as SFAS -- Special Forces Assessment and Selection.

How long does XRAY training last?

For a complete timeline for the quickest an 18 XRAY candidate will attend SF training: Basic Combat Training lasts nine weeks. AIT lasts four weeks. Airborne last three weeks.

How long does it take to become a special forces officer?

Like all soldiers, Special Forces candidates begin their career with nine weeks of basic combat training (BCT). Upon completion of basic training, you will attend advanced individual training. For Special Forces, you will go to infantry school to learn to use small arms, anti-armor and weapons such as howitzers and heavy mortars. Before you can advance to the special operation career selection path, Special Forces candidates also much complete the Basic Airborne Course. For a complete timeline for the quickest an 18 XRAY candidate will attend SF training: 1 Basic Combat Training lasts nine weeks 2 AIT lasts four weeks 3 Airborne last three weeks

How long is the final phase of SFODA?

The final phase is a culmination exercise known as Robin Sage, which is five weeks long and where students will form their own SFODA and put their training and experience of the last several months to the test.

How long does it take to learn a language in the Special Forces?

Additionally, while receiving language training, you will be trained in warrior skills, such as combatives. This phase may take up to 18-24 weeks. The language opportunities of all Special Forces operators are Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Indonesian, Czech, Persian-Farsi, Polish, Russian, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Arabic, Korean and Japanese.

What do you learn in the Special Forces?

For Special Forces, you will go to infantry school to learn to use small arms, anti-armor and weapons such as howitzers and heavy mortars. Before you can advance to the special operation career selection path, Special Forces candidates also much complete ...

How long does it take to train for the Special Forces?

If you’re referring to Army Special Forces training, it can take over a year and a half for people who join with a Special Forces contract.

How long is the Special Forces Assessment and Selection?

Next is Special Forces Assessment and Selection, which is 24 days long and allows Special Forces cadre to evaluate the soldiers’ toughness, teamwork, and adaptability. If selected, the soldiers will then continue to the Q Course.

How long is 18X training?

All 18X contractees will go through the 11B Infantryman OSUT before going to Airborne School for another three weeks.

How long is a deployment?

Depending on what a given unit is tasked with, a deployment might be a few days long or 6 months long. At the height of OIF, USASOC and JSOC units were rotating in and out of the warzone about every 3 to 4 months. While in garrison, they train every day- often even on weekends. Family time can be, and often is, rare and precious. SOF isn't just a label or a job- it's a lifestyle, and it can be all-consuming.

How many missions does the SF have?

SF has five main missions, two of which are “Unconventional Warfare & Foreign Internal Defense”. Your team might be the only American military in the country or it might be 4 Americans and 50 lo

Is Mark Stinson's response to the SF soldiers' attitude?

The short answer is that “it depends”. Mark Stinson’s response is excellent , and definitely reflects the attitudes of plenty of SF soldiers.

Can special operations people be injured?

Some special operations people get injured badly enough that they can’t maintain their special ops slot, but can serve in a less demanding role in conventional forces. Others just can’t maintain the necessary level of physical fitness as they get older.

What is SFQC training?

We’ve been expecting change to the Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) for some time now. The course is and pretty much has always been a constantly evolving training vehicle to get the best trained Special Forces troops on the ground and to the operational groups. The missions evolve as the world around us and the threats our nation faces change. The outstanding SF troops from Vietnam were training for and fighting a much different war than the men are today in Syria or Afghanistan.

What is the entry level operator course?

The Entry Level Operator’s Course is provided to new members of 3rd SFG (A) to equip them with the required certifications they will need to conduct training on Fort Bragg. During the course, an operator can expect to receive their military driver’s license, their ammunition handler’s card, and their range safety certifications, as well as information to make them successful as they facilitate training on the installation.

Is military free fall cut out?

Military Free Fall is not being cut out. It is actually included on the far right of the first slide. There has been no proposal to alter Special Forces Assessment and Selection at this time, but Cadre are constantly looking for efficiencies and best-practices to enhance training.

Is Cadre at the SFQC worried about the standards?

Which is nothing new. Cadre at the SFQC in every generation are always worried about the standards and keeping them at a high level. In this case, those concerns from the cadre made into the social media platforms. And many civilians who don’t understand how things work in the military got the wrong impressions

How long does it take to complete the Q course?

The Q Course is now designed to be completed in a little more than 12 months for all Green Berets, except those training to become medics. Four classes start each year, allowing the course to align training with Army Special Operations Command’s psychological operations and civil affairs students.

What is the 1st Special Warfare Training Group?

The 1st Special Warfare Training Group oversees training pipelines for three jobs, each with their own culmination exercise catered to their specialization.

What is the Green Beret training scenario?

It’s a dramatic training scenario that puts students in a situational dilemma. The Green Beret candidates must influence the guerrilla chief to make good decisions, even when he has a “strong personality,” the instructor noted.

Why do Green Berets push back training?

Pushing some training back to the operational teams also helps Green Berets focus on the tactics that will be more relevant to the region of the world their Special Forces group is actually aligned with.

What is the MOS phase for Green Berets?

The MOS phase for Green Berets, where soldiers become specialists in either medicine, weapons, engineering or communications, is now front-loaded. Candidates who pass selection will learn their specific job skills before beginning the tactical skills phase.

Who took over the Special Warfare Center?

Roberson took control of the Special Warfare Center and School from Maj. Gen. Kurt Sonntag this summer. Sonntag’s tenure and the changes he brought were criticized in an anonymous 2017 email from one Green Beret instructor as a way to boost graduation rates and ensure that women can pass.

Who is the commander of the Army's Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg?

“We, as SOF, are uniquely qualified to operate under that threshold short of armed conflict,” said Maj. Gen. Patrick B. Roberson, commander of the Army’s John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg.


Special Forces Phase 1

Special Forces Phase 2

This 19-day performance-oriented course includes physical conditioning, map reading and land navigation instruction; land-navigation practical exercises, and common-task training. The goal is to prepare and condition 18X and REP-63 (National Guard) soldiers to attend Special Forces Assessment and Selection Course and the follow-on Special Forces Qualification Course.

Phase 3

Phase 4

Special Force Qualification Course Phase 1A is the preparation course where soldiers will check in, collect gear and start advanced-level physical training and land navigation. This phase (formerly known as SOPC I -- Special Operations Prep Course) is four weeks long. Special Forces Qualification Course Phase 1B is the a…
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Phase 5

  • Phase 2 combines small-unit tactics (SUT) and survival, evasion, resistance and escape (SERE) training. Soldiers will begin with more small-unit tactics on the squad and platoon levels and be tested in weapons marksmanship. The learning curve is steep in this five-week phase. After SUT, the next three weeks will focus on survival training, avoiding capture, resisting enemy interrogati…
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Want to Know More About The Military?

  • Depending upon the military occupational specialty, the soldier is selected to do the following jobs within the 12-man team known as the Special Forces Operations Detachment Alpha (ODA). The process of completing these schools can take 14-18 months. You will receive MOS training for your Special Forces MOS, which includes SF critical tasks required for award of a career manag…
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