how long is precision nutrition course

by Bartholome Pacocha 7 min read

How much does the Precision Nutrition level 1 certification cost?

Aug 18, 2021 · The Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification course is entirely self-paced—there’s no set start date, and no deadline to complete the program so you can take the time you need to complete it. The approach that works well for many of our students is reading one chapter each week, watching the corresponding video lectures online, then answering the practice questions …

How long does it take to get PN nutrition certification?

The general public price of the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification is $119 USD per month for 12 months. However, if you’re on the presale list and sign up on the presale day, you’ll get the opportunity to get it for only $99 USD per month or a one …

How much does the PN Level 1 nutrition coaching certification cost?

They earn 11% more income than those with other certifications. On average, PN Level 1 Certification grads working on a very part-time basis (1-5 hours per week) are making $450 – $1,550 USD per month. And those coaching full-time are making up to $6,000 or more per month.

What is the level 1 nutrition certification course?

Dec 14, 2021 · Precision Nutrition. 3 months ago. The official dates for the fall 2021 cohort are October 30th through April 2nd. This includes 20 weeks of core content instruction, plus a week break for the US holidays of Thanksgiving (November 20-27) and Christmas (December 25-January 1), respectively—making the total duration of this cohort 22 weeks. Additionally, after …

Is Precision Nutrition coaching worth it?

The Precision Nutrition price does take a little wind out of its sales, but still well worth it when considering the relevance of the materials. The real treat with PN's resources isn't what you get as prep material, but rather, what you get as business resources.Sep 15, 2021

How much is Precision Nutrition coaching?

The regular price for the Precision Nutrition Coaching Program is $1799 USD up front (or $179 USD per month for 12 months). However, if you sign up for the presale list, you can join for $997 USD up front. Or $97 USD per month for 12 months.Jul 20, 2016

How credible is Precision Nutrition?

It is the largest and most respected private nutrition organization in the world. They only offer classes in nutrition, not other realms of fitness. They currently offer level 1 and level 2 nutrition certifications. The first focuses on nutrition more so, and the second focuses more on coaching aspects.Feb 1, 2022

How much money can you make with Precision Nutrition?

Precision Nutrition SalaryAnnual SalaryHourly WageTop Earners$88,500$4375th Percentile$59,500$29Average$49,930$2425th Percentile$31,000$15

How much do nutrition coaches charge per hour?

According to our survey, the median hourly rate for nutrition coaching is $65 per hour.

Is Precision Nutrition Recognised in Australia?

As a certified reseller for Precision Nutrition, IFA will be offering the following products to their customers in Australia, Southeast Asia, and the United Arab Emirates.Aug 9, 2021

How long does it take to study Precision Nutrition level 1?

Since there are 20 total chapters, you'd earn your PN Nutrition Certification in a little over four and a half months. But here's the best part: You don't need to wait to get certified in order to feel confident and qualified to coach nutrition.

Is Precision Nutrition Recognised in the UK?

Precision Nutrition's Level 1 Nutrition Certification Receives Endorsements by Leading Independent Organizations in Europe and the U.K.Feb 16, 2021

What is Precision Nutrition Level 1?

The Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification is the world's most respected nutrition education program. It gives you the knowledge, systems, and tools you need to really understand how nutrition influences a person's health and fitness. Plus the ability to turn that knowledge into a thriving coaching practice.

How much do weight loss coaches make?

The national average salary for a Weight Loss Coach is $45,467 per year in United States. Filter by location to see a Weight Loss Coach salaries in your area. Salaries estimates are based on 9177 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Weight Loss Coach employees.

How much do weight loss coaches charge?

(Weight loss coaches that are hired independently may charge anywhere from $75 to several hundred dollars per session, depending on location, reputation, and credentials.)Jul 27, 2016

How much do sports nutritionists earn in the UK?

According to Glassdoor, the average base salary for sports nutritionists in the UK is £23,934. If you work in London, the average wage is a little higher, falling at around £25,000 a year.Apr 27, 2020

How long does it take to complete a chapter?

The average time is about four months. Each chapter and all its components (textbook, workbook, video, case studies, exam) should take you between two to four hours to finish. It would be reasonable to finish the course in a couple of months, if you wanted to do it quickly.

What is unit 2?

Unit 2: The science of nutrition, including systems and cells, the GI tract, energy transformation and metabolism, energy balance, macronutrients, micronutrients, water and fluid balance, stress, recovery and sleep. (The longest unit, and the one that took me the longest to get through.)

Is Precision Nutrition Level 1 certified?

No, you are a certified Precision Nutrition level 1 coach. There are several titles in the nutrition world. One of the hardest to achieve is dietitian, and this requires a lot of schooling, and that’s not what you get when completing this course.

Is Precision Nutrition legit?

Oh, and by the way, Precision Nutrition is the largest online nutrition coaching and nutrition company in the world, so they are legit.

Who is the founder of Precision Nutrition?

And when I saw the founder of Precision Nutrition, John Berardi, speak at IDEA World & Fitness Convention last year, I was finally sold on the program and decided to go for it. Berardi was not only incredibly intelligent and well-spoken, but he also explained to us how different nutrition looks on everyone.

What is the #1 nutrition certification?

Master the science of nutrition and the art of behavior-change coaching, so you can get sustainable results for anyone who comes to you for help. It doesn’t matter if you’re brand-new to ...

How many people have been certified by PN?

More than 150,000 health and fitness professionals and enthusiasts from over 50 countries have been trained and certified by PN.

What does PN teach you?

When you join PN, you’ll not only learn nutrition science, but you’ll also be able to break down your client’s complex goals into a series of proven, sustainable practices that will lead to lasting changes. That’s what PN will teach you: Nutrition Science + The Ability to Coach It Confidently and Effectively.

Nutrition Certification

In the #1 recommended Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification, we’ll give you everything you need to confidently coach nutrition—in one proven system.

Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery Certification

Authored by some of the world’s foremost experts on sleep, stress management, and recovery—including doctors, researchers, and consultants with the AASM, ASA, MLB, NBA, and peak performance labs—the PN Level 1 Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery Coaching Certification will help you gain a pro-level understanding of the science and practice of better sleep, effective recovery, and more resilience to stress..

Continuing Education

Our Specialized Courses and Advanced Certificates help you learn new skills, establish your expertise in specific areas, and earn CECs to build your credentials.

Nutrition Coaching Software

Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach helps professionals save time, grow their businesses, and get life-changing results.

Personal Nutrition Coaching

Want our help with your own nutrition and fitness goals? Twice a year, we work with a small group of Men and Women personally.

Dive into myth-busting articles and resources

The ultimate calorie, portion, and macro calculator Can you gain weight from eating too little? No, but here’s why it’s so easy to think you can.

Get started with one of our FREE crash courses

Learn the best ways to coach your clients on eating and living better. Boost your credentials. Become a better coach. Learn how to change lives.

What is PN coaching level 1?

PN Coaching Level 1 allows you to learn completely online, letting you to relax while you hone in on your nutrition coaching skills. With all this being said, PN Coaching Level 1 does only offer a relatively basic grasp of nutritional concepts. This isn’t bad in itself, but you are limited by level 1.

What happens after you get certified with PN?

After this, you will be added to their database of accredited nutrition coaches, exposing you to PN’s ever-growing client base.

How much does PN level 1 cost?

The PN Level 1 certification is actually pretty cost-effective. The general public fee will set you back $119 USD/month for 12 months. However, if you join the presale list (while it is still available), you’ll get the package for as low as $99/month or a one-time fee of $999; that’s as much as 30% in savings.

What is precision nutrition?

Precision nutrition is a science-based approach to nutritional coaching. The learning structure delivers essential concepts and fast in an easy to digest manner. PN draws from Ph.D. level research and methodologies. This ensures a university-level learning outcome at a fraction of the cost.

How much does diet affect fitness?

The common consensus is that your diet contributes to at least 70% of all training outcomes. One of the biggest pitfalls in the health, fitness and self-improvement journey is eating right. And one of the pitfalls in eating right is understanding what eating right is.

Does Precision Nutrition offer exercise classes?

Precision Nutrition only offers nutrition certifications. No exercise courses on offer if purchased directly. Courses are only available twice a year with a limited sign-up window if purchased directly from PN. Better deals from other established institutions.

Is PN coaching online?

Unlike many hands-on, practical oriented courses in the realm of fitness, PN coaching Level 1 is delivered completely online and remotely. The process and outcomes of the course are done at your own pace.

How much is Precision Nutrition Level 1?

Precision Nutrition Level 1 is a $999 one-time payment or $119 per month over 12 months. This makes it more expensive than most Nutrition certifications in the top category of accredited certs. In our opinion as a dedicated health and fitness experts, Precision Nutrition costs as much as it should.

What is precision nutrition?

Precision Nutrition is for anyone with a passion for nutritional concepts that can be applied to any of the numerous career fields in health, fitness, sports, and medicine. PN resources and coaches have worked with some of the biggest brands and organizations in sports, health, and fitness.

Is Precision Nutrition a certification?

It is important to note that Precision Nutrition isn’t a certification in the traditional sense.

Who is John Berardi?

John Berardi, co-founder of Precision Nutrition believes that nurturing the right business acumen is the key to true success and fulfillment as a professional fitness expert. We’ve gone on about how PN takes a very business-minded approach, and John’s book is a literal testament to that.
