how long is field artillery officer basic course

by Mr. John Schamberger 3 min read

FACT: BOLC is 18 weeks, 4 days, which is a little longer than other BOLCs, because we need to teach you the FA-specific skills. Besides classroom lectures, you will participate in a number of field exercises and world-class simulation exercises, where you can practice calling in rounds on targets.

Full Answer

How long is the Air Defense Artillery BOLC course?

Welcome Students I would like to congratulate you on your selection to serve our nation as an Air Defense Artillery Officer. The training you will complete over the 18 Weeks and 3 Days of the Basic Officer Leader Course (BOLC) will be both mentally challenging and physically demanding.

What is field artillery officer training?

Field Artillery Officer training includes completion of the Field Artillery Officer Basic Course (FAOBC), where you will learn leadership skills, tactics, maintenance and operational aspects of weapons and vehicles used in a Field Artillery platoon. Being a leader in the Army requires certain qualities.

How long does it take to become an air defense artillery officer?

I would like to congratulate you on your selection to serve our nation as an Air Defense Artillery Officer. The training you will complete over the 18 Weeks and 3 Days of the Basic Officer Leader Course (BOLC) will be both mentally challenging and physically demanding.

What happened to the Army and Marine Corps artillery officer basic training?

The devolution of training between the Army and Marine Corps artillery officer basic training led to the separation, but efforts are underway to realign the two courses into a combined syllabus for both Army and Marine officers.

How long is field artillery Basic Training?

Basic Combat Training (BCT) is a ten-week training course (not including the "Reception" week) where recruits go-through the process of becoming full- fledged Soldiers. Throughout the process the soldiers will learn new rules, learn to trust themself and understand what it means to be a Soldier in the U.S. Army.

How long is field artillery Captains Career course?

The Maneuver Captain's Career Course (MCCC or MC3) is a military training and education course primarily for U.S. Army infantry and armor officers. Organized under the Maneuver Center of Excellence (MCoE) at Fort Benning, Georgia, the course is 22 weeks long.

How do you become a field artillery officer?

RequirementsBe a college graduate with at least a four-year degree.Be between 18 and 34 years old.Officer Basic Leadership Course (Or Additional Special Courses/Qualifications)Eligible for a Secret security clearance.Must be a U.S. citizen.

How long is JFO school?

two-weekThe Joint Fires Observer (JFO) course is a two-week course which provides select personnel from all branches of the military with standardized training to engage targets with joint fires through the detailed integration with Terminal Attack Controllers (TACs) and Fire Support Teams (FSTs).

How soon can you go to Captains Career Course?

The Army Captain's Career Course (CCC) is the second developmental course attended by officers following their commissioning. Generally, officers attend the course immediately after promotion to Captain and between their 4th and 7th years of service.

How long is MP CCC?

A: IAW AR 350-1, the MPCCC-RC follows a 13 month model which includes two 15-day resident periods, and 11 months for completing branch-specific DL phases.

What rank is field artillery officer?

Field Artillery Officer - 13A.

Is field artillery active duty?

The Field Artillery Branch is a combat arms branch of the United States Army that is responsible for field artillery....Field Artillery Branch (United States)Field ArtilleryActiveCreated 17 November 1775CountryUnited StatesBranchUnited States ArmyTypeCombat arms5 more rows

Can artillery officers go to Ranger school?

The Pre-Ranger Course that Soldiers can volunteer for during the Field Artillery Basic Officer Leader Course here is approved by the U.S. Army Ranger School in Fort Benning, Ga., to find and prepare eager officers in training for Ranger School.

How long is USMC artillery officer school?

The Field Artillery Captain's Career Course (FACCC), in Fort Sill Oklahoma, is a six-month school that instructs Army and Marine officers in advanced gunnery, fire support, and regiment and higher level operations.

How long does it take to train an artillery crew?

Potential candidates must graduate from the Army's Basic Training, which takes 10 weeks; whereas Marine Corps Basic Training takes 12 weeks. After successfully completing the basic training, they are directed to advanced training according to the military occupation of choice.

Where do 13F go to basic?

All new Army recruits begin with boot camp which is officially called Basic Combat Training (BCT). Basic Combat Training lasts for 10 weeks before progressing to Advanced Individual Training (AIT). AIT for Army Joint Fire Support Specialists (MOS 13F) takes place at Fort Sill in Oklahoma and lasts for six weeks.

How long is the Captains Career course?

22 weeksThe resident course is 22 weeks long and takes place in a small group setting. The POI is flexible and adapts to the needs of the Commander...

How long is ADA CCC?

Most Captains Career Courses are 4-6 months in length. Upon graduation from the Captain's Career Course, students will be prepared to assume Compan...

How long is Army Field Artillery Bolc?

18 weeks, 4 daysFACT: BOLC is 18 weeks, 4 days, which is a little longer than other BOLCs, because we need to teach you the FA-specific skills. Bes...

How long is Artillery School at Fort Sill?

The mission of the Marine Artillery Detachment, Ft Sill is to develop a training continuum for the Artillery Occupational Field (08XX) and 2887 Mil...

What is the Marine Corps required to do?

The Marine Corps is required to provide officer instructors and curriculum developers proportionate to a percent of the overall student throughput while the Army provides the necessary facilities and the opportunity for Marines to attend instruction.

Is POI a multi service course?

At the time, the POI content was entirely under the purview of the U.S. Army Field Artillery School. Since it was not a multi-service course, the U.S. Army was well within its authority to change the POI without the approval of the USMC. As a result of changing priorities and Army policies specific to the school at the time, ...

When was the first artillery school built?

The first artillery school, the US Army School of Fire, was organized in 1911 by Captain Dan Tyler Moore. With the exception of a brief period in 1916 when school troops were used as frontier security guards during the Mexican Revolution, the School has operated and expanded continuously.

When was the Army Field Artillery School insignia changed?

The distinctive unit insignia was redesignated for the U.S. Field Army Artillery School on 13 February 1969. It was amended on 9 June 1981 to extend authorization for wear to personnel assigned to the U.S. Army Field Artillery Center.

What is USAFAS in the Army?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. The United States Army Field Artillery School (USAFAS) trains Field Artillery Soldiers and Marines in tactics, techniques, and procedures for the employment of fire support systems in support of the maneuver commander.

Who encouraged the use of air observation in the field artillery?

Brewer, Ward, and Lt. Col. H.L.C. Jones encouraged replacing horses with motor vehicles for moving field artillery guns. During World War II, to best use new long-range guns and better response times, the Field Artillery School championed the use of air observation to control artillery fires.

What did school commandants do after the war?

After the war, school commandants began a long-range program to improve field artillery mobility, gunnery and equipment. Budget cuts during the 1920s hampered their efforts, but innovative directors of the Gunnery Department, with support from school commandants, helped modernize the field artillery in the 1930s. Maj.

What is the role of a field artillery officer?

The role of a Field Artillery Officer is to be a leader in operations specific to the Field Artillery Branch and to be an expert in the tactics, techniques and procedures for the employment of fire support systems.

What are the responsibilities of a Field Artillery Lieutenant?

The responsibilities of a Field Artillery Lieutenant may include: Leading and controlling Field Artillery troops and combined armed forces during land combat. Coordinating employment of Field Artillery Soldiers at all levels of command, from platoon to battalion and higher, in U.S. and multi-national operations.

What is the second phase of the Basic Officer Leader Course?

The second phase of the Basic Officer Leader Course - previously referred to as the Officer Basic Course (OBC) and BOLC III - is designed to develop new combat-effective officers and train them to perform their wartime duties as commissioned officers.

Where is the BOLC II training?

BOLC II was a 7 week combat preparation course located at Fort Sill, OK and Fort Benning, GA. It was discontinued at the end of 2009, and as of 2010, any required training has now been merged into BOLC B (formerly BOLC III).



The United States Army Field Artillery School (USAFAS) trains Field Artillery Soldiers and Marines in tactics, techniques, and procedures for the employment of fire support systems in support of the maneuver commander. The school further develops leaders who are tactically and technically proficient, develops and refines warfighting doctrine, and designs units capable of winning on futur…


Be the world's premier Field Artillery force; modernized, organized, trained, and ready to integrate and employ Army, Joint and Multinational fires across multiple domains enabling victory through Unified Land Operations.


• The mission of the Field Artillery is to destroy, suppress or neutralize the enemy by cannon, rocket or missile fire and to help integrate all fire support assets into combined arms operations.
• The mission of the Field Artillery School: The U.S. Army Field Artillery School trains, educates and develops agile, adaptive and decisive Soldiers and leaders; engages, collaborates and partners with other branches, sister-services and other fires warfighting function proponents; and serves …


The U.S. Army Field Artillery enables maneuver commanders to dominate in Unified Land Operations through effective targeting, integration and delivery of fires.


Shield: Gules, a field piece of the 16th century paleways in plan Or.
Crest: On a wreath of the colors (Or and Gules) the arm of Saint Barbara embowed clothed of the second, issuing from the upper portion of an embattled tower Argent, and grasping flashes of lightning Proper.
Motto: CEDAT FORTUNA PERITIS (Let Fortune Yield to Experience, or Skill is Better than Luck).


The origin of USAFAS can be traced back to the 1907 reorganization of the Artillery Corps and to the character of Fort Sill at that time. The 1907 reorganization created Coast and Field Artillery Branches. In the process of this reorganization, the Field Artillery was deprived of its former home at Fort Monroe, Virginia. Fort Sill was considered the best location for a Field Artillery school, …

See also

• Field Artillery Branch (United States)
• Field Artillery
• Ground combat element

Further reading

• History of the Field Artillery School; Volume I 1911–1942 (PDF). Fort Sill, Oklahoma: United States Army. 1942. Archived (PDF) from the original on 10 June 2016.
• History of the Field Artillery School; Volume II World War II (PDF). Fort Sill, Oklahoma: United States Army. 1946. Archived (PDF) from the original on 10 June 2016.