how long is course for wastewater certification

by Karlie Fritsch 3 min read

wastewater course is defined as a course consisting of 3 quarter hours, or 2 semester hours, or 30 contact hours, or 3.0 continuing education units (CEUs) and must cover one or more aspects of wastewater treatment such as wastewater collection, treatment, operations, maintenance, or management from an accredited college, university, or technical vocational and trade school that is approved by the Agency. Training events that meet this definition will receive 3 months of credit toward the certification eligibility requirements. Training events which do not meet this definition will receive credit at the same rate as college/university courses.

Full Answer

How can wastewater training help with wastewater operator certification?

Apr 15, 2020 · How long does it take to get a wastewater certification? Your experience must be in the operation of a wastewater treatment plant with a valid operator certificate or operator-in-training certificate. You may submit your application for a certificate up to four years after you pass the written exam. Click to see full answer.

How do I become a certified wastewater operator in North Carolina?

certification program. Once the treated wastewater meets certain requirements, it is discharged to land, rivers, streams, or the ocean. WHAT WE DO . The Wastewater Operator Certification Program: Issues certifications for WWTP operators Issues certifications for operators-in-training (OIT) Conducts examinations throughout the

What training is available for wastewater operators in Illinois?

This course is designed to train operators to safely and effectively operate secondary treatment processes at wastewater treatment plants. 3.6 CEUs (36 contact hours) Enrollment $25 USD

What is included in the wastewater treatment course?

Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) serve an essential function to protect public health and the environment, including Washington's rivers, lakes, streams, and Puget Sound. The certification of wastewater treatment plant operators helps make sure they are knowledgeable, and that WWTPs are properly operated and maintained.

Wastewater Operator Professional Growth Cycle and Renewals

Operators commonly meet their professional growth by earning 3.0 continuing education units (CEU) each professional growth cycle. Operators earn these CEUs by attending approved training courses. Operators must document their CEUs and submit it to the OpCert Program as they receive it. This ensures that they stay current on their requirements.

Wastewater Operator Certification Program Fee Schedule

We made no changes from the draft fee schedule published on March 31, 2021 and the fees will remain at the levels listed below.

Frequently asked questions: coronavirus impacts to the OpCert Program (updated April 6, 2021)

I heard the OpCert program sometimes lets people take the exam at their treatment plant or at Ecology offices. Is that an option? Can I arrange for someone in my area to proctor an exam?

Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Certification Program Guidance

We adopted changes to chapter 173-230 WAC Certification of Operators of Wastewater Treatment Plants in 2019. This:

Wastewater Treatment Plant Awards

There are more than 300 wastewater treatment plants. In 2020, nearly 40% met every single standard and deadline for the whole year. We recognize these facilities through our award program.

How long is a NYWEA operator license valid?

An Operator's certification is valid for five years from the date of initial certification (or prior renewal). The certificate expiration date is listed on the operator certification card. Certificates are renewed by completing DEC-approved training courses to receive renewal training contact hours. Renewal training completion certificates, along with the renewal application must be submitted to NYWEA for review and approval. The number of hours required to renew depends on the operator certification grade.

What is WWTP certification in New York?

WWTP Certification in New York State is a mandatory system whereby an individual is determined to be qualified to be a chief operator or assistant/shift operator for the operation of a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) for the purpose of meeting the requirements of its State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit.

How to become a WWTP operator in New York?

The final step to becoming a New York State Certified WWTP Operator is passing the required certification exam. New York State uses an Association of Boards of Certification (ABC) Exam. The ABC exam is a computer-based exam which consists of 100 multiple choice questions. A passing score is a grade of 70 or higher.

What is a toolbox of resources?

A toolbox of resources is available with information on a variety of topics relevant to the management and operation of a wastewater treatment plant.

Does New York have reciprocity with other states?

New York State does not have a formal reciprocity agreement with any other state. However, as a member of the Association of Boards of Certification (ABC), New York does accept the result of any ABC or equivalent certification exam. Any non-New York operator must meet the same education, experience and training requirements as resident operators. The Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Certification Manual outlines the necessary steps to become a NY certified WWTP operator, including how to apply for reciprocity in New York State. Please also see the NYWEA website for information on this process.

How many CEUs are required for CWEA certification?

This requirement is met by completing 12 contact hours (1.2 CEUs) of vocation-related education or training every two years. Individuals holding more than one CWEA certification can apply the same contact hours to each certification as long as the training is relevant to each vocation. Choose any course.

What is the lesson on fluids?

This course explains how fluids behave, especially under pressure and in motion. This lesson is divided into two major parts. The first concerns fluids at rest and describes the properties fluids have when they are standing still. The second half treats the subject of fluids in motion.

How many credits are required for a wastewater certification?

Wastewater training courses for which credit of 2 or more semester hours, 3 or more quarter hours, or 3 or more continuing education units (CEU’s) is given will each receive up to 3 months credit per course up to the maximum allowed for each certification level.

What is an ERTC?

Environmental Resources Training Center (ERTC): ERTC is designated as the state center to develop, coordinate, and present training for potable water supply and wastewater treatment facility operators.

What is the WEF?

Water Environment Federation (WEF): WEF is a national organization for wastewater professionals, including wastewater treatment facility operators. WEF has developed a large number of books that cover all aspects of wastewater treatment.
