how long for ringworm to run its course on cats

by Mireya Paucek 4 min read

How long does it take for a cat to get ringworm?

After you've begun treating your cat, she will still be contagious for about three weeks, and the length of time that she's contagious will depend on how strictly you follow the treatment plan prescribed by your veterinarian.

How long does it take for ringworm to go away in dogs?

Although ringworm is a self-limiting infection in many cats, with resolution typically taking three to five months, treatment of the disease is always necessary to minimize the risk of spread of infection to humans, especially children, and other pets. "...treatment of the disease is always necessary to minimize the spread of the infection..."

Can you let ringworm go untreated in cats?

Ringworm can go away on its own, but it may take 3-5 months. During that time, your cat could spread the infection to humans or other pets in your home. Not to mention, a ringworm infection can be very uncomfortable for your cat. Instead, use medication to treat ringworm and relieve your cat’s symptoms.

How contagious is ringworm from a cat to a human?

Ringworm can move quite easily from cats to humans, especially to children. It’s more likely to be transmitted to and cause clinical signs in human...

Are certain cat breeds prone to ringworms?

Any breed, age, or gender of cat can get ringworms.

Will ringworms in cats go away by itself?

Ringworm infection may resolve on its own in about three or four months—but that’s a long time for contamination to spread in your home. Schedule a...

How can I tell if my cat has ringworm?

Symptoms may include patchy hair loss and skin lesions that are reddened, raised, and scaling. Itchiness or, in rare instances, large oozing boils...

How long does it take for ringworm to go away in cats?

Although ringworm is a self-limiting infection in many cats, with resolution typically taking three to five months, treatment of the disease is always necessary to minimize the risk of spread of infection to humans, especially children, and other pets.

How to treat ringworm in cats?

The most common way to treat ringworm in cats is to use a combination of topical therapy (application of creams, ointments, or shampoos) and systemic oral therapy (administration of anti-fungal drugs by mouth). In order for treatment to be successful, all environmental contamination must be eliminated.

What is ringworm in humans?

Ringworm is the common name given to a fungal infection of the superficial layers of the skin, hair, and nails. Ringworm infections can occur in humans and in all domesticated species of animals. The name comes from the classical appearance of the round, red, raised 'ring' marking the boundary of inflammation in people infected with the disease.

What is the medical name for ringworm?

The organisms that cause ringworm infections belong to a specialized group of fungi known as dermatophytes, so the medical name for this disease is dermatophytosis.

What is the cause of ringworm in cats?

In cats, one species of dermatophyte, called Microsporum canis, is responsible for almost all ringworm infections. This species is also infectious to dogs and humans. Occasionally ringworm infections in cats may be caused by species such as Trichophyton mentagrophytes. This species is also zoonotic, meaning that it can also infect humans.

Can ringworm be infected with humans?

This species is also infectious to dogs and humans. Occasionally ringworm infections in cats may be caused by species such as Trichophyton mentagrophytes. This species is also zoonotic, meaning that it can also infect humans.

Can ringworm be found in cats?

Ringworm can be challenging to detect in cats, since the lesions of ringworm may be very mild or even undetectable. Ringworm fungi feed on the keratin that is found in the outer layers of the skin, hair, and nails. A ’cigarette ash’ scaling in the depths of the coat may be the only visible indicator of ringworm infection in cats.

How long does it take for a cat to recover from ringworm?

Cats usually recover from ringworm on their own in 6 weeks or less . However, the ringworm recovery process can be expedited with a prescription topical ointment or shampoo. Anti-fungal oral medications may also be needed to clear up dermatophytosis. Left alone, a cat’s body will eventually heal ringworm by itself.

What are the symptoms of ringworm in cats?

Many stray and feral cats have ringworm. The fungi also live in soil and water. So, outdoor cats must be checked for these symptoms: Spherical red scabs on the skin and nails. Dandruff within the cat’s fur. Crusty scales on a cat’s skin. Oily, greasy or clumpy fur. Circular bald patches in a cat’s fur. Itchy skin.

How to tell if a cat has ringworm?

Ringworm is contagious, so it is usually caused by contact with an infected cat. Many stray and feral cats have ringworm. The fungi also live in soil and water. So, outdoor cats must be checked for these symptoms: 1 Spherical red scabs on the skin and nails 2 Dandruff within the cat’s fur 3 Crusty scales on a cat’s skin 4 Oily, greasy or clumpy fur 5 Circular bald patches in a cat’s fur 6 Itchy skin

How to treat ringworm in cats?

If your cat has been diagnosed with ringworm, it can become a recurrent issue. To minimize the risk of persistent infection, you must clean the house from top to bottom. Here’s how: 1 Spray everything in the home with an anti-fungal solution 2 Wash your cat’s bed and cushions on high heat 3 Wash your cat’s bowls and litter tray with disinfectant 4 Any toys that your cat has played with while infected must be thrown away and replaced

Can ringworm be infected?

Ringworm is contagious, so it is usually caused by contact with an infected cat. Many stray and feral cats have ringworm. The fungi also live in soil and water. So, outdoor cats must be checked for these symptoms: Spherical red scabs on the skin and nails. Dandruff within the cat’s fur.

Can you use shampoo for ringworm?

A vet may also prescribe a medical shampoo for ringworm, in addition to or instead of an ointment. This will be most common in longhaired cats, or those with severe ringworm. The main purpose of a medicated shampoo is to treat a cat’s entire body.

What is the pH of a cat's skin?

A cat’s skin has a pH range between 6.2 and 7.2. The human skin ranges from 5.2 to 6.2. In order for an ointment to work, it must be applied straight to your cat’s skin. This means that your cat may need to be shaved. This is especially likely in longhaired breeds.

What are the symptoms of ringworm in cats?

This cell collection can lead to: dandruff (scales); poor hair coat with irritated and reddened skin (erythema); darkened skin (hyperpigmentation); itchiness ( pruritus ); and hair loss ( alopecia ), which may be patchy or circular.

What is the ringworm in cats?

The classic sign of circular hair loss is most commonly seen in cats. Some other symptoms of Ringworm are raised, rounded, knotty (nodular) lesions known as granulomatous lesions, or boils. Granulomas are raised nodular lesions that frequently ooze (kerions), as a result of ringworm infection.

What is the term for a fungal infection that affects the skin, hair, and/or nails of cats

Dermatophytosis is the medical term for a fungal infection affecting the skin, hair, and/or nails (claws) of cats. The most common of these parasites are 'Microsporum Canis Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and Microsporum gypseum (Commonly Known as Ringworm).This disease occurs in dogs and other mammals, and, in cats, these infections are more common in long-haired breeds than short-haired breeds.

What is the most common parasite in cats?

The most common of these parasites are 'Microsporum Canis Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and Microsporum gypseum (Commonly Known as Ringworm).This disease occurs in dogs and other mammals, and, in cats, these infections are more common in long-haired breeds than short-haired breeds. Ringworm in Cats is diagnosed largely with kittens ...

Can ringworm be found in cats?

Ringworm in Cats is diagnosed largely with kittens and younger cats rather than in older adults. Ringworn can affect both dogs and cats, and if you would like to learn more about how ringworm or 'Dermatophytosis' affects dogs please visit the PetMD pet health library.

Can ringworm be asymptomatic?

Even though these are some of the symptoms of ringworm in cats, some of those infected may be asymptomatic. These types of cats infected with ringworm are classified as inapparent carriers -- harboring the disease-causing fungus, but presenting no visible signs of the condition.

What is the most common cause of dermatophytosis in cats?

Ringworm is by far the most common cause of dermatophytosis in cats. The amounts of cases vary due your geographical location. Environments that are densely populated with animals (for example, in a cattery or animal shelter), or where there is poor nutrition, poor management practices, and lack of adequate quarantine period, ...

What is the best treatment for ringworm in cats?

What is the Treatment for Ringworm in Cats? No one likes giving cats oral medications; luckily, there are topical antifungal medications available in the form of creams and sprays that may be effective against ringworm. Clipping fur and dips available at the veterinarian are also useful tools to rid the infection.

What causes ringworm in cats?

Ringworm in cats, also known as dermatophytosis, is caused by a fungal infection of the skin, most often caused by the fungus Microsporum canis ,according to the Merck Veterinary Manual.

Is ringworm a parasite?

5 min read. Many medical terms are notorious for being confusing, but ringworm is undoubtedly one of the most misunderstood. Though people common ly assume this disease is caused by a parasite, ringworm in cats has nothing at all to do with worms. Ringworm in cats, also known as dermatophytosis, is caused by a fungal infection of the skin, ...

How long does it take for ringworm to clear?

Ringworm can take weeks or months to clear when an infection has developed.

What is the best treatment for a fungus infection?

Clipping fur and dips available at the veterinarian are also useful tools to rid the infection. Oral anti-fungal medications, such as itraconazole, are often prescribed for more widespread infections or infections that do not clear up with topical therapy.

Who is Laci Schaible?

Dr. Laci Schaible, is a small-animal veterinarian and veterinary writer. She has won numerous awards for her commitment to pet owner education and is considered a leading veterinary telehealth expert.

How long does ringworm last in cats?

Ringworm isn't a worm, but a highly contagious fungal infection. Untreated in a cat, it will run its course in about five months. However, letting it go puts other pets, and you, at risk for infection.

How to treat ringworm in cats?

In some cases, the first step to treating ringworm is clipping the infected cat's coat. Shaving your cat minimizes the amount of ringworm spores released into the environment and improves the penetration of antifungal shampoos. According to Dr. Arnold Plotnick of Manhattan Cat Specialists, a cat living in a home with elderly people, children or anyone with a depressed immune system should have her entire coat clipped. If the cat has five or more distinct ringworm spots or long hair, shave all her fur. Otherwise, a short-haired cat with fewer than five ringworm spots gets by with clipping the hair surrounding the spots. Take it slow when clipping your cat so you don't irritate her skin -- you don't want to release more spores and spread the infection. Use scissors instead of clippers around the infected areas to minimize dander, hair and spores flying into the air. Wash your grooming tools in a solution of one part chlorine bleach to 10 parts water to prevent the tools from spreading the fungus to your other pets.

What degree does Betty Lewis have?

Lewis holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from West Virginia University as well as master’s degrees from Old Dominion University and Tulane University.

How long does it take for a cat to show signs of ringworm?

Symptoms of Feline Ringworm. The incubation period between exposure to ringworm and the development of symptoms is 7-21 days. This means if you pet a stray cat yesterday and have ringworm today, then that is not the most likely cause of your infection. The most common symptom of ringworm in cats is no symptoms at all!

Can ringworm be spread to cats?

Ringworm in cats can often be asymptomatic, which results in a carrier condition. This simply means that a cat can spread ringworm but has no symptoms of an infection.

How to tell if a cat has ringworm?

Symptoms of Feline Ringworm 1 No symptoms 2 Hair loss 3 Scaly, flaky skin patches. 4 Itching 5 Small itchy bumps on the skin 6 Broken hairs around the lesions. 7 Open sores 8 Scaly claws, malformed claws 9 Dandruff in the cat’s fur 10 Ringlike lesions on your cat’s skin 11 Small, thickened patches of skin

How to prevent ringworm in cats?

How to Prevent Ringworm 1 Good hygiene – keep your skin clean and dry, especially sweaty areas such as the groin, feet, folds of skin, etc. 2 Wear shoes that allow your feet to ‘breathe’. 3 Wash hands frequently, especially after touching free-roaming cats. 4 Wear gloves and long sleeves if you must handle a cat or other pet with ringworm. 5 Always wash hands or apply hand sanitizer after petting strange dogs, cats, or other animals. 6 Don’t walk barefoot, especially in public shower areas such as at swimming pools and gyms. 7 Always disinfect gym equipment before use. 8 If you participate in contact sports, shower immediately after a match or practice session, and don’t share equipment. 9 Clip your fingernails and toenails short and keep them clean. 10 Don’t share personal items such as towels. 11 Vacuum the floor regularly to remove dried skin and hair, wash pet bedding regularly, and regular disinfection of pet living quarters. 12 Do NOT handle animals with ringworm if you’re immune system is compromised (such as due to HIV/AIDS or are undergoing cancer treatments, for example.) 13 Keep your pet cat indoors and don’t let him have contact with strays or feral cats.

What is a ringworm rash?

Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin. It is not a worm or parasite. It is called ringworm because it can cause a circular red rash that is shaped like a ring. Not all infections will cause the circular rash, though. Depending upon where the rash is located, it often has different names.

What is the medical term for ringworm?

But it is the same thing. If you want a full list of various names for these fungal infections, you can find them here. Ringworm is called tinea or dermatophytosis in medical terms. Tinea corporis is the medical term for ringworm of the body, the most common type of fungal infection known simply as ringworm.

Why do cats have ringworm?

Causes of Ringworm in Cats. Fungi thrive in moist, warm environments and common sources of fungal skin infections include locker rooms, tanning beds, skin folds, swimming pools, exercise machines, and even your garden soil!

How long does it take for ringworm to heal in cats?

If the lesions are present in many areas of a cat’s skin, a full-body rinse or dip may be used. It will take at least six weeks or so of repeated treatments to completely cure a feline ringworm infection, he notes, “and maybe a whole lot longer in some cases.”.

What is ringworm in cats?

The Challenge of Skin Disorders. Cats that Lick Too Much. Ringworm (feline dermatophytosis) is among the most frequently occurring skin disorders affecting the worldwide cat population. Despite its name, it is a fungal infection having nothing at all to do with worms.

Can ringworm be treated in cats?

If untreated, says William Miller Jr., a professor of dermatology at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, ringworm in an otherwise healthy cat will probably self-resolve over time. Nevertheless, he points out, “Feline ringworm is not something that you want to take lightly.

How to tell if a cat has ringworm?

The clearest and most common clinical signs of feline ringworm include the following: circular areas of hair loss, broken and stubbly hair, scaling or crusty skin, alterations in hair or skin color, inflamed areas of skin, excessive grooming and scratching, infected claws or nail beds, and dandruff.

What to do if your cat has ringworm?

If ringworm is diagnosed, treatment will typically involve the application of topical antifungal medications to all infected areas and, in most cases, a systemic medication as well. If the lesions are present in many areas of a cat’s skin, a full-body rinse or dip may be used.

How long does it take for a dog to get rid of a scab?

If it does go away without treatment, the process will typically take anywhere from nine months to a year, during which time the animal’s hair will keep falling out and its bare skin will be exposed. This can increase the animal’s risk of skin wounds and subsequent infection.”.

How long does it take for ringworm to show up in cats?

Skin lesions as well as other symptoms of ringworm start showing up in your hairy friends about seven to fourteen days after the initial contact with the fungal infection. In some obvious cases, you can easily realize ringworm symptoms by observing. Nevertheless, in other more difficult cases, it takes much more time to diagnose ringworm in cats, ...

Can cats get ringworm?

Regardless of age, cats of all kinds (long-haired breeds than short-haired breeds) can be infected by ringworm. However, kittens have shown the most susceptibility.

How to tell if a cat has ringworm?

What Are The Symptoms Of Ringworm In Cats? 1 Onychomycosis which causes circular lesions with rough and scaly centers; 2 Erythema - Redness on the chest, head, forelegs, or the back ridge; 3 Shedding and patchy hair loss at different levels (often associated with “crusty” skin) found on the tail, head, chest, or the back’s ridge; 4 Scaling, reddening, crusting, and thickening patches of the skin and coat if the entire body is infected; 5 A ring of flakey bald skin area with red centers.

Is ringworm a fungal infection?

Unlike what its name might suggest, there is no worm in ringworm. Ringworm, also known with a medical term – dermatophytosis, is a highly contagious fungal infection that affects the skin not far from cats’ hair and claws. This contagious fungal infection is not a threat to life, but cats can find it uncomfortable since it covers several large ...

Is there a worm in ringworm?

Unlike what its name might suggest, there is no worm in ringworm. Ringworm, also known with a medical term – dermatophytosis, is a highly contagious fungal infection that affects the skin not far from cats’ hair and claws.

Is ringworm a disease?

Ringworm, also known with a medical term – dermatophytosis, is a highly contagious fungal infection that affects the skin not far from cats’ hair and claws. This contagious fungal infection is not a threat to life, but cats can find it uncomfortable since it covers several large areas of her body and may be spread to other pets and humans.

What is the best treatment for ringworm in cats?

Oral Medication. If it is oral antifungals such as terbinafine, griseofulvin, or itraconazole that affect your cats’ health, your vets may prescribe oral medication. As ringworm is resilient, you should not stop the treatment sooner than recommended or abruptly stop it. To completely eradicate the fungal infection, ...

What causes ringworm in cats?

There are many types of dermatophyte and the most common one that causes ringworm in cats is Microsporum canis (M canis); it is seen in over 90% of cases. Other causes of ringworm in cats include Trichophyton spp. Spores are the infectious stage of the dermatophyte and may be shed on the infected hairs of affected animals or people. These spores are very robust and can remain infectious in the environment for up to two years.

Can you isolate ringworm from other cats?

All suspect and confirmed cases of ringworm MUST be isolated immediately away from other cats/kittens. If this is not possible, at least try to keep separate from highest risk groups

Is a positive Wood's lamp a ringworm?

positive Wood’s lamp examination is only suggestive of a ringworm infection, not diagnostic. Treatment should not be initiated based upon this finding alone and a definitive diagnosis should be obtained via fungal culture. A negative Wood’s lamp examination is inconclusive. Only 50% of dermatophyte species fluoresce and some non-fungal materials will fluoresce.

What to look for when taking a cat for CP?

When cats, and especially kittens, come in to CP care, carefully inspect their hair coat and skin for lesions. Look for any areas of hair loss, scabbing or crusting, especially focal areas affecting the face, ears, feet and tail.

How long does it take for itrafungol to work?

This is Cats Protection’s preferred treatment. It is licensed to treat Microsporum canis in cats and is an effective medication that is administered orally. A course of treatment lasts five weeks with dosing on alternate weeks. Itrafungol continues to work for two weeks after the last day of treatment. If a further course of treatment is required, it is advised to wait two to three weeks before restarting treatment. Itrafungol is safe to use in kittens from 10 days old.

Can bacterial infection cause a false positive?

False positive fluorescence may be seen in bacterial infections, which usually show a bluish-white fluorescence. Areas where sebum has accumulated will also give a false positive reaction, but the colour is a dull blue-green.
