how long does the online iata course take to finish

by Loyce Schuster 3 min read

The live sessions of this virtual classroom course are delivered by an official IATA Instructor. The course will take you approximately 15 hours to complete and be held over 3 consecutive days. There will be 2 live interactive virtual classroom sessions per day, each session will be 120 minutes including breaks.

What is the duration of IATA courses?

IATA provides you with around 450+ courses and diplomas which will help you get really good work across the globe. The IATA courses target the following sectors or fields of study in the aviation sector, namely: The duration of these courses ranges from 5 days to 1 year on average.

How long does it take to get approved for IATA certification?

You'll also receive a certificate to display in your office. The acceptance documentation will show your IATA numeric code, which is a unique ID that you'll use for future IATA transactions. It will take at least 2 weeks for your application to be approved. 2

How do I get an IATA Travel Agent certification?

Travel agents and agencies apply for IATA certifications to demonstrate their superior qualifications. To complete the initial application process, you'll need to answer an extensive questionnaire and provide documentation of experience and financial standing. Although the application process is quite rigorous,...

What happens when I submit my IATA application?

You'll also receive a certificate to display in your office. The acceptance documentation will show your IATA numeric code, which is a unique ID that you'll use for future IATA transactions. It will take at least 2 weeks for your application to be approved. Request reconsideration of a rejected application.

What is a virtual diploma?

What is air cargo marketing?

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How long does IATA take?

Dependent on the category and receipt of all required documents it is possible to finalize the application within 10 business days. Some cases however require more documents be provided, thus the review may take as long as 30 days.

Who needs IATA certification?

IATA training is required for all persons who transport dangerous goods according to IATA DGR 1.5. The IATA training rules officially are recommendatory for all but aircraft operator employees. However, most air carriers require compliance with the IATA DGR as a condition of accepting your shipments.

What does IATA training include?

The International Air Transport Association ( IATA ) is an international trade organization that represents approximately 230 airlines from 126 countries. IATA training focuses on how to safely transport hazardous materials by air in accordance with the Dangerous Goods Regulations ( DGR ).

Which is the best certificate for aviation?

Foundation Certificate in Air Freight Foundation. ... College Certificate in Aircraft Structural Repair Technician. ... Post-Master Degree Aeronautical Operations and Maintenance. ... Certificate in Airfield Lighting Maintenance Management. ... Aviation Safety Management Graduate Certificate (Online)More items...

How long is IATA valid for?

12 monthsThe validity of an IATA/IATAN ID Card is 12 months.

How much does it cost to get an IATA number?

Pay the required accreditation fee, which is $165 if you are self-employed or work for a private agency. The fee is $360 if you work for a corporate travel department. Pay the accreditation fee in U.S. dollars.

How long is IATA training?

The full course for DOT and IATA training takes 6 hours to complete. Who should take this training? OSHA requires an additional 16 hours of classroom training plus 2 additional documented days of field experience for those whose job requirements have changed.

Is IATA certificate worth?

A qualified IATA Student will have excellent opportunities both at entry-level and front-level operations of airlines and travel agencies. Getting a job for professionals is easy.

Does IATA training expire?

IATA training is required every two years for workers who wish to maintain their IATA training certification. If you're going to ship dangerous goods as part of your profession now or in the future, you'll need to keep your certification current through renewal training.

Which course is best for airport job?

1 B.B.A. in Airport Management. I've already written articles on B.B.A. ... 2 Diploma in Airport Management. ... 3 Commercial Pilot training. ... 4 Diploma in Ground Staff and Cabin Crew training. ... 5 Diploma in Aviation Hospitality. ... 6 Aeronautical Engineering. ... 7 B.Sc. ... 8 Diploma in Airfare and Ticketing Management.More items...•

What is aviation management salary?

The highest salary for an Aviation Manager in India is ₹1,31,592 per month. What is the lowest salary for an Aviation Manager in India? The lowest salary for an Aviation Manager in India is ₹52,049 per month.

Is aviation a good career?

Aviation is a good career choice for future India because it guarantees tremendous potential growth and a great career. If the candidate is interested in the aircraft and passionate about aeroplanes, then this is an appropriate career for him/ her.

IATA Offers Free Online Training Courses - travelobiz

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is offering free access to online training courses for up to 5,000 aviation workers as part of its efforts to help the industry through the COVID-19 crisis.

Free Iata Certification Training Courses

Free Iata Training 5000 Free Iata Certification Training Courses Aviation Details: The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is offering free access to online training courses for up to 5,000 aviation workers as part of its efforts to help the industry through the COVID-19 crisis.. Category: Iata certification for clinical research Preview / Show details

Top Online IATA Courses and Certification - June 2022 update - Laimoon

Through your Laimoon account, you can: - Follow up on your enquiries and enrollments. - Find, compare and research about new courses and universities (online or classroom based) - Earn up to AED 1,000 reward while you refer friends and family to take courses. - Search for suitable jobs that match your skills and apply to them

IATA - Training Centers

Get practical aviation training from top industry professionals. Choose to study at one of our IATA Training Centers or many partner locations around the globe.

IATA - Virtual Classroom Schedule

IATA Training’s LIVE virtual classroom courses provide real-time instructor-led learning where participants can interact, communicate, view and discuss presentations, and engage with learning resources while working in groups, all in an online setting.

10 Free Aviation Courses & Certification - Learn Aviation online ...

Learn Aviation with free online courses and certifications. Find free Aviation certifications and courses and start learning Aviation. Aviation courses for all levels from beginners to advanced available for free.

What is IATA?

The International Air Transport Association shortly, IATA, is a global trade organization for air transport having its headquarters in Montreal, Canada. IATA is a prime association that helps in leading, representing, and serving the aviation industry having over 290 member airlines, both in the cargo and the passenger segment.

Courses Offered by IATA

IATA provides you with around 450+ courses and diplomas which will help you get really good work across the globe. The IATA courses target the following sectors or fields of study in the aviation sector, namely:

Benefits Of IATA Courses and Diplomas

Every course you do, provides you with really good opportunities right? But IATA courses are providing you the best. You’ll get the opportunity to work all around the world! What else do you need? Also, it studies travel and tourism and one’s work will revolve around that only!

Eligibility Criteria for IATA Courses

The basic educational criteria for the course is the 12th standard or a graduate degree for regular courses. The candidate should also have basic skills like good English reading, writing, and speaking skills. Good knowledge of the basic geography of different countries, continents, and oceans is also expected from the candidates.

Institutions Offering IATA Courses

India has some good and reputed institutes which provide IATA courses. The best ones are:-

Career Opportunities after IATA Course

A qualified IATA Student will have excellent opportunities both at entry-level and front-level operations of airlines and travel agencies. Getting a job for professionals is easy.

Global recognition

IATA Training qualifications open up a world of opportunity for your career. We deliver industry excellence in every course, ensuring our certificates and diplomas enjoy global recognition.

New Secured Digital Award Certificates!

We’ve turned our paper certificates into printable secured digital award (SDA) Certificates, secured by blockchain technology, which guarantees the integrity of your certificate for life!


Don't forget to update your LinkedIn profile (scroll down to the Education section, select IATA Training as the school, and add your course). You could even create a post on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram and let everyone know you've successfully passed an IATA course! Don't forget to tag us! #iatatraining

How long does it take for an IATA to review an application?

This gives you a chance to strengthen your application and ask for a review. You can request a review within 30 days of your initial application's rejection.

How to create an IATA online profile?

Create an IATA online customer profile. Go to and click on the “Not Yet Registered?” link. You will then be asked to enter your email address and personal contact information. You'll also need to select a profile password for future use.

What is the IATA?

Learn more... The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is responsible for regulating the aviation travel industry across the globe. Travel agents and agencies apply for IATA certifications to demonstrate their superior qualifications. To complete the initial application process, you'll need to answer an extensive questionnaire ...

What is the IATA interested in?

The IATA is particularly interested in experience that shows a prior knowledge of airline operations and ticketing procedures. You could even submit a copy of a prior business card as proof of travel employment experience. ...

Does IATA certify banks?

The IATA will only certi fy agents or agencies that are on firm financial footing. As part of your application package, send along copies of all of your professional bank transactions for the past year at least. Any loan or insurance paperwork pertaining to your agency should also be included.

IATA courses

Use the filter option to find the course you would like to register for and follow the instructions on the page to register for a classroom or virtual classroom course or purchase an e-textbook, printed textbook or e-learning course. You will be directed to your Training Account to complete the registration/purchase process.

Course Prices

We offer discounts for IATA Members and Developing Nations. This information is further explained on the Pricing page.

Customer feedback

Please submit your questions by opening a case our Customer Portal. A member of the team will follow up on your questions with you shortly.

How often do you have to train for hazmat?

exclusively, you and your employees still must undergo an initial round of training and subsequent training every three years for ground shipments and every two years for air shipments.

Does Hazmat School offer online training?

That’s because Hazmat School offers online hazmat training for DOT and IATA. By offering training online, we give employers and employees the opportunity to complete their required training at their own pace when it’s convenient for them.

Is hazmat training required?

If your organization ships hazmat to other countries by air, then DOT and IATA hazmat shipping training isn’t just optional for you and your employees — it’s required. Hazmat School offers online training for shipping hazardous materials by air for employers and employees tasked with shipping hazmat domestically and/or internationally.

Do you need a DOT and RCRA certification to transport hazardous waste?

If you are someone who has hazardous waste onsite and offer the waste for transportation (including signing off on a manifest) it is required that you have both your DOT and RCRA Certifications.

Advanced Skills in Journey Pricing and Ticketing

Gain confidence in pricing more complex journeys that apply exceptions to standard pricing principles.

Agency Debit Memo (ADM) Prevention Workshop (Classroom, 3 days)

Equip yourself with knowledge of key industry standards published in IATA Composite and Passenger Services Resolutions to avoid costly mistakes.

BSP Agent Billing Reports and Procedures (e-learning)

Learn about the Agent reporting process in the Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) and how to interpret billing reports.

BSP Agent Remittance Procedures (e-learning)

Examine the Agent Remittance process of the Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP), including the reporting calendar and debt identification.

BSP Essentials for Travel Agents (e-learning)

Improve your understanding of settlement services and financial transactions between travel agents and airlines.

BSP Essentials for Travel Agents: Final Examination (e-learning)

Demonstrate your knowledge of the Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) for travel agents and earn an internationally recognized certificate.

BSP Standard Documents and Procedures (e-learning)

Minimize costs through a better understanding of ticketing authority and the traffic documents used in BSP.

Aviation : Passenger Service and Handling

A first step on the path of getting a job in Aviation as an airlines’ passenger service agent

Tourism and Travel Management

Leading tourism practitioners and researchers offer insider perspectives on this dynamic and growing industry.

Introduction to the Travel & Tourism Industry: Passport to the World

Explore how the global travel and tourism industry works; learn how to start your career in the world’s fastest growing industry.

What is a virtual diploma?

This virtual diploma gives in-depth exploration of the fundamentals and foundation of air cargo business management strategy, skills and development tools, and will equip you with critical competencies to succeed in an ever-changing global air cargo business environment.

What is air cargo marketing?

The air cargo marketing and product management is a unique virtual course that will provide you a wide range of tools and techniques to develop a strategic marketing plan in a competitive air cargo industry