how long does the google ux design course take

by Pierre Huel PhD 3 min read

How long does it take to learn UX design?

If you already have some UX knowledge, then it shouldn’t take you more than a year or so to grasp all the concepts and elements. Those with no knowledge should enroll in a course or university, online or offline. It can then take a few years to learn UX Design.

How to become a UX Designer at Google?

Current UX designers and researchers at Google will serve as your instructors, and you will complete hands-on activities that simulate real-world UX design scenarios. Learners who complete the seven courses in this certificate program should be equipped to apply for entry-level jobs as UX designers. No previous experience is necessary.

How this Google UX Design certificate is composed?

How this Google UX Design Certificate is composed? This professional certificate is made of 7 courses from 3 to 5 “weeks” each. Coursera call “a week” what they want you to take your time to realize in 1 week.

Is a free UX design micro course worth it?

If you don’t yet know much about UX design a free UX design micro course can provide a simple introduction to the field and let you feel out whether you’re a good fit for a career in UX. But you’ll want to explore certification programs after that!

What is a UX designer?

User experience (UX) designers focus on the experience that users have while using products like websites, apps, and physical objects. UX designers...

Why start a career in UX design?

As the digital world continues to expand, companies are recognizing that good user experience is a necessity, which has led to UX design being a hi...

Who is this program for?

You! No prior experience with design or specific tool is required. All you need is an interest in helping to create better experiences for users of...

Why enroll in the Google UX Design Certificate?

In the Google UX Design Certificate, you’ll explore the design process, including empathizing with users, defining their pain points, coming up wit...

What tools or platforms are included in the curriculum?

Figma and Adobe XD are the design tools taught in this certificate program. Spreadsheets, word processing applications, and presentation applicatio...

What languages are the certificates available in?

This certificate is currently available in English and we are currently working to bring this certificate in additional languages. Please check bac...

How much do the Google Career Certificates cost?

The IT Support, User Experience Design, Project Management and Data Analytics Certificates cost $39 per month by subscription on Coursera. Access t...

What is Coursera?

Coursera is a global online learning platform that offers access to online courses. Google has worked with Coursera to make Google Career Certifica...

Where can I access Google Career Certificates?

Google Career Certificates are available globally in English on Coursera. However, the Associate Android Developer Certification is hosted on devel...

How do I apply for financial assistance?

If you are interested in financial assistance, you may be eligible for financial aid via Coursera through the course page. Recipients of financial...

Can I get a job with Google UX Design Certificate?

The answer is yes, if you do your own training and reading and practicing in addition to it; and no at the same time. The Google UX Design Certific...

How much will the Google UX Design Certificate cost?

At the moment, this course is Free, but to access the certificate you need to pay at least a month of Coursera: $39 USD. By rushing the course, you...

How long does the Google UX design course take?

It depends on the time you can invest. Google and Coursera propose 7 courses of 3 to 5 weeks. It’s about 4 to 6 months long on the pace they propos...

How long does it take to get a UX Design certification?

Well, that’s a good question. Regarding the industry and the skills you need to gather to practice proper UX Research and UX Design, I would say th...

Does UX Design require coding?

Nope! It doesn’t, but -there is always a but- knowing how coding is handled by your colleagues or collaborators is always a good thing. A bit like...

Is the Google UX Design Certificate worth it?

Well I think this article answers the question. But in short: no. But it’s my professional opinion based on the experience I had in 2 different cou...

Article table of content

To be fair on my approach and to help you better evaluate my feedback, here is a bit of context around “me taking this course”, how, why, what, etc. Because context always matters in UX Design 😀

A bit of context around the Google UX Design Certificate courses

Context always matters, that should be the first lesson in every single UX Design Course in the world. And not only UX Design…

Issues with Coursera platform

Coursera is a learning platform that exists since 2012 and has been created by 2 professors of Stanford University computer science. During the pandemic, Coursera and other platforms like Google and Udemy sponsored over 115 specialized certification courses to students, stakeholders, and persons who may have been affected by the global pandemic.

Other professional opinions on this Google UX Design Certificate, in a podcast

Debbie from Delta CX, a well-known expert in the industry, invited 3 learners from this certificate to get our feedback on it. Learn from other people than me in this video podcast.

Frequently Asked Questions

I had a lot of questions after the publication of this article, and I thank you for your interest in this matter. I’ll try to answer the most common ones, but don’t hesitate to reach me on Twitter if you have any more questions.

Written by Geoffrey Crofte

I am a UX/UI Designer with a strong background in Front-end Development, founder of Creative Juiz. I think sharing my researches and writing things about code and webdesign is fullfilling for everybody. So we can discuss together about CSS, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, WordPress, UX/UI, design etc. thanks to your active participation.

Is the Google UX course any good?

I’ve done it! After 7 weeks I finally finished the entire Google UX Course at Coursera. I dedicated two days of every week to the course and did absolutely all the design assignments and quizzes.

The bad

There are some issues with the course material itself, but the biggest problem with the entire course is the Coursera platform that Google chose to put this whole thing on. I know it’s popular and has a lot of features they needed, but its bad overall UX doesn’t sit well with a course talking about what good UX is.

Peer graded assignments

The biggest flaw of the course, however, is that the assignments are peer-graded. That means that your beginner designs will be evaluated by other beginners. It would be a lot better if the course was a bit more expensive, but actual Google employees were reviewing the design exercises. Here’s why:

The Google way

Because it’s Google, they aren’t teaching you UX, they are teaching Google UX. In a way, it’s their way of training their next generation of future employees. Not mentioning iOS design patterns in the course videos at all can be misleading, because people may assume all apps for all platforms are designed exactly the same — using Material Design.

The Good

After all that negativity, let’s talk positives. I believe this course is actually quite good. It covers the foundational basics quite well, in an approachable manner for complete beginners. I tried to review as many peer assignments as I could, to see how those beginners fare in actual work.

Should you take it?

Given that the foundations you can complete for free (on the trial version of Coursera), it’s one of the cheapest courses out there with a certificate from a big brand name.

What is a UX designer?

UX Designers work to make a user’s experience better with a product or app. They’re involved in key parts of the product’s development from beginning to end. To become a UX Designer yourself, you’ll need to know this area incredibly well.

How much do UX designers make?

Robert Half has gone a step further and provided the above information on UX salaries across the US. Here’s how the salary information breaks down: 1 Designers in Seattle: $112,530 a year 2 Designers in San Francisco: $130,200 a year 3 Designers in Los Angeles: $121,830 a year 4 Designers in Denver: $101,370 a year 5 Designers in St. Louis: $92,535 a year 6 Designers in Chicago: $114,855 a year 7 Designers in New York: $130,665 a year 8 Designers in Boston: $124,620 a year 9 Designers in Dallas: $102,300 a year 10 Designers in Fort Lauderdale/Miami: $99,045 a year

How long does it take to get a UX certification?

To obtain the UX design certification, you are required to attend five full days (or courses) and to sit an exam for each course, with each exam lasting one hour. You will have access to the exams for up to 35 days after each in-person course, so the program can be completed at a relatively flexible pace.

How long is UX Academy?

The UX Academy Journey is divided into three stages. The first step, Design 101, takes 4 weeks to complete (at a pace of 10-15 hours per week) and serves as a foundation course to prepare you for the main curriculum. At this stage, students are paired with an expert mentor.

How long is UX 101?

Together with your mentor, you’ll work on a range of projects and exercises over the course of 15 weeks full-time or 28 weeks part-time.

What are the prerequisites for a graphic design degree?

Prerequisites for the course include an aptitude for problem-solving, communication, and collaboration, together with at least one year of documented professional experience (or a degree) in a related field— such as graphic or visual design, psychology, research, marketing, or web development.

UX is taking over the world (data)

TL:DR: Google Trends data shows how consistently UX has grown over the last decade, surpassing the growth of "UI". i.e., it's a great time to be in UX.

How many hours do you actually work in an 8 hour work day?

Several studies show that humans can't be 100% productive for 8 hours of the day ( example ). Especially for UX, I feel like I can only get a good 4 hours of true, critical thinking and design work done in a day.

How I used an online course to land my first job in UX

I’ve read one too many comments about how bootcamps are a waste of money and not worth it, so I wanted to come on here and give my experience with a bootcamp and how I was able to use that to land a job in UX.

Why are parent menu items becoming not clickable? This was always considered bad UX and bad for SEO

Question in the title. I've noticed lately there is a trend of making the root of a drop-down menu on a marketing site not clickable. Why are people doing this? All the research I've ever read and my experience tells me that having a root element clickable is better for ux, accessibility and SEO.

People struggle with the password requirements in my app

I require that a password be 8 characters long, have a special character, number, and the controversial “upper case character”.

How long does it take to learn UX design?

The truth behind learning UX design in 3–6 months. A lot of online courses claim that they teach UX Design in 3 to 6 months. There are many bootcamps also that claim that after 4 to 6 months you will become an employable UX designer. But what’s the truth?

How long does it take to become an engineer?

Nobody can become ‘ professional ’ in 3–6 months in any field, because it’s a fairly low time to call yourself one! Just like in the field of engineering, you need to study for at least four years of college to get the ‘title’ of an engineer, similarly for any field there is enough study/practice required to call yourself a professional.

How long does it take to get a Google certificate?

Overview of the Google Career Certificate Courses. The Google Career Certificate courses generally take three to six months to complete. Users set their own pace, so the time it takes to finish varies.

What is Google's online learning program?

Google’s online learning programs now cover user-experience design, project management and data analytics – and include an Android development certification course. These are in addition to the IT support program that Google has offered since 2018.

What is Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate?

The Google IT Automation With Python Professional Certificate is essentially an advanced level to its IT support certificate. It's designed for those already familiar with basic IT concepts. The course deals with such topics as Python programming, IT automation and setting up your developer environment.

What is Google IT support certificate?

The Google IT Support Professional Certificate is designed for those interested in problem-solving to help computers and networks run smoothly. It can prepare you for jobs as database administrator, systems analyst and help desk technician. This introductory-level IT certificate is designed for those with no relevant experience.

How many people have completed the IT support program?

Only the online IT support course has been around long enough to establish a track record. Gevelber says of the roughly 50,000 people who’ve completed the program since it began in 2018, 82% reported a positive career outcome, whether it be a new job, a promotion or a raise.

Is the Associate Android Developer Certification free?

The Associate Android Developer Certification is separate from the Google Career Certificates and is not offered on Coursera. It consists of two parts: the course materials and the certification exam. Taking the course is free. The Associate Android Developer Certification exam, designed to test the skills of an entry-level Android developer, costs $149 per exam attempt, though pricing may vary based on your country.

Do you need a degree to get a Google certification?

They are relatively inexpensive and do not require a degree or experience to enroll. Obtaining any of the certificates gives you access to interview tips and connections to more than 140 companies working with Google.
