how long does it take to train for an obstacle course

by Mr. Jett Block 9 min read

Give yourself enough time to train.
If you're an active runner or strength athlete, give yourself about 6-8 weeks of specific obstacle race training to prepare to dominate the race. If you're new to running or fitness in general, you'll likely need 12-16 weeks to train appropriately.
May 18, 2015

Full Answer

How long should you train for an obstacle race?

Aim for three to four workouts a week, increasing training volume gradually from one week to the next. If you are a regular runner and have ample total body strength, then give yourself at least 4 to 8 weeks of specified obstacle race training. As an intermediate or advanced athlete, aim to train 5 to 6 times a week.

When should I start training my dog for obstacle course training?

Typically, this type of training doesn't start until a dog is out of his teen doggy years and is a young adult. During the obstacle course, your pup will be jumping over some obstacles, climbing up and over others, and running between slalom poles, all of which could lead to serious injury.

How many miles is an obstacle course race?

Unlike the classic 5K or 10K, crossing the finish line on an obstacle course race requires strength, stamina, coordination and a lot of mental toughness. OCR distance tend to vary from one event to the next. In fact, they can range from three to 25 miles (or even more), with 10 to 40 death-defying obstacles.

Is running an obstacle course a sport?

Running an obstacle course, or as it's better known--an agility course, has become an extremely competitive sport among dog lovers. However, it was not initially intended to be a sport, it was nothing more than an agility display at the 1978 Crufts Annual Dog Show.

How do I start training for an obstacle course?

How to Train for an Obstacle Course RaceSign up. ... Get your gear. ... Mix running and strength training. ... Increase muscular endurance. ... Get grip strength. ... Bring a friend. ... Clean up your diet. ... Pack a travel bag.

How do you build endurance for an obstacle course?

One of the best ways to build endurance for full obstacle course races is to incorporate distance running and training that helps you achieve and maintain a specific heart rate. We recommend completing 80% of your training at 80% or less of your max heart rate.

How long does it take to train for a mud run?

If you've already tried a mud run and you're in good shape, you need four solid weeks of training. If you've never run a race, train for 90 days. A beginner should train three days a week, each labeled A, B, and C.

How do you train for a terrain race?

Focus on movements that build strength for common obstacle movements, like crawling, climbing and jumping--try jump-squats, lunges, pull-ups and push-ups. Look for a list of the obstacles or photos of them so you can tailor your strength-training workouts more specifically.

How do I get good at obstacle courses?

How to Master Obstacle CoursesContinue with upper-body strength/endurance workouts. You need the muscles that enable you to perform a pull-up, push-up and dip. ... Repeat 5-10 times. Run 100 meters fast. ... Grip. ... Balance. ... Weights or calisthenics.

Is an obstacle course a good workout?

When you train for an obstacle race, you not only build full body fitness that allows you to hoist heavy sandbags over your head, but you also build the mobility to crawl under barbwire, the resilience to dive into cold mud pits, and an overall uncanny ability to conquer the unknown and withstand just about anything ...

How do I get in shape for Tough Mudder?

Mental grit training- do 30 Burpees. CONDITIONING 4 Rounds of the following circuit: 30 Jumping Jacks 20 Squats 30 High Knees 20 Sit Ups 30 Tuck Jumps 20 Reverse Lunges 30 Mountain Climbers Rest 3:00 CONDITIONING 5 Rounds as fast as possible: 8x Box Jump or Step Up 8x Slam ball REST Get your event day bag ready to go.

How long should you train for Tough Mudder?

TRAINING FOR TOUGHEST MUDDER You're better off training 5-6 days a week, even if it's just for 45 minutes. On the weekends, work in a longer run. Some intervals and speed can be great to keep things interesting. 2.

How hard is Tough Mudder 5k?

Tough Mudder 5K mixes 3.1 miles of running with 10 awesome obstacles to create a challenging, one-of-a-kind event. It's not a timed race. In fact, the average finish time is 1-1.5 hours. (That's about triple the time of a regular road 5K.

How long does it take for a normal person to run a 5K?

30 to 40 minutesMany runners complete a 5K in 30 to 40 minutes, and many runners are satisfied with their time if it's around this benchmark. The average walker finishes a 5K in 45 to 60 minutes.

What is the average time to finish a 5K?

25-35 minutesOn average, many runners complete a 5K run in 25-35 minutes. Many factors can influence your 5K run finish time, including: Age. Gender.

Which obstacle race is the hardest?

The Spartan Death Race is arguably the most difficult obstacle course race in the world. This race is so difficult that many times, only about 10% of the participants actually finish the race. This highly unpredictable race takes place in Pittsfield, Vermont and the course varies from year to year.

How does endurance training work?

To do so, you’ll use light (or zero) weights for sets of 15 to 30 reps of a given exercise, and limit rest between sets to less than 30 seconds. Not only does this improve your muscles’ endurance, but your cardio endurance, too.

What obstacles do you need to crawl under in OCR?

Pretty much every OCR includes some type of low-crawling obstacle. Typically, you’ll crawl under barbed wire, but some courses swap out the wire for wooden beams or even an oversized pipe.

What is a plyometrics workout?

Plyometrics are explosive movements that require a muscle to reach maximal force in the shortest possible time. You’ll want to work on both upper- and lower-body plyometric moves —but lower-body plyometrics will get you the most bang for your buck come race day.

How long does Hurricane training take?

Day two challenges your anaerobic system. In the first four weeks, you will perform Hurricane training, which is derived from the Training for Warriors System.

What is day 3 of trail running?

Day three is a trail running day, so you can train in the same environment as a race. This will improve your long-duration endurance and prepare you for the ever-changing terrain.

What is the purpose of day 4 of the endurance race?

Day four builds muscular endurance via density training. During an obstacle course race, your entire body will begin to fatigue, eventually slowing you down. The density day will prepare your muscles to be used over and over again.

Obstacle Race Training 101

Having a versatile skill set of strength, endurance, and speed will help you conquer the challenge of competing in any obstacle race. And being in better shape will surely make the event more fun since you’ll struggle less. Let’s focus on sound training so you can enjoy the race instead of just surviving it.

An Example Obstacle Race Workout

It’s always important to train specifically for the race that you’re preparing for. This is why marathoners run long and 5k athletes train fast — they’re building the specific fitness they need to be successful for their race.

What is the purpose of the obstacle race workout?

“It also helps you prepare mentally for the types of different cardio and muscle exertion experiences during the race.”

How to get rid of a squat in one day?

Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Bring the weights up to shoulder level, so they’re resting on the meat of your shoulder. This is the start. Drop into a quarter squat: bend your knees and slightly push your hips back. Now explosively stand and thrust the dumbbells overhead. Slowly lower them back to the starting position. That’s 1 rep.

How many rounds of dumbbell thrusters?

Repeat the pattern with each successive exercise. So, for example, next you would do 6 rounds of 60-second runs and kettlebell swings, then 6 rounds of 60-second runs and dumbbell thrusters. If this is too hard, you can cut your rounds in half, or cut the time of each exercise to 30 seconds. 1. Spiderman pushup.

How to swing a kettlebell?

Place a kettlebell on the floor in front of you. Push your hips back and slightly bend your knees, leaning over the bell, grasping its handle. Hike the kettlebell between your legs, then stand tall, thrusting your hips forward and swinging the bell to shoulder level.

How to do a row with a dumbell?

Dumbbell row. Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand, your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and knees bent slightly. Push your hips back and drop your torso so it’s close to parallel with the floor, your back straight. This is the starting position.

How to do a box jump?

Stand with your right foot flat on a box or bench, your left foot on the ground. Jump laterally to the right so that your left foot is on the box and right foot is on the ground. Continue going back and forth for time.

How to do a pull up bar?

Now pull yourself up until your right shoulder touches the bar. Slowly lower yourself. Repeat, this time touching your left shoulder to the bar. Repeat back and forth for 40 seconds.

How long does it take to train for OCR?

If, however, you want to do more than just finish, you will want to dedicate six to eight weeks to OCR specific training, Kraker says. Rea Kolbl, currently ranked 3rd in the United States Spartan Championship Series, sees your main strength as a huge benefit to starting.

What is the second most important training factor?

Grip strength is second most important training factor. Anything from hanging on a bar, pull-ups, or holding yourself up on a bar with your arms in an L position will make you stronger for those climbing or pulling obstacles. “I always train pull-ups with a standard grip or neutral grip,” Stryde says.

How long is the warrior dash?

Warrior Dash and Rugged Maniac are perfect for beginners, and they are two of the most popular events around today. Those events are 5 kilometers long and will only have two to three obstacles that better than average upper body strength.
