AIAU is an online education center for architects and designers. Watch curated online courses taught by leading experts and earn AIA LUs, HSW, GBCI, ADA, and/or RIBA. AIAU provides online courses for architects to learn and earn continuing education credits.
Make sure to get credit. Look for AIA-approved providers to earn LUs that apply to your AIA requirements. When you take a course, provide your AIA member number and we’ll automatically update your AIA member transcript. Most state licensing boards accept the AIA transcript as verification that you have completed continuing education courses.
AIAU makes it easy to keep up—offering learning units (LUs) on the topics you need to stay current, the tactics and trending issues that affect your practice, and the ideas you crave for inspiration. AIAU features rigorously-curated content for architects, designers, builders, and others working in our diverse and evolving field.
You’ll be able to view your transcript and print it. How long does it take for credits to appear on my transcript? Providers have up to 10 business days to report your attendance after an AIA CES course is completed. Be sure to provide your AIA member number to the instructor or provider to ensure that your attendance is recorded properly.
Transcript Architect is a transcript management service available to licensed architects and related industry professionals. Any AIAU user can access and print certificates of completion for the courses they have taken, which may usually be submitted to state licensing boards for proof of completion.
Generally, AIA member transcripts will be updated in CES Discovery within seven business days after course completion (only after completing the course evaluation). Yes. Transcript Architect is a transcript management service available to licensed architects and related industry professionals.
No. Courses are not available for offline viewing. AIAU provides course information and tracks your progress in real time. You can access this information at any time by logging into your AIAU account. Courses are not available for offline viewing.
When you’re ready to begin your course again, activities you have already completed will be checked off, so you only have to complete any activities you have not accessed. Courses are only registered as complete once you have viewed all course content, passed the quiz, and completed the course evaluation.
Our HSW courses cover a variety of topics to help you best serve your clients and communities through design and practice that focuses on their health, safety, and welfare.
AIAU offers exclusive online certificate programs to help accelerate your career, bolster your practice, and deliver design excellence.
We know you're busy, but that doesn't mean you should miss out. Access on-demand recordings of many live courses.
Members can self-report university or college level courses completed after they registered as architects. The AIA will award 15 LUs for each course semester hour (or equivalent). For example, a three-semester hour course would qualify for 45 LUs.
The AIA requires Architect members to earn at least 12 LUs (of the 18 total LUs required) in HSW topics. You may earn more than 12 LUs in HSW topics. Any addition LUs earned will apply to the overall 18 LU requirement.
You can earn continuing education credits by taking courses from registered AIA CES providers. Members may also self-report other activities (courses taken from other providers, independent research, attending events, etc.) for a limited number of LUs. You may not self-report for HSW credit..
The AIA will award 15 LUs for each course semester hour (or equivalent). For example, a three-semester hour course would qualify for 45 LUs.
To qualify for reinstatement, you are required to complete 18 LUs (including 12 LU/HSW) during the year of reinstatement. Once reinstated, you are responsible for completing 18 LUs ( including 12 LU/HSW) each year. Members may only reinstate their membership using this process once in any three-year period.
MCE is mandatory continuing education required by a state or jurisdiction to retain or renew a license. Requirements vary from state to state and are separate from the AIA’s continuing education requirements. See an overview of individual state requirements.
Distance education is defined as a method of instruction in which there is a separation of place and/or time between the instructor and learner, between fellow learners, and/or between learners and the learning resources. AIAU is the AIA’s online portal for distance education.
Licensed architects must earn continuing education credits each year to fulfill AIA membership requirements. You may also need to complete continuing education requirements to renew your state license (s).
AIA measures continuing education in Learning Units (LUs). One hour of continuing education earns one LU. AIA Architect and International Associate members are required to complete 18 LUs from registered AIA/CES providers each year. Of the 18 LUs, 12 must be in the topic areas of health, safety and welfare (HSW).
Look for AIA-approved providers to earn LUs that apply to your AIA requirements. When you take a course, provide your AIA member number and we’ll automatically update your AIA member transcript.
AIA requirements can differ from the continuing education requirements of state licensing boards. State requirements may also vary from state to state.
An ACE transcript provides a complete list of all training and examinations that you have taken for which you earned ACE's Learning Evaluations recommendations. If you have taken training at your workplace or an examination for a professional certification or license which has not been evaluated by ACE Learning Evaluations, the training would not be included on the ACE transcript. However, many colleges and universities have transfer policies and prior learning assessment programs that provide opportunities for you to submit those learning experiences for potential college credit. Learn more about credit for prior learning.
The ACE Credit for Prior Learning Network is a group of institutions that have agreed to consider ACE credit recommendations. Each institution reviews the recommendations and determines if and how specific recommendations may meet requirements for the degree programs in which you are enrolled.
ACE Learning Evaluations for the Military recommendations are valid for 10 years, unless the course is changed and the service submits it again for a re-review. ACE Learning Evaluations recommendations for workplace and alternative educational experiences are valid for 3 years before courses must be submitted for re-review.
If the learning outcomes or curriculum have changed, it is likely that the ACE credit recommendations have changed as well. Let’s say you take a course for 18 weeks in 2017 and the same course offered in 2020 has been reduced to only 12 weeks.
An ACE credit recommendation represents college-level equivalencies based on a review of workforce training, military training or occupations, and other sources of learning outside the college classroom, such as national exams and certifications. The ACE Review is carried out by a team of subject matter experts who currently serve as faculty at universities and community colleges. Together, they decide if the learning experience has similar outcomes to a college course. The recommendation identifies and describes the course subject, the level of learning, and the number of credit hours recommended based on the review.
If a college has denied your request to transfer your ACE recommendations, you could try to appeal the decision. Every college has an appeal process, which is often described in the college catalog. Find out what documentation you will need to provide and to whom you should direct your appeal. The college may request that you provide additional information about your training, such as a syllabus.
Each service is represented by a main point of contact (POC), who is designated by the Chief for Voluntary Education to work with ACE Military Programs. This POC is required to submit a proposed schedule of installations/schoolhouses to visit, as well as a list of occupations to review each year. It is the joint decision of the POC and the schoolhouse representative to determine what will be submitted for review by ACE Military Programs. Individual service members cannot submit a course to ACE or request that an individual course or occupation be evaluated. This request must come from the designated POC or schoolhouse representative.