approximately 1 hourYouth Protection Training required for all positions takes approximately 1 hour to complete in addition to the applicable online position specific training below: Cub Scouts, Cubmaster & Assistant Cubmaster – Approximately 4 hours.
To take Youth Protection training go to and create an account. You'll receive an email notification with your account information, including a member ID/reference number. From the portal, click Menu then My Dashboard from the menu list.
Taking Youth Protection Training (Formerly YPT, now YPT2) is easy! It should approximately 55-60 minutes to complete.
How to print your Youth Protection training certificateLog in to “Menu” at the top left.Click “My Dashboard.”Make sure you're under “My Training” and “YPT.”Next to “YPT Status,” look for a small blue printer icon. ... Your browser will open a PDF that you can print or save to your computer.Sep 26, 2018
The program's name officially changes to Scouts BSA on Feb. 1, marking the acceptance of boys and girls ages 11 to 17 to join and earn the highest rank of Eagle Scout. Girls will be in single gender troops but will have the option to “link” to a boys troop and participate in certain activities together.Jan 31, 2019
Always capitalize. The top-ranking professional Scouter of the Boy Scouts of America, used when the Scouter is a commissioned BSA professional. This is the only professional title that is routinely capitalized. See also “president and CEO.”
two yearsThe BSA's online Weather Hazards training (available through is a great resource in this area and should be renewed every two years.
The “three R's” of Youth Protection convey a simple message to youth members: Recognize situations that place you at risk of being molested, how child molesters operate, and that anyone could be a molester. Resist unwanted and inappropriate attention. Resistance will stop most attempts at molestation.
The Boy Scouts program is becoming Scouts BSA in February 2019 to reflect the decision to include young women, the Boy Scouts of America announced on Wednesday. The organization's name will remain the same; only the program for older youth will change its name.May 2, 2018 accountThe date of your most recent Youth Protection Training (YPT) can be found in your account. You can also print your YPT training certificate from there.
To print a training certificate of a course you have completed (and is recorded in • Select “Completions”. Locate the training you want to print a certificate for. Near the far right side of the training line item is a small round blue circle with could look like a “printer” icon.
You can also print a certificate for each completed course by clicking the blue print icon at the end of the field. To view your profile details, select the pancake symbol in the upper left corner, then My Profile from the drop down list. Your profile details are displayed in separate editable sections.