how long does hairdressing course take

by Carrie Jaskolski 5 min read

If you commence your hairdressing career by taking a course, you could be ready for employment within months. A diploma-level course could take just 24 weeks to complete, while an advanced diploma just 31 weeks. These competencies and know-how could otherwise take three or four years to learn on the job as an apprentice.

Full Answer

Phase 1: Hair school education

Hair school education is delivered through cosmetology schools. More commonly known as beauty schools, these institutions provide higher education and specialized professional vocational training for aspiring hairstylists, hairdressers and barbers.

Phase 2: Apprenticeship training

How to become a hair styling apprentice? An apprenticeship is official and can count towards your licensing requirements if 2 conditions are met.

How long does it take to get into cosmetology school?

To sum up, cosmetology school is an investment – particularly in terms of time. It can take an average of 1,500 hours to complete the standard curriculum and if you’re attending full-time, this usually takes at least a year. How long the program actually takes depends on the specific school and the state requirements.

How long does it take to become a cosmetologist?

Unlike traditional colleges where you’ll usually have to study for four years to earn your bachelor’s degree, you might be able to complete your cosmetology training in as little as eight months or as long as two years. There are several factors affecting how long it will take – however, on average, most students will finish a full cosmetology ...

How many hours do you have to work to become a cosmetologist?

If you’re attending cosmetology school full-time, you’ll usually have to go to school six to eight hours a day – similar to working a full-time job. Generally, 750 hours of training can last around six months so 1,500 hours can last a year.

What is the difference between cosmetology school and apprenticeship?

One of the biggest differences between a cosmetology apprenticeship and going to school is the learning experience . If you’d like a mixture of learning theory in a classroom and practical experience, cosmetology school is a good option.

Is cosmetology school better than apprenticeship?

Ultimately, attending cosmetology school is more advantageous than an apprenticeship in most scenarios. When it comes to future employers, they usually find it more attractive if an applicant has gone to cosmetology school.

Is cosmetology school good?

If you’d like a mixture of learning theory in a classroom and practical experience, cosmetology school is a good option. But if you’re more of a ‘hands-on’ kind of learner and want to pick up practical skills while on the job, an apprenticeship may be a better idea.

How long does it take to become a hairdresser?

A diploma-level course could take just 24 weeks to complete, while an advanced diploma just 31 weeks. These competencies and know-how could otherwise take three or four years to learn on the job as an apprentice.

What is the ultimate guide to becoming a hairdresser?

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Hairdresser. Hairdressing is an exciting, unique vocation that’s universal and always consistently in demand across the world. In addition to assisting people with achieving a look, as a hairdresser, you have the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life every day and apply creativity.

Is it hard to be a hairdresser?

Being a hairdresser isn’t necessarily hard, but you do need to dedicate time and effort to mastering the soft and hard skills that will see you succeed in the space. Hairdressing is perennially in-demand, with interesting new trends and an opportunity to exercise your creative flair.
