how long does a defensive driving course class last

by Ms. Nicole Donnelly 8 min read

How long do defensive driving courses typically take? The duration of your defensive driving course also depends on your state's requirements. You can generally expect to spend anywhere from 6-8 hours in your course, with some being shorter (3 or 4 hours) and some being much longer (10 or 12 hours).

Driver Improvement is a 6 hour course designed to teach drivers about safe driving attitudes and behaviors.

Full Answer

How many times can you take defensive driving?

How many times can I take a defensive driving course? Like everything else, this is state dependent. Below are a few examples of state limits on defensive driving courses: California: Every 18 months, unless approved by the court. Texas: Every 12 months. New York: Every 36 months.

How do I enroll in defensive driving training?

Defensive driving school provides defensive driving classes come in different formats, so check with your state’s requirements before choosing the one right for you: Online driver safety course – Take part in defensive driving classes online on any device with an Internet connection at your convenience.

What is the best online defensive driving course in Texas?

iDriveSafely is one of the best online defensive driving courses you can sign up for in Texas and it’s the most widely used course as well. If you’d rather take a text-based defensive driving course, this will be a better option.

How to get over the fear of driving long distances?

  • Your side mirrors should give you a decent view of what is behind and slightly to the side of your car. ...
  • Avoid scooting your seat too far forward. If you are crowded into the steering wheel when driving, you could begin to feel trapped; additionally, the force of an airbag can ...
  • Avoid reclining your seat too much. ...

How long is Texas defensive driving course online?

6 hoursOur Texas online defensive driving course meets the state-required length of 6 hours. You may work through the course all in one day, or spread it out over a longer period of time.

How long do you have to complete defensive driving in Texas?

The State of Texas requires defensive driving online courses to take a minimum of 6 hours to complete. In compliance with the state, our Texas Defensive Driving course is 5 hours of material with 1 hour of total break time, and may be completed at your own pace.

How long is the online defensive driving course NY?

320 minutesNew York Defensive Driving Courses take 320 minutes to complete, as mandated by the state of New York. Since this course is 100% online you do not need to complete it all at once - you may log out and in as often as you need during the 30 day period you have to complete the course.

How much is a defensive driving course in NY?

The best cheap defensive driving course is offered by New York Safety Program for $23.95. The cost of the listed providers below range from $23.95 to $49.95. There are eight providers that offer defensive driving courses for under $30....Best cheap defensive driving courses in New York.ProviderCostEmpire Safety Council$44.95I Drive Safely$48.9510 more rows•Nov 16, 2021

What happens if you don't complete defensive driving in time Texas?

What happens if I do not complete the defensive driving course within 90 days? Depending on your county, if you do not submit a certificate of completion for the course within 90 days you may be issued a court summons, assessed additional fines, or both.

Can you take defensive driving online in Texas?

Safety-USA's online Texas defensive driving course has been approved by TDLR for ticket dismissal and insurance discount purposes. This course will satisfy your court requirements that are a result of a traffic ticket. At only $25, this low-cost program is available in English and Spanish.

How long is a defensive driving course good for in NY?

3 yearsEvery 3 years you must complete this state-approved defensive driving course to keep your mandatory car insurance discount through New York's Internet Point and Insurance Reduction Program. If you do not renew, your auto insurance rate will automatically increase.

How many times can you take defensive driving in NY?

You can take the defensive driving course every 18 months; this will reduce up to 4 points on your driving record. You may also take a course once every 3 years (36 months) to maintain your lower insurance rate. I have more than one person on my insurance policy.

What is the easiest online defensive driving course?

#1: iDriveSafely iDriveSafely is my top recommended easiest online traffic school for 2022. They've been around since before online traffic school even existed.

How much is a 6 hour defensive driving course in NY?

Resources. The 6-Hour New York Point & Insurance Reduction Course is only $19.95.

Can you take the NYS 5 hour course online?

Cuomo approved in October 2019. The 5-Hour Online Pre-Licensing Course, released in December 2020, lets you work on your training anytime 24/7. Because there is no instructor guiding the class, you can complete the online program at your own pace, logging on and off as needed.

Can you take a defensive driving course online NY?

You can go through the defensive driving New York online, at your own pace, any day or time you want. You can also leave the NY defensive driving course at any time and continue later from where you left off. New York Safety Program is approved by the New York State DMV to offer NY defensive driving online.