how long after do you take usmle after kaplan course

by Elvera Luettgen 9 min read

Make a study schedule and stick with it, and be sure to take Board practice exams. If you don’t pass the first time, you can take the USMLE Step 1 exam up to three times within a 12-month period. Your fourth attempt must be at least 12 months after your first attempt and at least six months after your most recent attempt.

Full Answer

How long does it take to prepare for Kaplan USMLE?

The Kaplan Step 1 Live Online class boasts over 270 hours of live classroom time, while the Step 2 course provides 210 hours, and the Step 3 program is right in the neighborhood of 100 hours. Is Kaplan USMLE prep worth it? In our team’s opinion – yes.

Is Kaplan’s USMLE prep course worth it?

For students hunting down the best USMLE prep course for their needs, this may be a little disappointing, but not totally uncommon in the USMLE prep space. It would be nice to see Kaplan at least add a free course repeat guarantee though, especially given the high prices Kaplan students pay.

When should I take the USMLE Step 2 CK?

When should I take the USMLE Step 2 CK? According to the USMLE, most medical students take Step 2 CK in their fourth year. Some students feel the best time to tackle the Step 2 CK is when clinical science knowledge from their rotations is still fresh in their minds.

What to do after the USMLE Step 1 exam?

Here are a few things to be ready for as you look ahead to life after taking the USMLE Step 1. After the exam, think about taking a brief vacation. Some of your classmates may take Step 1 and jump right into third year. But think about whether that’s the best route for you.

How much time do you need for USMLE Step 1?

One hourOne hour is allotted for each section. That's an average of one minute and 30 seconds per question. Test takers are allowed 45 total minutes during the test for personal breaks. If you finish any section before the allotted hour is up, you can add that time to your personal break total.

Is Kaplan Good for USMLE Step 1?

Looking at Step 1 alone, this puts Kaplan right up there with SmashUSMLE and BoardVitals for the most practice work in the USMLE prep industry. And in terms of question quality, Kaplan's questions are some of the best I have seen. They very closely resemble the USMLE official questions you will see on test day.

Is Kaplan necessary for USMLE?

There is almost a consensus on the best initial biochemistry resource to prepare for the USMLE Step 1 exam: Kaplan. As we know, biochemistry is huge, with many enzymes and metabolic pathways.

How long is the Kaplan USMLE course?

270 hoursKaplan — Best In-Person Experience The course has 270 hours of instruction and includes one-on-one advising and personalized study plans. There are also weekly workshops, and you'll get access to the on-demand video lectures and question bank to study outside of class.

Is Kaplan Step 2 worth?

Kaplan Step 2 CK qbank is the other major question bank out there and is sometimes considered one of the best USMLE Step 2 resources as well. I used to do Kaplan Step 2 questions with my friend who preferred not to 'waste' UWorld when he studied for his clinical clerkship exams.

Are Kaplan USMLE notes good?

5.0 out of 5 starsGreat supplement to UWorld subscription. This is organized in the same fashion as the Uworld program, so it makes it very easy to find topics and add notes from Uworld. This is a cliff notes version of topics and should not be used alone as a comprehensive study plan.

Is Kaplan better than UWorld?

Verdict: UWorld vs Kaplan NCLEX With high-quality video lessons, optional live classes, a prep book, and bonus resources (most of which UWorld does not offer), Kaplan offers the better overall NCLEX prep option. This is especially true considering that their self-paced course with these features is less than $200 more.

Which course is best for USMLE Step 1?

Best USMLE Prep Courses SummaryBest Overall USMLE Prep Course – PASS Program.Best Value USMLE Prep Course – Achievable.Most USMLE Study Material – Kaplan.Best USMLE Video Lessons – Lecturio.Best USMLE Practice Questions – BoardVitals.Most Personalized Support – SmashUSMLE.

What is the best month to take USMLE Step 1?

When should I take the USMLE Step 1? Step 1 is administered by appointment on a year-round basis. While most students take Step 1 of the Boards at the end of their second year, consider not taking the exam until you're very confident you'll pass. Ideally, take Step 1 by April.

Is Kaplan Videos good for USMLE?

Kaplan videos are good for daily study, but for USMLE preparation BnB better, you can also use Lecturio videos for a more detailed explanation, their platform matches FA textbook making it easier to find relevant videos.

Which is better Kaplan or boards and beyond?

If you're struggling with base knowledge there are better resources to use than Kaplan, like boards and beyond, which still covers all the basics of the USMLE in enough detail for IMGs, but is still high yield enough, and is fast paced enough cover the content in a reasonable time.

How much does a Kaplan course cost?

The Kaplan packages provide 10, 20, 30, or 40 hours of private tutoring. They range in price from around $3,000 for the 10-hour course up to $6,200 or so for the 40-hour course. You can do the math to see that those rates are not cheap.

How much does the Kaplan USMLE prep course cost?

The Kaplan USMLE review course costs somewhere between $800 and $4,400, depending on which step you are studying for and which class format you pre...

How many live classroom hours do I get with Kaplan USMLE prep?

The Kaplan Step 1 Live Online class boasts over 270 hours of live classroom time, while the Step 2 course provides 210 hours, and the Step 3 progra...

Is Kaplan USMLE prep worth it?

In our team’s opinion – yes. There is a good reason thousands of students elect to go with Kaplan for their USMLE prep each year. They offer a trie...

When should I take the USMLE Step 3?

The USMLE program recommends applicants take Step 3 after completing (or when they are close to completing) at least one postgraduate training year in a U.S.-accredited graduate medical education program that meets state board licensing requirements.

How to prepare for USMLE?

It’s a good idea to review helpful books and go through as many question banks as you can as part of your USMLE prep. You may also want to take a practice test early to see where you stand and to get used to the pace of the exam’s question blocks.

What is the USMLE 3?

All About the USMLE Step 3. The USMLE Step 3 is the final exam in the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) sequence and leads to a license to practice medicine without supervision. This two-day computerized exam currently has about 500 multiple-choice questions.

How many questions are asked in USMLE step 3?

The USMLE Step 3 is a 2-day computerized examination with approximately 500 multiple-choice questions, as well as computer-based case simulations (CCS) which assess your ability to evaluate history and physical exam information, order diagnostic tests, select initial therapies, and manage the patient.

How long is a CCS tutorial?

A seven-minute CCS tutorial followed by 13 case simulations, each of which is allotted a maximum of 10 or 20 minutes of real time

How long is the FIP test?

Foundations of Independent Practice (FIP) Approximately seven hours in the test session on the first day, including 45 minutes of break time and a five-minute optional tutorial. 233 multiple-choice items divided into six blocks of 38-40 items; 60 minutes are allotted for completion of each block of test items.

When is the best time to take Prometric test?

The busiest testing times are May through July and November through December. Keep in mind that scheduling is first-come, first-served. Try to schedule your test dates early in your eligibility period, so you’ll have some flexibility in case you have to reschedule. You can take the exam at any Prometric ® test center in the United States or its territories.

How long is a Kaplan class?

Class sessions are held nearly daily, and they are jam packed with content. Over the course of a couple hundred hours of class time (I took the Step 1 course), a team of instructors will rotate in and out. It seems like Kaplan generally tries to find subject matter experts to teach to each given topic of the exam.

What is the coursework for USMLE?

The coursework is generally organized by USMLE topic (such as anatomy, pathology and immunology, among others, for Step 1). Then within each topic, there are several subtopics (such as neuroscience under the primary anatomy subject). You get the idea.

How does the USMLE course work?

The course starts with a quick series of intro videos and a diagnostic exam. The videos basically just welcome you to the course, explain how whichever step of the USMLE you are on works, gives a few test strategies, and so on. Fairly basic and straightforward stuff. You then take a diagnostic test, which is shorter than a real exam and sets your baseline knowledge, as well as identifies your weaknesses.

What is the second highlight of Kaplan?

The second highlight of the Kaplan course, at least for me, is the set of prep books you get when you sign up. Step 1 students get a 7-volume set, Step 2 students get a 5-volume set, and Step 3 students get a 2-volume set.

Why do Kaplan questions go so quickly?

As such, they go quickly because they are simpler. You then review your answers, learn from the explanations, and move onto the next subject. And that is generally how the study plan goes, topic by topic. A sample Kaplan practice question with text explanation.

How many questions are there in a warmup quiz?

After your reading is finished, you then work a number of “warmup” questions to test your basic knowledge on the subtopic. These are usually just 5 question quizzes, and I found them to go pretty fast. The questions are simpler than exam-like questions and some even have upwards of 8 multiple-choice answers to choose from, so they are clearly not replications of exam questions. But by and large, they do a good job assessing your knowledge of the subject, and you get an explanation for each question after you’re done.

How many specialty assessments are there in Kaplan?

Notice though that I didn’t say Step 3 above. If you’re taking Step 3 prep with Kaplan, you instead get 5 specialty assessments. These assessments are not full-length practice exams, as it would be really hard to replicate such a two-day exam experience. As such, you get shorter assessments which help you prep for the real deal.

What is the USMLE step 2 CK?

Step 2 CK includes test items in the following content areas: internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology , pediatrics, preventive medicine, psychiatry, surgery, and other areas related to providing care under supervision.

How long is the CK exam?

Step 2 CK is a one-day, multiple-choice, computer-based examination lasting about 9 hours.

How many exams are there in USMLE?

The USMLE consists of 4 exams. Each Step is taken at a different point in your medical career and requires different levels of USMLE prep. Consider each USMLE Step its own individual exam that you’ll need to prepare for.

What is the first step in a computer science class?

Step 1. Frequently taken at the end of second year, Step 1 is a one-day computer exam that emphasizes anatomy, behavioral science, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, and physiology.

What is step 1 in biology?

Frequently taken at the end of second year, Step 1 is a one-day computer exam that emphasizes anatomy, behavioral science, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, and physiology.


You can download here the Pricing PDF sheet of USMLE Preparation Courses options:


Planning to study In-Center? First select your In-Center start date and then plan your Live or Live Online lectures.

Where is the Kaplan Center on a F-1 visa?

A valid (non-expired) F-1 visa with the name of the Kaplan Center you will be attending printed at the bottom

How long does it take to get an I-20?

Generally, the I-20 will be issued within 2 weeks once we have all of the required documents and payment. Please keep this in mind if you want to apply for your visa as soon as possible.

Does Kaplan issue visas?

Kaplan does not issue visas and therefore cannot confirm the likelihood of approval. However, you should note that visa issuance is not guaranteed.

Can I change my Kaplan location?

If you have not received your F-1 visa, you can change your Kaplan location. You must contact Kaplan to confirm the new location and a new I-20 will be mailed to you from the new location. Your original I-20 will be cancelled, so you should not use it at the U.S. Embassy or Port of Entry.

Can Kaplan change their decision?

In most cases, the government’s decision is final and there is little Kaplan can do to change their decision. Another alternative if you're having visa problems, is to try enroll in one of our online products which allow you to study for the USMLE from anywhere you’d like.
