how is a greater force generated (in terms of motor unit recruitment)? ” course hero

by Luther Wintheiser 4 min read

Are motor units recruited in order of size?

As a general rule, motor units are recruited in order of their size. When the muscle is activated initially, the first motor units to fire are small in size and weak in the degree of tension they can generate.

Why do larger motor units produce more force over time?

Larger motor units, which produce more force, are recruited later. This includes the fast fatigue resistant, and then the fast fatiguing fibers. Increase in force generation is proportional to threshold required to activated motor unit. Also, it takes longer to activate larger motor units, ensuring a graded contraction over time as well.

Which motor units are recruited first during a muscle contraction?

During a muscle contraction, the weakest motor units are recruited to contract first. Nice work! You just studied 6 terms! Now up your study game with Learn mode.

What is the definition of motor recruitment?

The process by which the number of active motor units in a given muscle are increased. During a muscle contraction, the weakest motor units are recruited to contract first. Nice work!

How is a greater force generated in terms of motor unit recruitment )?

Starting with the smallest motor units, progressively larger units are recruited with increasing strength of muscle contraction. The result is an orderly addition of sequentially larger and stronger motor units resulting in a smooth increase in muscle strength.

Why do larger motor units generate more force?

Larger motor units are typically composed of faster muscle fibers that generate higher forces.

How is greater muscle force generated in terms of motor unit recruitment quizlet?

The more weight (resistance) you add to a muscle, the more motor units you will need to recruit in order to generate movement. Recruitment stops as soon as movement starts, result is a smooth, even muscle contraction.

How is a greater muscle force generated?

The force generated by a muscle depends on the number of actin and myosin cross-bridges formed; a larger number of cross-bridges results in a larger amount of force.

How does the size of a motor unit relate to the force it generates?

The distribution of motor unit size is such that there is an inverse relationship between the number of motor units and the force each generates (i.e., the number of muscle fibers per motor unit). Thus, there are many small motor units and progressively fewer larger motor units.

How does the body recruit more motor units?

Starting with the smallest motor units, progressively larger units are recruited with increasing strength of muscle contraction. The result is an orderly addition of sequentially larger and stronger motor units resulting in a smooth increase in muscle strength.

Which motor unit produces more force when recruited quizlet?

Smaller motor units are recruited first, giving precise control. These small neurons also innervate the slow, fatigue-resistant fibers. Larger motor units, which produce more force, are recruited later.

What does the term motor unit recruitment mean quizlet?

Motor unit recruitment refers to. the number of motor units activated during a contraction. The type of overall muscle movement produced will depend on. the recruitment of different size units, different strength of units, and the quantity of the units.

How does motor unit recruitment work?

Motor unit recruitment is the process by which different motor units are activated to produce a given level and type of muscle contraction. At minimal levels of muscle contraction (innervation), muscle force is graded by changes in firing rate (rate coding) of individual motoneurons (MNs).

How is force generated?

Forces can be described as a push or pull on an object. They can be due to phenomena such as gravity, magnetism, or anything that might cause a mass to accelerate.

What factors affect muscle force generation?

The peak force and power output of a muscle depends upon numerous factors to include: (1) muscle and fiber size and length: (2) architecture, such as the angle and physical properties of the fiber-tendon attachment, and the fiber to muscle length ratio: (3) fiber type: (4) number of cross-bridges in parallel: (5) force ...

Which type of muscle contraction generates the most force?

Eccentric contraction Muscles are capable of generating greater forces under eccentric conditions than under either isometric or concentric contractions.