how hard is bu business course

by Eddie Kiehn II 10 min read

How hard is it to get a business major?

Sep 08, 2020 · Course Requirements: We’ve taken into consideration how much math and other advanced coursework is generally required in each business major. Study Time: All business majors will require you to work hard and study, but some require some more time because you need to master difficult concepts and practice their application. On the other hand, some …

How difficult is it to study business management?

This course will equip students with data analytics tools, skills, concepts, and techniques in accounting, finance, and economics to help them understand fundamental business issues. They will work with financial reporting and capital market datasets, and design and critique statistical analyses for financial decision-making.

What is it like to take classes at BU?

Chloe Forbes. , B.A. Mathematics, University of Calgary (2010) Answered 3 years ago · Author has 469 answers and 1.5M answer views. On the difficulty spectrum, a business major is probably more difficult than an English degree, but probably less difficult than an engineering degree.

How do I become a good business management student?

Course material surveys the minstrel tradition and its influence on popular entertainment. Effective Spring 2022, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Writing-Intensive Course, Aesthetic Exploration, Research and Information Literacy.

Is Boston University business School Hard?

BU is a challenging school. It is possible to skate by at BU but that's for a student who doesn't want to take advantage of all the opportunities available. There are really interesting, challenging classes for motivated students. Depending on your tract the work can be harder or easier.

Is BU business school good?

Questrom Undergraduate program rises to #27 in Poets & Quants Rankings. In the Poets & Quants for Undergrads 2020 ranking of the Top 97 undergraduate business programs, Boston University Questrom School of Business was again a top-ranked program, increasing its position up three places to 27th.

Is BU Questrom hard to get into?

Maintaining the same rank as last year, Questrom had an acceptance rate of 17.88%, an average SAT score of 1417, and an average high school GPA of 3.71. Those strong admissions standards and solid alumni survey scores buoyed the Questrom School to its top-30 finish for the third time in three years.Dec 5, 2016

What is special about BU business School?

The Boston University Questrom School of Business undergraduate program combines a global orientation, a broad grounding in all business functions, a choice of 15 specialization, with also a world-class liberal arts education.

Why is BU ranked so low?

At nearby Boston University, the school's low ranking is due to several similar factors – a lack of student confidence in administrative support for speech, a censorious campus culture, and restrictive written policies.Oct 13, 2021

What is BC acceptance rate?

26.4% (2020)Boston College / Acceptance rate

Is Questrom MBA good?

Questrom places 13th Globally, 11th in US, in New Best MBAs for Entrepreneurship Ranking. In its second-ever ranking of “Best MBA Programs for Entrepreneurship”, Poets & Quants, in partnership with Inc. Magazine, has placed the Questrom School of Business 13th worldwide, and 11th among schools in the United States.

What is the average GPA at BU?

Currently, the average GPA of a BU undergraduate is 3.04, with about 81 percent of all grades earned in either the A or B range.

What is Brandeis acceptance rate?

33.4% (2020)Brandeis University / Acceptance rateBrandeis University admissions is most selective with an acceptance rate of 34%. Half the applicants admitted to Brandeis University have an SAT score between 1320 and 1510 or an ACT score of 31 and 33.

Is Boston University better than Boston College?

Both are good, but if we go by rankings; Boston College is 35, Boston U is 42. BU is bigger with more schools but BC is higher ranked academically per US News & World Report 2020. Both are excellent universities. BU's campus is the city of Boston, and is within walking distance from downtown.

Is Boston University good for MBA?

Boston University (Questrom) is ranked No. 50 (tie) in Best Business Schools and No. 34 in Part-time MBA. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

What is BU business School ranked?

In the Poets & Quants for Undergrads 2021 ranking of the Top 93 undergraduate business programs in the United States, Boston University Questrom School of Business held onto its status as a top-ranked program, being named 27th overall.Feb 5, 2021

What is the topic for Spring 2020?

May be repeated for credit as topic varies. Topic for Spring 2020: Warfare in Africa: Antiquity, the Slave Trade, Imperialism, and Insurgency. How Africans have waged war through history, beginning with ancient Egypt and proceeding through the course of the building of states and Empires, to the military culture that underlay the slave trade. ...

What is the wire used for?

HBO's television series The Wire is used to explore politics and policy. A number of interdisciplinary topics are covered, including the war on drugs, urban elections, bureaucracy, rational choice theory, and the decline of American cities. Also offered as CAS PO 313.

Does listing a course description guarantee a course's being offered in a particular semester?

The listing of a course description here does not guarantee a course’s being offered in a particular semester. Please refer to the published schedule of classes on the Student Link for confirmation a class is actually being taught and for specific course meeting dates and times.

AMA: BBA Non-Coop Graduate working in Investment Banking in the U.S

Hey Y'all, saw a few of these going around and a lot of doomer posting about getting into Co-op. Thought I might be able to calm some nerves of some BBA hopefuls and lend advice to others who are interested in high finance jobs out of Laurier.

Pros and cons of a 4 month vs 8 month coop term?

If anyone could enlighten me from past experiences I would appreciate it.

Academic misconduct

Ok so a friend asked me to post this. She was falsely accused of cheating on an exam in lockdown browser. The reason for the accusation was that she looked at the corner of her screen multiple times during the final.
