how hard is architecture course

by Korbin Nicolas II 5 min read

Architecture is more difficult than many degrees as it involves thinking creatively and technically, covering a wide range of disciplines, including art, science, history, geography, and philosophy. Architecture is also an incredibly time-intensive course, with an average workload of 36.7 hours per week.

Full Answer

Is becoming an architect hard?

It's not an easy profession, an architecture career is a lot of work. Successful Architects have all made incredible sacrifices and worked extremely hard to get there.

Why is studying architecture so hard?

Architecture is very design heavy and problem-solving based. These things require deep thinking and critical thought. In a world filled with distractions it's becoming harder and harder to put your head down and just work on deep-thinking tasks.

Is architecture an easy career?

Are You Considering Becoming an Architect? Architecture is rough. It's definitely not a profession for everyone, or more accurately, everyone who thinks they should be an Architect. In fact, architecture can be more of a lifestyle than just a job or a profession.

Is the math hard in architecture?

Is math in architecture hard? In general, the math required for architecture is not that difficult. You'll need to do things like addition and multiplication, as well as constructing and solving equations; you won't need to pass an advanced calculus exam to work in the profession.

Does architecture have a lot of math?

Geometry, algebra, and trigonometry all play a crucial role in architectural design. Architects apply these math forms to plan their blueprints or initial sketch designs. They also calculate the probability of issues the construction team could run into as they bring the design vision to life in three dimensions.

Which is the hardest course in the world?

Explained: Toughest Courses in the WorldEngineering. Considered one of the toughest courses in the world, engineering students are required to have tactical skills, analytical skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. ... Chartered Accountancy. ... Medicine. ... Pharmacy. ... Architecture. ... Law. ... Psychology. ... Aeronautics.More items...

Do architects require math?

Architects must have a strong knowledge of mathematical principles, so they can effectively plan and design buildings and other structures. Students must take several math classes in college to obtain a degree in architecture.

Is architect a stressful job?

From the moment we attend our very first lecture to the peak of our careers, architects are plagued with stressful events that are unlike any other profession. Meeting deadlines, dealing with planning and fabricating the dreams of our clients, our job can be intense and extremely demanding.

Do architects get paid well?

The average pay scale of an architect at AHC ranges from 2 lac per annum to 9 lac per annum based on the experience. Payscale for a senior architect might vary from 4 lac per annum to 50 lac per annum based on experience. Over 200 employees are working for the firm.

Can I be an architect if I can't draw?

“I want to be an architect, but I can't draw. Doesn't everybody just do 3D modeling these days?” No, architects don't just do 3D modeling these days. And, no, you don't have to draw well to be an architect.

Do you need to be smart to be an architect?

They must possess a variety of qualities, most of which they must excel in. Architects need to have a strong understanding of all building disciplines, including structural, electrical and mechanical. This takes smarts. And while simply being smart does not make you a good architect, it does give you a good foundation.

Do architects have to be good at drawing?

You do not have to be good at drawing to study architecture. Drawing is an integral part of architecture school, but it doesn't matter if your drawings look bad.

Why is architecture so stressful?

With long journeys, pressing deadlines and the need to make informed decisions quickly, combined with potentially low wages and a quagmire of tricky working relationships and red-tape, architecture is conceived to be one of the most stressful professions.

Which is harder architecture or medicine?

Medicine is a much more difficult subject to study than architecture. Medical school is difficult because it requires students to learn a large amount of complex information over a long period of time (14 years), with theoretical and practical exams designed to eliminate all but the best students.

Is studying architecture worth it?

Yes it is worth as long as we are passionate enough to work hard for it. Architecture is an amazing field where you have opportunities to experiment and play around with your ideas. No other field gives you such flexibility.

Is engineering harder than architecture?

Yes, Architecture is harder to study than Engineering due to the enormous workload required at Architecture school. However, Engineer is maths, physics-based, so if you are not comfortable with these subjects you may find studying Engineering more difficult than studying Architecture.

How hard is it to learn to design?

You need to be able to visualize solutions to complex tasks from many points of view and understand the fact that there often is no one right answer. . From experience, I find that the most stressful parts of a project is not the tight deadlines, it is the design phase.

Why do people go to architecture school?

The main reason architecture school exists is for students to learn . Don’t stress about things that you don’t know how to do yet. Just like everything else you will get better in it.

What is architecture a combination of?

Architecture is really a broad field, it is a combination of design, structures, mathematics, sociology, economics and environmental studies. As a result, architects are often called jack of all trades as we have to know a little about everything.

Why do people leave architecture?

Often you will have to design and create from scratch. As a result, the majority of students who leave architecture leave in their early years. This might be because of them being suddenly dropped into a new environment that they cant adapt properly to. Many students also think that they are not suitable for architecture because they are not as good at drawing or designing.

What are the parameters to consider when choosing a building material?

For instance, when choosing the material for your building structure, you must consider the costs, aesthetic, buildability, social impact and a whole lot more of various parameters to obtain the optimal choice.

Is architecture a rocket science?

Architecture school can be quite gruelling. But the actual information taught isn’t exactly rocket science. In my opinion, architecture is less cognitively challenging than many of the other majors in college like computer science or engineering.

Is architecture easier for people?

Architecture is easier for people who are passionate.

How difficult is studying architecture?

There seems to be this stigma around architecture being really difficult to study – but why?

Why is architecture so hard?

Architecture is perceived as being hard because of how time intensive it is – this heavy requirement of a student’s time and lack of experience managing their own time creates sleepless nights, long days in the studio and a horrific amount of homework. Because there is no end to the work you do – as in – an architect’s work is never finished. There’s always something you can add, subtract, implement or change to your design. The only thing that puts an official stop to your work is the deadline, or due date.

How many hacks are there for Archi?

Get access to your FREE online architecture course! 70 Hacks for Archi Students

How to make architecture easier?

Manage your time and practice the skill of managing your time to make architecture easier. Secondly, deep thinking is another skill you can practice. It’s a really valuable skill to have and is becoming less and less common in people, architecture students specifically. Again, practice removing distractions, procrastination.

Why is an architect never finished?

Because there is no end to the work you do – as in – an architect’s work is never finished. There’s always something you can add, subtract, implement or change to your design. The only thing that puts an official stop to your work is the deadline, or due date.

Is architecture time consuming?

Firstly – architecture is time consuming. Secondly, it requires deep thinking. Thirdly, it requires having a balance of knowledge in different fields – being a jack of all trades. If you look at what all 3 of these things have in common – it’s about have balance, time management and the removal of procrastination.

Is architecture easy to learn?

In life, the more time you spend on something, typically, the better you’re going to be at it. As long as you are consciously practicing and putting in the effort to get better, architecture will be easy for you.

Is the studio a good place to socialize?

The studio is a great place to socialize and make friends. Spending time in the studios was one of my favorite parts of architecture school, and I am still good friends with a lot of the people I used to hang out with there 10 years later.

Is Architecture Too Difficult?

If you’re worried that you aren’t smart enough to study architecture – don’t be. Suppose you can get the necessary grades to be accepted into the university of your choice. In that case, you will be intelligent enough to complete the course. University is the highest level of education, so no subject will be a walk in the park.

How is being an architect difficult?

In this section, we’ll look in more detail at some of the reasons why being an architect can be tough.

How many years does it take to get an architecture degree?

In the US, UK and many other countries, an architecture degree takes at least seven years to complete (five in school and two on placements), whereas the average student spends just three or four years at university.

How long does it take to become an architect?

It can take the best part of a decade to qualify and get licensed; it’s a competitive field in which salaries can be low and hours long; and architects are affected by all kinds of stresses, from demanding clients to 6AM starts. But it’s also a deeply satisfying career; when Neutra described the long hours he worked, he was describing an all-consuming labor of love.

What is Archisoup?

archisoup is an online learning resource and platform for architecture students, young architects and enthusiasts. We provide the next and new generations of architects with opportunities to learn and evolve through shared expert knowledge, tutorials, guides and studio resources.

What is the responsibility of a licensed architect?

Licensed architects bear legal responsibility for the safety of their buildings, which is more than some people care to handle.

What skills do you need to design a building?

As well as the creative aptitude needed for designing buildings, you should have a solid understanding of math and physics; as well as the ability to do focused and solitary work for hours at a time, you should have the social skills to develop good relationships with clients and contractors.

Why is engineering so hard?

Others might argue that engineering is harder because it requires studying math in greater depth, and an understanding of structures like bridges and dams as well as buildings.

How long does it take to become an architect?

Architecture covers aesthetics, law, construction, environmentalism, technology, economics, psychology, finance and management. There is a reason it takes 6–7 years to become fully qualified, and then another 3 or so years to become basically competent.

What do you learn as a student?

There is a lot to learn. Just as it is in every field of life. First, as an student, you learn the basics, you create whatever you imagine, but, as an professional you are not at all free to design and build just anything. There are a lot of constraints and conditions which you need to take care of.

Is architecture an academic subject?

If you are talking about in a work environment, this is a very different experience to architecture as an academic subject. It becomes a lot more involved, with complex layering of requirements and interweaving of responsibilities from design and drawing, through to managing large contracts, dealing with contractors on site, managing clients expectations, and often working to very tight deadlines.

Is architecture a theory?

Architecture as a course has a lot of practical and technical work and less of theory. Well at times you have a lot of pressure and you don't

Is architecture difficult to learn?

At student level I would argue architecture is not particularly difficult, although it depends how easy you find it to gel with the mindset of the specific school you are part of (and the tutors you are working with). The work itself is subjective.

Should I go to architecture school?

So, If you are planning to take on Architecture as your career, I would suggest, join a good school, where they provide practical knowledge. You really can't depend on faculties. You have to consult your seniors as it was in my college. We learnt a lot from them. We work for them, during their thesis, their semester works. We worked for them. We got slapped. That's how you learn.

Is it easy to learn architecture?

Yea,architecture is easy if you want to learn architecture by the bottom of your heart. but in architecture you have more creative and More hard working in compare to engineering,bsc,commerce, etc. because in architecture you are not only designing you're making a society.

What do you need to know before you graduate from architecture school?

There are many topics and courses that architecture students must master and put together into practice before they can graduate from architecture school. The entire point of architecture school is to ensure that once you graduate, you are fully capable of handling the strenuous workload that the profession will require of you.

What is architecture school?

Architecture school is all about foundations, no pun intended. The curriculum is designed to give students the fundamentals and build upon there. The course of architecture is so interlinked that to miss one subject would make you have to wait a whole semester or even an entire year just to catch up.

What are the elements that keep a building up?

Foundations, walls, slabs, columns, etc. are the elements that keep a building up. The architect must know how a building is built in order to plan accordingly and to communicate with the contractor properly.

What is design class?

Design classes are meant to incorporate each category into building design. Design isn’t just making a building look pretty, contrary to popular belief. Instead, it’s supposed to be a compilation of different creative solutions.

What is the decision of an architect?

The important decisions, however, need to be well backed up by research. Just like how a doctor does their research before diagnosing a client, the architect must do research before arriving at a sound decision.

Is house building the hardest part of the construction process?

The construction process in house-building is the lengthiest, most expensive , and hardest part of the project to execute properly. There’s often a running joke that no building is ever built perfectly to the plans, which is inevitable due to the endless factors that come up throughout months of construction.

Does architecture require planning?

Planning might sound weird as its own category; however, everything in architecture requires planning. The whole profession is fundamentally based on creating a plan for a building. And to make a good plan, you have to know what the context of a building is really in.

How long does it take to become an architect?

This generally takes 5-10 years out of college.

What is the harsh reality of being an architect?

The harsh reality of becoming an architect is that you spend many years in college being your own Starchitect (Star Architect) in your imaginary academic bubble. Student’s design all types of buildings, make all types of executive decisions, and never really face the harsh realities of business, codes, constructability, and the public.

What is the book inside Architecture and Design?

Another excellent resource I love to recommend is the book inside: Architecture and Design: A guide to the practice of architecture (what they don't teach you in architecture school) By Ryan Hansanuwat. This book is for recent architecture graduates or people trying to find a job in the profession of architecture. It outlines how to find a job in architecture and the inner workings of most architecture firms. It's an excellent read for people who are serious about becoming an architect!

What is the responsibility of an architect?

Architects carry a tremendous responsibility for protecting the health, safety and welfare of the public. Identifying yourself as an Architect should be protected similarly to calling yourself a Doctor, Lawyer or a Police Officer. 8. You will spend more time thinking like a Lawyer, than an Architect.

Why do architects write "not to be a wet blanket"?

My intention is to share some of the harsh realities that many people experience. By keeping keen awareness of the dark side, you can be 2 steps ahead of what many Architects encounter.

Is architecture a profession?

Architecture is rough. It’s definitely not a profession for everyone or more accurately everyone who thinks they should be an Architect. In fact, architecture can be more of a lifestyle than just a job or a profession. Unfortunately in many situations the cards often aren’t stacked in the Architects favor. Last week I gave you 10 reasons on why YOU ...

Is it illegal to be an architect?

It is actually illegal in the United States to call yourself an Architect, until you have met all the requirements and passed the Architect Registration Exam. After college can call yourself a: Designer, Architectural (fill in the blank), anything flies, as long as it is not “Architect”.

What is the problem with architecture?

The problem with architecture is that has had tough times, more than other career have had.

Why is architecture the most negative career?

I think architecture is the career with most negative people because none of the architect want to see a change in their career. The problem is not economy. The problem is architect's mentality. It is impossible to progress in a career if people always think that way. All architects say the same " Oh, architecture does not pay well." Of course, architecture is never going to progress with people like that.

Why do architects need to revive the profession?

They need involvements in business. They need to revive the profession because there is no business in architecture.

Why is architecture a fiasco?

Architecture is economically fiasco because architects do not want to do something else to become bigger. They just want stay conservatively.

How much does an architect make?

According to this, the average architect's salary of $62,600 puts them in the top 1% for incomes in the world. Sorry, le bossman. Architects, especially ones not self-employed, have some of the highest salaries in the workforce.

Do architects need to value their time?

You are right ! Architects need to value their time more. I think with too much passion many architects tend to doing thing for free or at low fees. Putting too much time and effort without pushing back is devaluing the profession.

Do architects think they will never be well paid?

That is the problem with architects that All of architects think that they will never be well paid. Of course, if they think that way. They're never gonna change that. Architects need optimism that they can change.


Architecture Covers Many Disciplines

Why Is Architecture Such A time-consuming Degree?

  • One of the main reasons people consider architecture to be one of the most difficult degrees is the amount of time architecture students spend working. From my experience, this is definitely true – but this shouldn’t put you off. Unlike other degrees, architecture students don’t spend all their time reading or sitting behind a computer writing essays. Some of the most time-consumin…
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How to Spend Less Time Working

  • Spend Time With People Who Don’t Study Architecture
    It’s great to spend time in the architecture studios and share ideas with your fellow students, but it’s also good to have a change of scene. In your first year, it is common that you will be living with people who study different subjects. These people are essential as they can be a welcome distr…
  • Just Because You’re in The Studio Doesn’t Mean You’re Working
    The studio is a great place to socialize and make friends. Spending time in the studios was one of my favorite parts of architecture school, and I am still good friends with a lot of the people I used to hang out with there 10 years later. But beware… this can also make it a distracting place som…
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Is Architecture Too Difficult?

  • If you’re worried that you aren’t smart enough to study architecture – don’t be. Suppose you can get the necessary grades to be accepted into the university of your choice. In that case, you will be intelligent enough to complete the course. University is the highest level of education, so no subject will be a walk in the park. The more important q...
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in Short – Is Being An Architect Hard?

  • In short – yes! Architecture students spend more time and money on their trainingthan almost any other profession. After graduation, competition for jobs is fierce and young architects often find themselves doing years of menial work for low pay, putting in much longer hours than they’d like. And things don’t always get better higher up the ladder:...
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How Is Being An Architect Difficult?

  • In this section, we’ll look in more detail at some of the reasons why being an architect can be tough.
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Are Architects Always Stressed?

  • Not always, but often. All kinds of things cause architects stress, from the relatively minor (computers crashing) to the terrifyingly major (discovering, too late, a structural problem with a building you’ve designed). For more information on some common stressors in the profession, you might like to read our article Is Being an Architect Stressful?
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Quiz: Should I Be An Architect?

  • So do you have what it takes to be an architect? Try our quick quiz to find out! Read each of the statements below and decide how strongly you agree, with ‘1’ indicating the strongest agreement and ‘5’ indicating the strongest disagreement. Answer as truthfully as you can. At the end, if you find that you’ve selected 1 or 2 for most of the statements, there’s a good chance you could mak…
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  • Is a degree in architecture hard?
    It’s certainly not easy, but whether it’s hard really depends on what you’re good at and what you enjoy. Student architects should be as comfortable with math and science as with designing and drawing, and this is a combination of skills not found in many people. However, you don’t have t…
  • Do architects get paid well?
    This also depends – primarily on your qualifications, your experience, where you’re based, and the kind of firm you work for. The take-home: being fully licensed, at least halfway through your career, and working in a major city is likely to push up your earnings considerably. If you’re base…
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  • There’s no doubt that architecture is hard. It can take the best part of a decade to qualify and get licensed; it’s a competitive field in which salaries can be low and hours long; and architects are affected by all kinds of stresses, from demanding clients to 6AM starts. But it’s also a deeply satisfying career; when Neutra described the long hours he worked, he was describing an all-con…
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