how hard is ap comp science as the first computer course

by Luther Bode 6 min read

AP Computer Science Principles is rated as the easiest AP class by real AP class alumnae, with an average difficulty rating of just 2.8 / 10 (1 = easiest), though the 2021 pass rate of 67% is not especially high.

AP Computer Science is a great class for anyone who has good logic skills and some good math skills to back it up. It is pretty difficult at first but then one day everything just clicks.

Full Answer

How hard is AP Computer Science a?

Nearly 27% of students who took this exam scored a 5, while only 13.8 % of students who took AP Computer Science Principles earned a 5. According to the data and overview of the AP courses, Computer Science A is not as hard to earn the highest score, but it is certainly a …

How do students score on the AP Computer Science Principles exam?

Nope, AP Computer Science A is most definitely NOT significantly harder without having taken AP Computer Science Principles. And I highly recommend anyone who wants to take a computer science class to first take AP Computer Science. AP Comp Sci Principles is not a pre-requisite, because AP Comp Sci A is an introductory class.

What is the easiest AP class to take?

Apr 06, 2022 · AP Computer Science Principles is rated as the easiest AP class by real AP class alumnae, with an average difficulty rating of just 2.8 / 10 (1 = easiest), though the 2021 pass rate of 67% is not especially high.

How do I prepare for AP Computer Science a?

Aug 26, 2013 · Do the assignments your teacher gives. And that class should be easily manageable. AP comp sci is definitely not the hardest AP’s, like Chem/bio/physics, but it’s actually useful.


Getting a 5 requires a good knowledge of java and the ap subset. Barrons book + a good teacher should ensure success in the class regardless of your ...

Is AP Computer Science A hard for beginners?

AP Computer Science Principles is rated as the easiest AP class by real AP class alumnae, with an average difficulty rating of just 2.8 / 10 (1 = easiest), though the 2021 pass rate of 67% is not especially high.

Is AP Computer Science good for beginners?

You don't need an advanced understanding of coding; AP CSP is an introductory-level course meant for all students. A school year studying computer science will help you learn and grow by applying your ideas to create real solutions.

Is AP Computer Science hard with no previous experience?

Is Ap Computer Science Hard With No Previous Experience? The AP Computer Science A course is designed for students who are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of Java programming; however, students with no prior experience can also benefit from the course.

Is it worth taking AP Computer Science?

AP Computer Science A is ideal for individuals who wish to pursue a career in areas like engineering, software development and web design. It is a great choice for students who plan to pursue a college major in computer science.Feb 24, 2020

Is computer science hard?

Is computer science a hard major? CS has earned a reputation as a challenging major. And earning a degree in computer science does test students. Majors need strong technical skills, the ability to learn multiple programming languages, and exceptional analytical and problem-solving abilities.Oct 6, 2021

What is the easiest AP class?

Top 10 Easiest AP Classes by Exam Pass RateSpanish Literature. 75.1% 17.6%Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism. 74.4% 40.4%Physics 2. 73.3% 14.0%Computer Science Principles. 71.6% 10.9%Psychology. 71.3% 22.4%Computer Science A. 70.4% 25.6%Comparative Government and Politics. 70.2% 24.4%Music Theory.More items...•Aug 31, 2021

Is AP Computer Science A hard class?

AP Computer Science A, also known as Java, is the most unique class that can be taken at Memorial. While it is not a “Hard” class, it does take a unique set of abilities. The students should be able to think in the abstract.

What is the hardest AP class?

AP Physics 1 is considered one of the hardest AP classes, covering topics like Newtonian mechanics and electrical charge and force. Students also spend about 25% of their class time performing college-level lab experiments and writing reports.Aug 31, 2021

Does AP Comp Sci have math?

AP Computer Science is classified as a math course by CVUSD and in the UC a-g listing it is classified as a Math Elective. However, you should consider taking another math class simultaneously if you have not completed at least Math Analysis.

What is AP Computer Science A equivalent to?

first-semester introductory college computing courseAP Computer Science Principles is designed to be equivalent to a first-semester introductory college computing course. Colleges and universities make individual decisions on their credit and placement policies, which vary from institution to institution.

How do I pass the AP Computer Science exam?

AP Computer Science A Exam TipsRead the questions carefully. The questions are usually presented in three ways: a paragraph, through code, or with an example. ... Keep an eye on your time. ... Try to solve all parts of a question. ... Be organized and clear in your programming. ... Only use classes given to you for the exam. ... Practice!

Do colleges accept AP Computer Science A?

Over 950 colleges and universities offer credit and placement for AP CSP. The College Board is actively working with institutions to develop and publish their credit and placement policies for AP CSP.

What are the hardest AP classes?

The hardest AP classes to self-study: are Chemistry, and Physics C – Electricity and Magnetism . These are also rated among the hardest and most time-consuming AP exams, so taking these on as self-study is not to be taken lightly – good luck! Whatever you’re studying, wishing you every success in your AP exams!

What are the easiest AP classes to self study?

The easiest AP classes to self-study are: Computer Science Principles, Psychology and Environmental Science. These are also rated as the easiest and least time-consuming AP classes overall, so you should be OK.

Is physics more time consuming than other classes?

Some reviewers found Physics was relatively less time-consuming than other courses . From my experience, harder physics courses such as the AP exams tend to split classes into two halves: those that “get it” relatively quickly, and those that have to persevere and sweat a bit to figure out what’s going on.

What material does AP Computer Science Principles cover?

Computer Science Principles is very much a “big picture” overview of the CS universe. Unlike with Comp Sci A, teachers have the freedom to choose the programming language they utilize. Ultimately, the exam covers the following:

What material does AP Computer Science A cover?

AP Computer Science A is designed to cover the equivalent of a one-semester introductory college course. The primary focus is on computing skills related to programming in Java. Ultimately, students are tested on the following in the multiple-choice section:

How do students score on the AP Computer Science Principles exam?

In 2020, only 10.9% of test-takers nailed down a “5” on the AP Computer Science Principles exam; 23.6% earned a “4,” 37.1% earned a “3,” 19.8% earned a “2,” and 8.6% scored only a “1.” The previous year, there were only 234 students worldwide who got every single question correct.

How do students score on the AP Computer Science A exam?

Interestingly, a greater percentage of students score better on the more difficult Comp Sci A test.

Who should take AP Computer Science Principles?

Those with limited-to-no coding experience can take this course without fear. Sometimes students elect to take APCSP early in their high school career since the level of math required is nothing beyond a foray into basic algebra.

Who should take Computer Science A?

Students should have exceled in an Algebra II course and/or have experience with coding prior to enrolling in this class. APCSA is course that anyone considering a future in the engineering, design, or software development realms should absolutely take during high school.

Should I take both courses?

According to the College Board, these courses “can be taken in any order.” If you have extensive coding experience, this is probably solid advice. If not, we would recommend starting with APCSP and then, if you enjoy this overview, continuing into APSCA in a later semester/year.