how fast is the ecx torment 1:24 4wd short course truck

by Tracy Moen 6 min read

10-15 mph

What's needed to complete the Torment 4x4?

What’s Needed To Complete: Absolutely nothing, the Torment 4×4 has everything you need right in the box.

What is a 4WD Torment?

BigSquid Rating: B- The 4wd Torment is a tail of two trucks. For newer drivers who are not yet capable of handling big power, it is spot on. It’s handling and power output are perfectly tailored to a first time user. It is tough too, we handed it over to multiple first time drivers without it coming back broken. However, the soft power that makes it so good for noobs leaves more experienced drivers looking for more spank. Overall? A solid truck, easy to learn on for noobs, and easily upgraded for those looking to really go fast.

Why do Torment bikes have wires?

Why? We have no idea. In theory they are there to keep from the arms from popping off the front hubs, but we never found that a problem, even with the wires removed.

Is Torment 4WD good for grass?

Grass: The 4wd Torment has the platform to get around well, it’s 4wd and the stock tires work well in grass, but it comes up short on power to blow through taller grass sections. In short grass life is good, when it gets taller it simply doesn’t have the yank to plow through.

Is the ECX a new brand?

ECX, while still a relatively “new” brand, has made quite the splash in the bashing market. Their original 2wd Torment short course truck proved to be a capable bash machine, as well as several other vehicles in their line-up. We’ve been driving one of their new 4wd Torment RTR SCTs for a few weeks to see how it stacks up. Is the 4wd worth the extra cash? How does it stack up to one of the toughest fields in all of rc (4wd SCT)? Can the new 4wd platform take a hit without breaking? Hit the “Read More” to find out…

Does Torment 4WD need a lot of input?

Jumping: The Torment 4wd likes to fly neutral, and typically doesn’t need much input to level out in the air. This is a good trait to have as it doesn’t have much excess rpm on tap to help pull the nose up during an endo. The general geometry of the truck and stock shock settings work well for jumping on the ECX, even on really big hucks.

Does Torment work in rough sections?

Bumps/Whoops: The stock set-up of the Torment works well in rough sections. It doesn’t bounce around too much, it just seems to soak everything up and keep on trucking forward. You can pound a section of large dirt clods and it doesn’t really get out of shape, and on a track it just blows through rough braking bumps.

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Product description

The 1/18-scale Torment™ from ECX; builds on the legacy of the bigger, 1/10-scale version and packs in all the short course fun and action you love into a smaller package.

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