Motorists are usually not required to take a course if they only receive a minor traffic violation. However, some are given the option by their county court if they wish to have a charged dismissed. An Arizona court will approve residents to complete a defensive driving course if they: Only have one violation to dismiss.
One of the purposes of the defensive driving program is to reduce court caseloads. You must complete a defensive driving school at least 7 days before a hearing is scheduled. What if I can’t attend during the time allowed by the court?
State courts allow eligible and mandated motorists to complete a class either online or in person. Although, a judge can restrict a resident to an in-person course. Furthermore, residents who receive a minor traffic citation can register for a defensive driving course.
Your violation must be on the list of eligible violations. Click here to view the list . If eligible, you can attend to have only one violation dismissed. If you were involved in a serious injury accident or fatal accident, you are not eligible. If you hold a commercial driver license you may be eligible for the defensive driving program.
The Arizona Supreme Court requires that the entire Arizona driving school course (including final exam) must be completed seven (7) calendar days prior to your court appearance due date. Failure to do so will result in an expulsion from the program without a refund.
4 to 4 1/2 hoursOnline Defensive Driving Course The course is timed and will take 4 to 4 1/2 hours to complete and can be taken from the leisure of your home or office 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
every 12 monthsHow often am I allowed to take this course for traffic violations? Previously, Arizona drivers were allowed to take a defensive driving course once every 24 months to have a citation dismissed. As of 7/3/2015, a new law enacted allows drivers to take this course for one violation every 12 months.
Course Fee: $29. 95. AZ State Fee: $24. AZ State Surcharge: $45.
Full List Of All Online Defensive Driving Courses In ArizonaI Drive Safely(800) 723-1955Easy Peasy Defensive Driving ONLINE(480) 442-9567National Traffic Safety Institute(800) 726-6874RIGHT TURN Easy Online Traffic School(602) 883-8894Roadrunner Traffic School(623) 398-6590205 more rows
4-hourThe Arizona Defensive Driving course meets the state-mandated 4-hour length requirement. You may work through those 4 hours all in one day if you choose, or you may spread it out over a longer period of time.
In Arizona, criminal speeding has the same amount of points as a civil speeding ticket (3pts). You will be ordered to attend traffic school if you receive 8 traffic points in a 12 month period.
You can take the course all at once or in bits and pieces. You will be able to log in and out as many times as want - the course will remember where you left off. The course is divided into sixteen (16) units. There are three multiple-choice review quizzes.
How long does a speeding ticket stay on your record?StateHow long a speeding ticket stays on your recordArizona1 yearArkansas3 yearsCalifornia3 years and 3 months (39 months)ColoradoCan reduce points, but incident is permanent on record46 more rows•Jul 27, 2021
Eligibility Requirements for Taking a Defensive Driving Course:You have not attended a Defensive Driving course for an eligible traffic citation issued within the past 12 months. ... Your violation must be on the list of eligible violations. ... If eligible, you can attend to have only one violation dismissed.More items...
#1 Defensive Driving Course ProviderIDriveSafely is one of the oldest defensive driving brands in the business. ... has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). ... Take an IDriveSafely Course.Take a Course.Take a MyImprov Course.Take ApprovedCourse Defensive Driving.More items...•
3 pointHow many points is criminal speeding? Both criminal speeding and civil speeding violations are 3 point violations, but they are reported to the motor vehicle department based upon the violation code.
Enrollment in an Arizona defensive driving school involves first receiving approval or court order from a county judge. Motorists seeking to attend a program must find an accepted school online or in person for themselves.
For example, those in drivers ed are new, unlicensed motorists while defensive driving course students are those who are experienced but have received a citation.
This class can be completed either online or in a classroom and is four hours long .
Some of these benefits include ticket dismissal, a decreased car insurance rate and fulfillment of a court order. However, not all motorists qualify to participate in a defensive driving course. For instance, only residents who commit certain minor moving violations, among other requirements, may be awarded a ticket dismissal.
However, these drivers are required to attend a specific DMV traffic school in Arizona called Traffic Survival School . This type of course focuses on the factors and behaviors associated with major moving violations.
Companies that do offer a car insurance discount usually have specific requirements. Often, this discount is limited to motorists who are 55 years of age and older . They must register for driver improvement course voluntarily and for the purpose of reducing their insurance, not dismiss a ticket.
An online program called iDriveSafely is an option for residents seeking an easy and convenient way to complete their course. Motorists are even able to use their mobile devices to access the class as long as they have a connection to the internet.
You must meet all of the following requirements to attend an Arizona defensive driving school:
When it comes to completion of a defensive driving school, Arizona makes it very simple. There are only 4 easy steps:
Taking an Arizona defensive driving course is the best choice you can make after you receive a traffic ticket. Completing the course will:
In any defensive driving school, Arizona has a set curriculum to ensure that you learn the lessons you need to in order to improve your safe driving skills. In an Arizona defensive driving course, you will learn about:
If you're ready to dismiss your traffic ticket and learn to be a better driver, all that's left to do is Sign Up for our defensive driving school. Arizona drivers will benefit from our course even if they haven't recently received a traffic ticket.
What is defensive driving? In Arizona, defensive driving is not the same as Traffic Survival School. Traffic Survival School is designed for motorists with serious violations or excessive points on their driving record. Defensive driving, also known as the Diversion Attendance Course, is for motorists who received a traffic citation in Arizona ...
But, according to the Arizona Supreme Court, you may not do both. If you decide to attend defensive driving, it must be at least 7 days before the hearing is scheduled.
In addition, those driving a commercial vehicle requiring a commercial driver's license are also not eligible. . You must complete your course at least 7 days prior to your court date. I received an Arizona ticket, but I live in a different state.
You may contact us on this line by calling (602) 452-3545. If you call, ask to speak with a representative of the Defensive Driving Program in the Certification and Licensing Division.
No, you may go to court or you may attend a defensive driving school, not both. One of the purposes of the defensive driving program is to reduce court caseloads. You must complete a defensive driving school at least 7 days before a hearing is scheduled.
After successful completion of an Arizona-certified defensive driving program, the court is required to forward the record of judgement to Arizona Motor Vehicle Division, however no points are assessed to the driver’s record.
The state of Arizona requires you to complete your defensive driving course at least seven days prior to your court/arraignment date. If you are within seven days or your court date has already passed, please contact your court right away for an extension.
By taking defensive driving, you prevent points from going on your driving record, and your insurance rates will not be affected. You will also learn valuable information about defensive driving and other driving techniques to keep you safe on the road.
Click Here for more information on A.R.S.28-3392. You must complete your course no later than 7 days prior to your court/arraignment date.
Your course MUST be completed no later than 7 days prior to your court date. If you are within 7 days, you will need to contact your court for an extension. If you already received an extension, please call our office or send an email with your extension form or verbal extension date.
The state of Arizona requires you to provide a copy of your citation and government issued ID to the defensive driving school. You will also need to send any paperwork you received from your court (extension form, court order form, etc.). The documents must be legible for us to review them.
No. Defensive Driving is taken to dismiss a ticket. Traffic Survival School does not remove any points from your driving record. It is typically taken for more serious infractions and can only be taken in person, not online.
The state of Arizona requires all defensive driving schools to collect a copy of your citation and driver’s license to verify your case information and eligibility. We cannot allow you to take the course without these documents. If you lost your citation, you can contact your court for another copy.