how does white fang change over the course of this novel? explain the factors that shape him.

by Violette Stamm 3 min read

Why does White Fang go without a fight?

White Fang goes a long while without a fight because the betting men believe White Fang to be unbeatable. Then one day a... Read More. Part 4, Chapter 19. Weedon Scott does what he can to heal White Fang's wounds. He and his friend, Matt, a dog-musher, go back and forth betw... Read More. Part 4, Chapter 20.

What is the cub's instinct?

The cub begins developing the "instinct of fear," which he understands to be a "restriction" of life, much like hunger. ... Read More. Part 2, Chapter 8. Every day, the cub ventures from his cave and explores the world around him. He learned a lot during his first excursion...

What is the study guide for Jack London's White Fang?

This study guide and infographic for Jack London's White Fang offer summary and analysis on themes, symbols, and other literary devices found in the text. Explore Course Hero's library of literature materials, including documents and Q&A pairs.

Who is the narrator in White Fang?

Perspective and Narrator. White Fang is narrated by a third-person narrator with limited omniscience. For the majority of the novel, the narrator follows White Fang's perspective, which allows London to personify White Fang without making him a speaking character.